20th century timeline

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    This was a war between France, the UK, the US, Japan, Russia, and Italy. They were called the Allies. The other side was the Central Powers. They were Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. The Allies won. The conflict was that one Serbia guy killed the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne.
  • America joins WW1

    America joined this war because Germany kept sinking their ships. They got mad, but Germany was also mad because America was giving Great Britain weapons. So, America joined in
  • Race riots in Omaha

    People in Omaha revolting against segregation and racial tensions.
  • Kool-Aid is created

    There was a guy named Edwin Perkins. It was originally called fruit smack and then he changed it to powder and General Mills bought it and called it Kool Aid.
  • Stock Market Crashes

    This basically started the Great Depression, and it caused major turmoil and a mess in Nebraska.
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    The Great Depression

    This was mainly caused by the Dust Bowl and the stock market crash. That is mainly what caused the Great Depression. It resulted in a big loss of jobs and unemployment.
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    The Dust Bowl

    This resulted from bad farming habits and a major drought. They had a lot of wind storms and major heat. So, the dust from the ground blew around and drifted everywhere, making a general mess out of things. This time period was dubbed the Dirty 30's
  • First session of the Unicameral

    During this meeting, they made a new job called 'Senator'. This is basically the leader of the state.
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    World War 2 was mainly fought over the Holocaust. There was still the Allies and the Axis, but Japan and a couple other guys switched sides. It was a major conflict, being one of the most deadly events in world history.
  • America joins WW2

    America entered WW2 because Japan bombed their ship harbor, Pearl Harbor. They retaliated and joined the Allied Powers. This bombing really kind of kicked off WW2.
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    SAC at Offut Air force base

    SAC was the people that were mainly responsible for dropping bombs on Japan and they do a lot of low flying military stuff. They moved to Offutt Air force base which is in southeastern Nebraska.
  • UNL students protest Vietnam war

    There was a Students for Democratic Society that was protesting America's part in the Vietnam War.