A christmas carol (1910).webm

A Christmas Carol

  • Fezziwegs Interaction

    Fezziwegs Interaction
    It is Christmas eve in blank and Fezziwig is with Dick Wilkins are in the streets and are putting up shutter, and the sight makes Scrooge happy. "Lets have those Shutters up,'' " They charged into the the streets with the Shutters-one,two,three-had 'em in their places."(Dickens 34-35) IDA
  • Marley's Ghost

    Marley's Ghost
    Jacob Marley's Ghost came to Scrooge and tells him to change. "Jacob, Old Jacob Marley, Tell me more. Speak comfort to me, Jacob!" IDS (Dickens 23)
  • Ghost of Christmas Present

    Ghost of Christmas Present
    The Cratchit family is effected by Scrooge because he doesn't earn that much money. "Said she,' On which one drinks the health of such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man as mr. Scrooge." (Dickens 52) IDE
  • Christmas Present Features

    Christmas Present Features
    The Ghost of Christmas Present came to Scrooge and he had a green robe. "It was clothed with one simple deep green robe, or mantle bordered with white fur." (Dickens 45)IDL
  • Second of the 3 Spirits

    Second of the 3 Spirits
    "And sitting up in bed to get his thought together, Scrooge had no occasion to be told that the bell was again upon the Stroke of one." Hi is thinking what is going to happen for waking up again. (Dickens 43) IDT
  • Scrooge realizes its Christmas Day

    Scrooge realizes its Christmas Day
    "To-Day!' Replied the boy 'Why its Christmas Day!' Its Christmas day!' Scrooge says to himself." He realizes he need to do something for the Cratchits.(Dickens 76) IDS
  • Scrooge is Happy and Energetic

    Scrooge is Happy and Energetic
    'Heavenly sky; sweet fresh air; merry bells. Oh, Glorious!' He is very happy(Dickens 76) IDT
  • Scrooge is Joyful

    Scrooge is Joyful
    "It thrilled him with a vague..." On Christmas day 1843 Scrooge is going through the streets Joyful.(Dickens 62) IDT
  • Scrooge gets Cratchetts Turkey

    Scrooge gets Cratchetts Turkey
    "And send it to Bob Cratchit.' Said Scrooge" He send the Cratchit Family a Turkey for Christmas.(Dickens 77)IDA
  • Scrooge decides he will be a good man

    Scrooge decides he will be a good man
    "I will live by the past, the present and the future!" He knows his mistake and is going to be better now.(Dickens 75) IDS