Unit 1 French and Indian War

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus "discovers" America

    On this day Columbus landed at San Salvador in the Caribbean. His "discovery" lead Europeans to start colonizing in North and South America.
  • Jamestown is created

    King James I had granted approval for a group of business people to settle in the new land. They were part of the Virginia Company. In December 1606 they left.
  • Plymouth Colony is created

    Plymouth was founded by the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Massachusetts.The settlers faced great hardship but made friends with the Native Americans.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony is created

    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was created in the 17th century by Puritan settlers. They were led by John Winthrop. He England so he could have nore religous rights.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    During the second Anglo-Dutch War between England and the United Netherlands,New Amsterdam surrendered to the English and it was renamed renamed New York.
  • Pennsylvania is created by William Penn

    William got the money from the King because the king owed Willams dad an large amount of money.
  • George Washington attacks Fort Duquesne

  • The Albany Congress meets

    The English Board of Trade attempted to resolve 2 problems in the Ohio Valley. Twenty-three delegates met in Albany, New York from June 19 to July 11, 1754.While on his way as a delegate for Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin wrote the Albany Plan of Union.
  • The French and Indian War concludes