US History timeline

  • common sense

    thomas paine wrote the common sense.
  • George Washington

    the first president of the united states
  • Louisianan Purchase

  • james madison

    he was elected as president
  • Texas

    Texas became part of the United States.
  • The Cival War

    The Cival War
    the first cival war battle began on this date
  • slavery

    the date when the united states ended slavery.
  • Albert einstein

    the worlds smartes person which he created the atomic bomb for the United States.
  • world war 1

    world war 1
    that summer of 1910 war world one stared
  • arizona

    the date when arizona became a state
  • Assembly line

    Assembly line
    the ford auto plants used the assembly lines to produces cars fasters
  • world war 2

    world war 2
    The jappanes attacked Pearl Harbor
  • iroshima

    the date when the United states attacked iroshima and droped the nuclear bomb.
  • Hawaii

    thats when Hawaii became part of the United States
  • John F. kennedy assasination

    John F. kennedy assasination
    John F. Kennedy assasinated in dallas texas was shot in the head
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    he was assasinated got shopt in the head.
  • Woodstock

    thats when hipies made the biggest concert wich lasted 3 days.
  • world wide web

    world wide web
    the first the internet was introduced for public use
  • wolrld trade center falls

    wolrld trade center falls
    planes crashed in the towers
  • Obama

    the first african american president of the united states