The French

By inkenm
  • Nov 2, 1000


    The Norsemen were the first Europeans that travelled to North America, they settled down in New Foundland.
  • May 17, 1534

    Exploratiopns of Cartier

    In 1534 Jaques Cartie, a French explorer, began to explore the S. Lawrence River and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • Jun 17, 1535

    Carties Second Voage

    Jaques Cartie started his second voyage to explore more of Canda. He was gided by the Iroquian.
  • May 26, 1541

    Cartiers Third Voyage

    Cartier started his third voyage to build up a fort at St. Charles River. But Cartier did not found what he searched for.
  • Nov 30, 1567

    Samule de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain was born on the 30. November 1567. He studied navigation with his father and got a great explorer for th French crown.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    The French stopped all explorations to Canada till now, because the did not found what they were searching for. Samuel de Champlain was sent to Canada to build up colonies.
  • Post in Acadia

    Samuel de Champlain set up a post in Acadia, at St. Croix. Nowadaysit is ova Scotia and New Brunswick. A year later he built up a better settlement at Port Royal.
  • Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain build up the colonie Quebec. He chosed it because he could seemuch from this point. He had water acces, so he could trade and he could defend his self easily.
  • Power of balance

    The power of balance was upsetted because he French brouht weapons to the Hurons.
  • Second battle

    The Iroquis attacked the French and the Hurons a second time and defeated them.
  • Peace Treaty

    In 1628 the British attacked Quebec and the French had to give it to them. Soon after that the British and the French signed a peace treaty and the French got Quebec back.
  • Samuel de Champlain died

    samuel de Champlain died in Quebec. He was famous in France because he built up posts in Canada.
  • Invation by the Iroquis

    The Hurons and the French were attacked bythe Iroquis, because the Hurons and the Frech traded together and left the Iroquis out. And the Iroquis and the Hurons were arckenemies since ever.