6th Grade History-Social Studies

  • 10,000 BCE

    Early Civilizations and Homo Sapiens

    Early Civilizations and Homo Sapiens
    Students will learn that humans or homo sapiens evolved from a species known as hominids which later gave rise to homo erectus
  • 4000 BCE


    Following food sources, homo erectus and later sapiens began to migrate from a central location in Africa to Eastern Africa, the Middle East, India and China. This type of movement required that societies adapt to their new environments and their devleoping brains allowed them to do so.
  • 4000 BCE

    Hunter-Gather Societies

    Hunter-Gather Societies
    As hominids evolved into homo erectus, they developed primiative tools using nature resources to create knives, spears, and scraping devices. There is also a theory of how they discovered fire and began cooking food.
  • 3500 BCE

    Culture and Societies Begin to Develop

    Culture and Societies Begin to Develop
    Migrate to more resource-dense regions to develop culture and create societies such as Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and Egypt. There was also the emergence of argiculture and livestock.
  • 3500 BCE

    Early Civilization Artifacts

    Early Civilization Artifacts
    Students will learn that the evidence for our understanding of early civiliztion's evolution came from artifacts discovered in these regions and the date stamping these discoveries.