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6.3 Consequences Of Unhealthy Behavior

  • What's a risky behavior?

    What's a risky behavior?
    "Risky behaviors can generate differing emotions such as ex- citement and anxiety, even though the risks are fairly minimal" (Page 8). Everyone makes risky choices in there everyday lives. Some are more dangerous than others. Examples are smoking, drinking, taking drugs, driving recklessly, criminal activities, and unprotected/underaged sex.
  • Factors and impacts

    Factors and impacts
    A very prominent factor is that of peer pressure. Teens face this everyday from there friends. "Teenagers are finding their feet in the world and part of that often includes a sense of wanting to belong and 'fit in'. No one likes to feel isolated or alone, especially when you are a teenager" (Page 9). You can resist! I will talk about a personal experience I have had in the next slide!
  • Personal Experience

    Personal Experience
    A personal experience I have had is my friends all play this game called hostage and wanted me to play. It did not sound safe so I refused to play and tried to change the activity that we did. Instead, we just played basketball at my house, which was a safer and better option. I refused to fall into the peer pressure and you can too!
  • Media on behaviors

    Media on behaviors
    "Some decisions can be influenced due to the impact of media (e.g. TV) on people and what impressions and feelings young people may attach to a specific behavior. For example, young men may feel it is cool and a 'male' thing to do by driving fast when having friends in the car" (Page 10). I will have to agree with this statement. Social media has changed our perceptions of what is cool and what is not. That is exactly why advertisements have famous people on their products!