5 Days at Sea

  • Period: Jan 1, 1523 to Dec 31, 1526


  • Oct 31, 1523

    First Day at Sea

    First Day at Sea
    The first day at sea was definitely hard. I had to leave my precious wife. I was upset all day. We started sailing as my wife waved to me as we left. We started sailing to Africa from England. Not that far, but we have to go all the way around Europe and Africa. The captain, Sir Walter Raleigh, is pretty nice so far. I don't think this will be that bad, aside from not being with my wife.
  • Nov 12, 1523

    Port Portugal

    Port Portugal
    We haven't been sailing for long, but it feels like years. I already hate it. I still do my work because if I didn't it wouldn't be fair to my fellow sailors. We have just touched land for the first time since the last time I wrote. It feels nice to walk on land again. We are here to but some supplies. I am not exactly one of the caprain's favorite sailors so I don't quite know what we are here to get. That's just what he told us.
  • Nov 23, 1523

    Day 24 at Sea

    Well we left potugal. It was pretty, and apparently, the Portuguese didn't like us giving them money for their supplies so our captain had his first combat match. It was intense. He was fighting wiht one of the border guards and he almost lost his hand. He ended up jumping on the ship, hiding, and eventually the guy left. We left when it got dark so they wouldn't see us leave. They thought our captain was still on land so they were looking for him there.
  • Dec 16, 1523

    Port Poland

    Port Poland
    Thankfully we reached somewhere where the people are very nice. Another thing to be thankful is that it isn't that cold here. The temperature regulations are anywhere from th 40s to the mid-70s degrees fahrenheit. We are here to trade them some spices for some gold because we need some more supplies, and we are low on gold. The captain and I have been getting aquainted, He has been asking me to help navigate for him. I enjoy it. I think he is starting to trust me.
  • Feb 6, 1524

    Day 75 at Sea

    I enjoyed Poland. The people were nice. Now, I'm not exactly sure where we are, but the captain said we are about at the top of Russia. We are supposed to be stopping soon to get some food and supplies. The captain and i have become very close. He told me once that I was the best navigator he had ever seen. I apprecitated that. Well, that's all for now.
  • Mar 11, 1524

    Port Norilsk

    So we have stopped in Norilsk to do some trade. We are offering a ton of spices in return of actual food or gold. It seems we always need gold. The captain is acting a little funny, He seems like he is kind of sick. Thankfully, it isn't very cold where we are, so we don't have to worry about frostbite or hypothermia. We have become very limited on our supplies. The captain says not to worry because we will get plenty of suppliles when we get to Japan. He says Japan has plenty to trade.
  • May 8, 1524

    Port Tanegashima

    Well, we reached Japan, finally. I'm very happy about that because we ended up having to share blankets and beds because some of the old ones got infested with maggots.The Japanese are mostly friendly, but I met some that think we are trash because we aren't from their country. Also, the captain has decided to make me co-captain, which was exciting. I'm very honored. We traded them some spices because we have plenty of those, and we are just going to get more when we get to Africa.
  • May 15, 1524

    Day 149 at Sea

    The captain is sick. Not quite badly but just like a minor cold. It worries me though. We have a lot more supplies now which makes me happy. I miss my wife like crazy. Also, it looks like there is going to be a huge storm soon. The captain can tell in two weeks what's going to happen. It's kind of weird. Anyway, that's all for today.
  • Jul 19, 1524

    Port Mogadishiu, Final Destination.

    Port Mogadishiu, Final Destination.
    We've reached Africa, and I wish I was more excited. The captain is dead. He got bit by something, it got infected, and we couldn't save him in time. Before he died, he told me that he wanted me to take on being captain. I'm captain now and it's not as exciting as it sounds. At least you do the least amount of work. The Africans are very very generous. They GAVE us gold, blankets, spices, beds, food, We didn't have to pay for any of it. Well, now we start the journey back to England.
  • Sep 16, 1524

    Day 243 at Sea

    Day 243 at Sea
    I'm sad to say this is my last entry. As I am writing this, it is starting to rain on the ship and we can see the waves getting a little rambunctious. It has done this before, but this time is different. We haven't seen severe storms in the entire year we have been at sea. I'm afraid for my life. So I wish you a farewell, and if anyone ever finds this, tell my wife Elizabeth Smith I love her. Jonh died that night. RIP John Smith.