planting colonies in north america 1588-1703

  • Aug 2, 1451

    iroquis confederacy founded

    cause: various tribes in the northeastetrn united states wanted to consolidate power, and formed this confederacy
    effect: a powerful nation of indians met settlers when they first arived in the new world and were wiped out.
  • Roanoke island founded

    cause: the british wanted to found a colony in the new world
    effect: the colonies mysteriously disapeared after one winter and left only cryptic messages behind
  • Juan de onate leads spanish into new mexico

    cause: the spanish wanted to explore the southern united state
    effect: lots of indians were killed, many natives had there first encounters with westerners and spanish missions and towns were established in southwestern america
  • english found jamestown

    cause: the english wanted to try to establish a permanent colony in the new world.
    effect: jametown became the center of english settlement and commerce in the new world for te next century
  • first tobacco plantation established

    cause: thye british wanted to grow the valuble cash crop tobacco in the new world.
    effect: tobacco became americas chief export and the most commonly grown crop on the continent
  • pilgrim emigration

    cause: the anglican church in england did not grant several cristian denominations tolerance
    effect: the pilgrams settled in plymouth, massuchesetts and established a comunity there. after stealing and killing some indians, they sat down and ate with the surviviors
  • puritans begin settlement of massachusetts bay

    cause: the puritains were persecuted by the anglican church of england.
    effect: the puritians establish a complex society in massachusetts, and kill some indians
  • chesapeake bay colonies founded

    cause: the british found that the area around chesapeake bay was increadibly fertile, and so desired to found a colony there.
    effect: chesapeake bay colony bercame the leading producer of tobacco, fish, grain, and total exports in the new world.
  • king philips war

    cause: the europeans were expanding onto indian territories, and the indians were fed up, so the fought back
    effect: thousand of indians and hundreds of colonists were killed, and many frontier towns had to be rebuilt.
  • bacons rebellion

    cause: nathaniel bacon, a chair on the jamestown city council disagreed with the govener on how to handle indians. he went around and indisrimenatly killed indians. in resonse the govener had him removed from his chair. he then marched on jamestown and burnded it to the ground.
    effect: due to the rebellion, once it was quelled, the british increased there power in the region to prevent further uprising.
  • culpeppers rebellion

    cause: arose in response to the navigation acts imposed by england
    effect: The leader of the rebbelion, john cullpeper, established his own colony and was elected govener of it for two years. he was eventually diposed by the british, but never punished
  • pennsylvania founded

  • glorious revolution

    cause: king james the second, a devout roman catholic had suppressed the rights of non-catholics in england. he was overthrown in abloodless revolution by parliment
    effect: the british became more tollirant of non-catholics
  • salem witch trials