2017 Maggie Koay Dalat US history

  • 10,000 BCE

    North America - migration to the Americas

    The Paleo-Indians crossed the Bering Land Bridge into Alaska during the last Ice Age. The Bering Land Bridge is a strip of land that appeared after the sea level dropped.
  • 1500 BCE

    Native American Cultures- Anasazi

    The Anasazi were one of the early farm cultures in the Southwest. Anasazi farmers grew maize, beans, and squash. They used irrigation to increase food production. They were skilled basket makers.
  • 1400 BCE

    Europeans Set sail- Sea Route to Asia

    Portugal had several motives, financial support, and the technology necessary for exploration. Portugal set out to find new lands. Vasco de Gama was the first to reach India the next year. Portugal won the European race for a sea route to Asia.
  • Period: 1312 BCE to 1337 BCE

    Trading Kingdoms of West Africa-Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa ruled mali for about 25 years. He was Mali's most famous ruler. During his rule, Mali added many important trade cities to its empire. Mansa Musa influenced Islam to spread through a large part of West Africa
  • 1347

    Europe before Transatlantic Travel- The Black Death

    The Black Death caused by rats from Asia that were infected from the plague spread across Europe which killed around 25 million people. Shortages of workers from the Black Death meant that peasants and serf could demand for higher wages.
  • 1492

    Europeans reach the Americas- Christopher Columbus

    Columbus tried to find a route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. He ended up reaching the Americas, he had made three or more journeys to the Americans. He died thinking that he had reached Asia.
  • 1492

    The Americas- Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus tried to reach Asia by selling west across the Atlantic Ocean, but he landed in the Americas instead. He died thinking that he reached the Indies. His voyages changed the Europeans thoughts of the world and their place in it. It also created conflict between European countries because of land ownership.
  • 1497

    Europeans set sail- Vasco

    Vasco de Gama went on an expedition around the Cape of Good Hope, he arrived in southwestern India and won the European race for a sea route to Asia.
  • 1497

    Americas- Northwest Passage

    Europeans wanted to find the Northwest passage. Cabot was the basis of England's claims in America. Cartier made two trips to Canada. The Dutch entered the race and discovered new york.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Europe- spain and england go to war

    King Philip II used Spain's wealth to lead a Catholic Reformation against the Protestant movement. He wanted to drive the Protestants out of England. Philip gathered the Spanish Armada to end England. But the English fleet defeated the Armada in a huge battle.
  • Americas- Southern Colonies:Jamestown

    105 colonists set out to settle in the Americas. 40 miles up the James River in Virginia, they found Jamestown. Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • New England- Mayflower Compact

    41 male passengers on the Mayflower ship signed the Mayflower Compact, a legal contract in which the Pilgrims agreed to obey laws that help the whole colony.
  • Spain- Spanish settlements in America

    Spanish began to migrate to America. Spain ruled its large American empire with royal officials. The empire grew to 3-4 million people. The Spanish created the encomienda system and were granted rights to use Native Americans as slaves.
  • New Jersey- Pennsylvania

    A quaker named William Penn was granted a charter to start a colony west of New Jersey to escape quaker persecution in England and America. His work made Pennsylvania an important example of representative self-government.
  • America- Great Awakening

    Religious leaders wanted to spread religious feeling through the colonies. The Great Awakening changed colonial religion, it also affected social and political life. They held events that gathered people to listen to sermons together.
  • Period: to

    Europe- Seven Years' war

    Countries struggled for territory in North America. Britain and France dragged on the war for seven years. After seven years, they finally signed the Treaty of Paris, officially ending the war.
  • America- Stamp Act of 1765

    The British government tried new ways to tax the American colonies. Grenville proposed the Stamp Act of 1765, this act required colonists to pay for an official stamp or seal when they bought paper items. THe tax had to be paid on legal documents, licenses, newspapers, pamphlets, and even playing cards. Colonists who refused to buy stamps could be fined or sent to jail.
  • Americas- slavery in the Americas

    Native Americans were dying from diseases spread by the Europeans. Instead of using native americans as slaves, they now captured Africans as slaves because Africans are immuned to European diseases. The slave trade led to the African Diaspora.
  • Modern day connection

    Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press that people could use to easily make books and such. Instead of a printing press we use the copy machine which gives the same function as the printing press.
  • modern day connection

    We can see self-government used even today, like in New Zealand.
  • modern day connection

    The discoveries that were made is important because America is part of this world because of their curiosity to discover beyond what they know.