2017 Daniel Loh DALAT US History

  • Period: 38,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE

    Asia/North America- Paleo-Indians migrate to Americas

    During the Ice Age, the waters froze and sea level dropped and created a land bridge called the Bering Land Bridge. The Paleo-Indians migrated from Northeastern Asia to Alaska on the land bridge.
  • 1500 BCE

    North America- Anasazi

    The Anasazi lived in the four corners region, where it is present day Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. They soon began to use irrigation and were skilled basket makers. They also buil pueblos and kivas.
  • 1200 BCE

    Mali- Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa ruled Mali for around 25 years. Religion was important to Mansa Musa, and he went on a hajj or prilgrimage to Mecca. Stories of his wealth and power spread throughout Africa. Because of him Islam became a large part of West Africa. Mansa Musa made mosques and school teaching the Qu'ran in Morocco.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1532

    North America- Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca

    The Olmecs developed the earliest known civilization in me so America, and they were known for theier architecture and sculpture. Mayan cities had pyramid buildings and they built canals for water. Aztecs were good warriors and had strong military. Aztecs made people pay tribute to them and they made the Aztecs rich. In can started out as a small tribe. They soon began to grow, and they had a strong central government. They were known for buildings and paved roads.
  • 1000 BCE

    North America- Hopwell

    The Hopewell lived along the Mississippi, Ohio and Lower Missouri River valleys. They built burials for the the dead.
  • 300

    Africa- Kingdom of Ghana

    The Soninke farmer along the Niger River banded up together to protect themselves from nomadic herders. This banding was the beginning of Ghana. Ghana soon gained control of trades, because of gold and salt. The also became wealthy because of taxing traders who came into Ghana. They used their wealth to built an army and an empire.
  • 600

    Africa- West African Slave Trade

    The Arab Muslims became slave traders. People who were captured by warring groups or were criminals were sometimes sold as slaves and. Overtime slave trade became even more important tot he West African economics.
  • 1000

    Canada- Leif Eriksson discovers Canada

    In the year 1000 Leif Eriksson, the son of Erik the Red, sailed from west Norway to Greenland but winds blew his ship to Canada. He then went south and discovered present day New England and forests, meadows and rivers. He settled there but after a year he left because of attacks from the Native Americans.
  • 1400

    Africa- Songhai

    The Songhai empire was conquered by Mali, and when Mali weakened, Songhai grew in power. Askia the Great was one of Songhai's greatest rulers. His real name was Muhammad Ture and he was a devout Muslim and supported the learning and teaching of it. Under his rule, Gao and Timbuktu flourtished with mosques, universities, schools and libraries. He created a great army and improved the government by setting up 5 provinces in Songhai.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Age of Exploration

    This timespan was when people tried to explore and find differnet lands and continents such as Asia.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    America- Christopher Columbus reach the Americas

    On August 3, 1492, Columbus' 3 ships (Nina,Pinta, and Santa Maria) set sail. On October 12, 1942 a lookout shouted "Land! Land!". The ships landed on the Bahamas and thought it was Asia. He also visited another island called Hispaniola and met the Taino people. They collected gold and exotic plants and animals and went back to Spain. Columbus made 3 more journeys back there but in 1504 he died due to poor health.
  • 1497

    Asia- Da Gama reaches Asia

    Vasco da Gama left Lisbon on an expedition to reach Asia by following Bartolomeu Dias' footsteps. The next year, he arrived in southwestern India and made Portugal win the race to reach Asia by sea. Da Gama made 2 ,ore trips there and governed a small colony there.
  • 1519

    Americas- Hernan Cortes conquers the Aztecs

    Hernan Cortes captured the Aztecs and Moctezuma II with 508 solid era, 100 sailors, 16 hourses and some guns. He also got help from Aztec enemies and a woman called Malintzin helped him.
  • Virginia- Jamestown, Virginia

    On the 1605, a company of English mearchants asked King James I do the rig to found a settlement and it was accepted in 1606. The investors in this new settlement was called the London Company. Nathaniel Vacon led a rebellion to take over the Native American's land in 1607.
  • Period: to

    North America- England building Colonies in America

    The English people kept on founding new colonies in America as their own to expand their territory. They also went to populate new colonies to get away from England/ Britain. This started at around 1607 when the first colonists went to Virginia. It ended around 1700s onwards as they had already set up lots of colonies all around the Americas.
  • Virginia- Pilgrims move to Virginia

    The Pilgrims were a Separatist group that Lefty England because of persecution to Netherlands. They then left it again to go to Virginia. They went of to Virginia on a boat on Sept 16, 1620. Th Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact in 1620 that had fair laws for the general good. The Pilgrims made friends with the Native Americans and invited the Wampanoag chief Massasoit and other guest for a celeberation feast, known as Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims killed turkeys to eat it.
  • New England- Puritans leave England

    Puritans were a Protestant group that wanted to purify the Anglican Church and were punished for this. They left between 1629- 1640 and the event was called the Great Migration. They were given a charter to start a new settlement in New England by Charles. In sir new settlement, trading with the plymoths helped them and by 1691, the Massachusetts Bay Colony had expanded to included the Pilgrims. They also had to obey English laws and they were also self government.
  • Maryland- Maryland

    In 1630, George Calvert asked King Charles I for a charter to establish a new colony for Catholics, and it was accepted in 1632. The charter was issued to George's son Cecilius and he named the. colony Maryland after England's queen, Henrietta Maria. The people living there spent their time raising corn, hogs, cattle and also tobacco for profit. Although it was meant for Catholics, many protestants moved here too. George issued a bill called the Toleration Actof 1649.
  • New Netherlands- New York and New Jersey

    The Dutch founded New Netherlands as a trading post, bu by in 1647 Peter Stuyvesant led the colony beginning. In 1644, an English fleet captured the colony and New Netherlands was renamed to New York and New Amsterdam was renamed to New York City. The Duke of York made Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley the proprietors of New Jersey. Fur trade important to both New York and New Jersey.
  • Pennsylvania- William Penn's colony

    William Penn was a Quaker, a group who believed that everyone was equal before God. In 1681, King Charles II allowed Penn to establish a colony west of New Jersey and he called it Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania became a self government because of him. He named the capital Philadelphia and in 1682, he bought Delaware from the Duke of York.
  • North America- English Bill of Rights

    After the death of King James II, the Parliament passed the English Bill of Rights, which reduced power of the English monarchs. This also meant that the Parliament gained power. Soon, colonist were able to elect their own representatives to decide issues.
  • North America- Treaty of Paris

    Britain was fighting a war against France for the control of territory over North America. The fighting began in Europe in 1756, and became known as the Seven Years' War. Even after Britain captured Quebec, the war still keep on going until finally in 1763, Britain and France signed the Treaty of Paris and ended the war. Britain gained: Canada, French lands east of the Mississippi, and Florida.
  • Boston- Boston Massacre

    The Bostonians didn't like the fact that British troops were in their territory. Tension broke loose on 1770, when a Birtish soldier struck a colonist and a crowd threw stones at the soldier. Then the troops started firing at the crowd. Protestors used this as propaganda against the British and the soldiers and their officer, Thomas Preston was charged with murder. They were convicted of killing people, but were branded on the hand and then were released.
  • Boston- Boston Tea Party

    The Parliament passed the Tea Act in 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonist, and were cheaper than the other merchants and colonists selling it. Many smugglers and merchants were scared that this would ruin their business. When 3 ships loaded with tea were waiting in harbor, colonist that were disguised as Indians sneaked on board and dumped out 340 tea chests into the Boston Harbor. The event became known as the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Whole World- Slave Trafficking

    Slave trafficking is everywhere in the world. Young teen girls are sold to people as slave for money. This is a very bad thing, but the people behind this are doing it in secret. They are selling humans for money, which pretty much counts as selling slaves. This is like when the West African traders sold slaves to people for goods and money.
  • Whole World- Reaching Mars and beyond

    In the early 1400s to 1500s, countries like Spain, England, France and Netherlands were trying to reach somewhere they had never been to by boat; Asia. This relates to today as now, all the countries are trying to reach beyond the moon and fly a manned unit to Mars. This events are both similar as they will affect humanity and help us know more about our world and about our galaxy.
  • Whole World- English Bill of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights was an act that reduced the powers of an English monarch. In modern day society, we don't have a bill of rights like that, but our government, governor and president still don't have too much authority to be like a king. They both are similar, but not too similar and maybe our modern society may have copied this from the English Bill of Rights.