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  • Aug 19, 1580

    Chesapeake Colonies

    England failed to plant these colonies in 1580's due to their war with Spain, but in 1607 Jamestown was built
  • Jamestown

    Named in Honor of King James, it was the first English settlement in North America.
  • Mayflower Voyage

    William Bradford le 102 people from Plymouth to England on the Mayflower
  • Massachusettes Bay Colony

    Royal Charter granted a group who wanted to establish a model of reform for England Massachusettes Bay. they had the right to settle, and govern territory and native people. they also renamed it Salem.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    20,000 people relocated to Boston central settlement and spread out quickly. the migration lasted untill 1643.
  • Roger Williams

    a clergyman who believed in religious toleration, seperation of church and state, and that colonists had no right to take indian land. He came to Salem but the Puritans considered his ideas dangerous so he was banished from the Bay Colony in 1636. He immigrated with some followers and founded Providence.
  • the Calverts' Proprietary Colony

    King Charles II granted 10 million acres of north Chesapeake Bay to the Calverts. They built Maryland and the Calverts were sole owners and had full control over it.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Critisized ministers for focusing on good works, which led people to believe they could earn their way into heaven. She was bannished and she and her followers then moved to Roger William's settlement.
  • "The Bay Psalm Book"

    "The Bay Psalm Book"
    The first American English publication happend one year after the first printing press in English colonies was built.
  • King Phillip's War

    When authorities at Plymouth forced Wampanoags to give up authority of their territory. The wampanoags broke their treaty with Plymouth and resisted with arms. In 1676 the wampanoags were defeated, ending organized indian resistance in New England.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathanial Bacon, a wealthy backcountry settler led voilent raids and murderd indians. Virginia governor Berckly resisted, making Bacon mad. He attacked Jamestown and Berckly fled, but the rebellion suddenly stopped when bacon died
  • Culpeper's rebellion

    Backcountry men in the Albemarle region overthrew the proprietary government. the rebels establicshed a government before being surpressed by English authority
  • William Penn

    Penn was granted a territory of west Delaware River, konwn as the city of brotherly love because it was a religious haven
  • Salem Witch trials

    Salem Witch trials
    342 lNew England women accused of being witched, most were childless, widowed, assertive or independant. One year later 20 men and women were found guilty and died.