8A Camilacomputers

  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles Babbage was a mathematician of British origin born in Teignmouth England on December 26, 1791. Specialist in the area of ​​mathematics and computation, he was known for designing and creating the differential machine and designing the analytical machine to generate Computer programs that represent the bases for the creation of computers. Lovelace help him to invent the analytical machine. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/babbage_charles.shtml
  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Ada Lovelace was a pioneer in the field of computer programming born in December 10,of 1815. She love mathematics and science. Worked with Charles Babbage, the father of computers,she was the first programmer of the history, publish some notes of the analytical machine of babbage,also made contributions to this research. She interpreted the ideas of the Babbage and described a programming language That contributed the history of computing. https://www.famousscientists.org/ada-lovelace/
  • First mechanical computer

     First mechanical computer
    In 1821, the inventor and mathematician Charles Babbage, began the Design of the Differential Machine,it considered the first machine capable of calculating polynomial functions used in general mathematical and engineering applications. But it was until 2002 that the first difference machine was successfully built in England. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhDMi-eLizQ
  • IBM

    IBM was created on June 15, 1911 in Binghamton as a result of the merger of its company, the Tabulating Machine Company founded by Herman Hollerith, with Computing Scale Corporation and International Time Recording Company. The merged company was called Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation (CTR), but changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    He was a pioneer of computer science and artificial intelligence, he was one of the fathers of today's computer science. Born in 1912 he development a model that wrote the operation of computers before there was the technology that could build them, also invent the enigma code, the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) that was an early electronic stored-program computer, Banburismus that was a cryptanalytic process and others. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Alan-Turing
  • Enigma Machine

    Enigma Machine
    The Enigma Machine was an electromechanical device, that had an electrical and a mechanical part, it consisted of a series of keys, with the letters of the alphabet, like a typewriter, which were actually switches that operated the electrical devices and made rotating cylinders which allowed it to be used both to encrypt and to decrypt messages, was created by the German engineer Arthur Scherbius. In 1930 the German military use it. https://learncryptography.com/history/the-enigma-machine
  • First Robot

    First Robot
    ELEKTRO, was the nickname of the first robot in history. Which was created in Pittsburgh, Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Elektro is two meters tall, weighs 265 pounds (120 kg approx.), Could walk by voice command and say 700 words. His body consisted of a steel gear and his skeleton of cams, his eyes could distinguish red and green light.
  • 1st computer

    1st computer
    Was introduced in 1946 with the name ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) It was builded for United States military to calculate the paths of artillery shells. It weight more than 27,000 kilograms and to process data it used 18,000 vacuum tubes, each the size of a little light bulb. The vacuum tubes usually burn and had to be replaced. https://www.britannica.com/technology/ENIAC
  • Digital computer

    Digital computer
    John Presper Eckert, is considered the inventor of the first digital electronic computer. He and his friend John Mauchly designed in 1945 the gigantic Eniac computer, which weighed about 30 tons. Some time later, Ecker and Mauchly created a company that was the predecessor of the current Unisys Corporation. https://www.zdnet.com/article/eniac-first-computer-makes-history/
  • Programming Lenguage

    Programming Lenguage
    FORTRAN was the first high level programming language that means (TRANslating FORM).It was created by a team of IBM researchers in the 1950s. The team was headed by John W. Backus. He was looking for a programming language that looked like human language.Fortran started as a digital code for the IBM 701 and was originally named Speedcoding (accelerator code).
  • First Operating System

    First Operating System
    The first operating system used for work was GM-NAA I/O, produced in 1956 by General Motors' Research division for its IBM 704. GM-NAA I/O was created in 1956 by Robert L. Patrick of General Motors Research and Owen Mock of North American Aviation.ts main function was to automatically execute a new program once you were running a terminal.
  • Satellites

    the first satellite the Sputnik ,was created by the Soviet Union and was created to measure the temperature in the interior and the earth's surface and transmit it to the earth, it allows to obtain information about the density of the layers of the atmosphere and served to propagate the radio waves in the ionosphere, was released on October 4, 1957. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw57VErRjA8
  • Integrated Circuit

    Integrated Circuit
    The first Integrated Circuit was developed in 1958 by Engineer Jack St. Clair Kilby, just months after being hired by Texas Instruments. The circuit was made on a square tablet of germanium (Ge), a metallic and crystalline chemical element, which measured six millimeters per side and contained only one transistor, three resistors and a capacitor.
  • First Desktop Computer

    First Desktop Computer
    In 1964, the first desktop computer, the Programma 101, was unveiled to the public at the New York World's Fair. It was invented by Pier Giorgio Perotto and manufactured by Olivetti.Its construction was based on discrete components with transistors being the most important of them. In that same decade, the computer equipment was of a considerable size and was oriented to very specialized users.
  • Processor

    On November 15, 1971, Intel with the help of Ted Hoff introduced the first microprocessor, the Intel 4004. The 4004 had 2,300 transistors, performed 60,000 operations per second (OPS), addressed 640 bytes of memory, and cost $200.00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJM9n3UdWbo
  • Console

    In 1972, the first desktop game console was launched by the Magnavox electronic company, Magnavox Odyssey, created by Ralph Baer, ​​considered the father of video games.The Odyssey had a moderate success, however, with the launch of the game arcade Pong de Atari, the video games start to became famous.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft was founded on April 4, 1975, and was created by Bill Gates and Paulallen who in January 1975, read an article on the Altair 8800 microcomputer. He showed the article to Bill, who called MITS, the manufacturer of the Altair, and offered to write a version of the new programming language BASIC for Altair. In eight weeks, Allen and Gates demonstrate their program to MITS, which agreed to distribute and sell the product.This project inspired them to create Microsoft
  • Hedy Lamarr/ Creator of wifi

    Hedy Lamarr/ Creator of wifi
    Hedy Lamarr was an actress who with her passion for engineering developed a system of detection of remote-controlled torpedoes inspired by a musical principle.Time later, Lamarr developed a detailed telecommunications system that was used for the first time by the United States and it was until 1980 when its was applied to civil engineering. This system is the precursor of the technology that is used today for wireless communications of GPS systems. She contribuete to create the wifi.
  • Mac

    In January, 22 of 1984 Apple introduces the Macintosh with a commercial television during theSuper Bowl. The Macintosh was the first successful mouse-driven and the first mac computer with a graphical user interface and was based on the Motorola 68000 microprocessor. Its price was $ 2,500. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bepzUM1x3w
  • Smartphones

    The first smartphone in history was the IBM Simon, created in 1992 and distributed by the USA between August of 1994 and February of 1995, it had a a user interface absent of physical buttons and totally based on a monochrome LCD type touch screen, predictive text, calendar , SMS functions, email, fax and a modem.It was built by a business union between the International Business Machines Corporation IBM is a US multinational technology company and the BellSouth Cellular company.
  • Social Network

    Social Network
    The origin of social networks on the Internet dates back to 1995, when Randy Conrads created the classmates.com website. With this social network it was intended that people could recover or maintain contact with former colleagues and friends of the school, institute, university, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTUtqLDvANM