1984 Timeline

  • 1 CE

    Winston Creates a Diary

    Winston Creates a Diary
    Winston begins to write in a diary. As he writes in his diary he has many realizations of about his life, and how unnatural the society is.
  • 2

    Feeling of Defiance

    Feeling of Defiance
    Winston starts to want to resist censoring articles.
  • 3

    " I love you "

    " I love you "
    Winston receives an " I love you " message from Julia.
  • 4


    Winston and Julia continue to see each other, and have sex for the first time. Sex is known to be something people do not enjoy in this dystopian society. They continue to see each other privately.
  • 5

    The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism

    The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
    Winston and Julia read the banned book in Mr. Charrington's room.
  • 6

    Ministry of Love

    Ministry of Love
    Winston and Julia are taken down to the Ministry of Love. The thought police injected Winston with sleeping drugs to make him rest.
  • 7

    Mr. Charrrangton is a thought police

    Mr. Charrrangton is a thought police
    After Winston and Julia are caught by the police, they discover Mr. Charrangton is a thought police officer.
  • 8

    Brainwashing Winston

    Brainwashing Winston
    After he was arrested and put to sleep, Winston was retaught many things in order to be brainwashed.
  • 9


    Winston was tortured in a room full of rats.
  • 10

    Loving " Big Brother "

    Loving " Big Brother "
    After Winston's torture experience, he came to realization that he was content with " Big Brother ".