
A Cleaner more efficiant car

  • My Journey Starts

    My Journey Starts
    I get my knowledge of cars from my dad, by heping him in the shop. This will help in desighn and creation of the car. I plan on going to tech school and getting a better edgucation.
  • Setting it up

    Setting it up
    I Get a small company working on it and a steady flow of funds for the operation I will have hired staff to help with design details and testing.
  • The Right Desighn

    The Right Desighn
    I plan to have the disighn for the car choosen and ready for building by this date. I will have the types of metals or fiberglass I plan to use choosen for specific parts and we will create our first model.
  • engine desighn

    engine desighn
    We will probably base ours off the same hydrogen technology as the oneToyota built. The differnce will be how and where we use it. I plan to put in a and smoother engine because of the simple fact theres is a mess with wires everywhere.
  • finnish interior

    finnish interior
    I plan on the intirior being all leather with the latest touch screen technology. The color of the Interior will be based of the color of the car.
  • The first complete model

    The first complete model
    The first complete model shood come out on the day. It will go through safty check and eficiancy testing. Then if and only if it passes will start mass producing at a later date.
  • fuel up stations

    fuel up stations
    I want to sell the cars in more places so I decide to build more places where people can buy the fuel. This will help increase sales and that means there are more people driving eco friendly cars.
  • PLanned Date finnished

    PLanned Date finnished
    This is the planned date to have the car completed and road ready. The car is planned to be fuel efficiant and affordable. This means making it out of the right matirials.
  • Mass Production Starts

    Mass Production Starts
    This is the day that the cars will be spread to dealers across the nation. The cars will be sold anywhere that people can get the fuel for it. For now it will only be in the US but might spread over time.
  • Models go to dealers around the world

    Models go to dealers around the world
    Aftert the car gets popular it starts to spread around the lobe. It we first start supplying to europe, and then it spreads to the UK and continues t spread.