The seventies jigsaw puzzle 478


By Kamyia1
  • Issues Under President Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

    Issues Under President Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
    Environmentalism (EPA, Endangered Species Act)
    Détente (ex. signing of SALT I which limits arms manufactured in USSR and US)
    Positive relations with China
  • President Richard Nixon (1969- 1974)

    President Richard Nixon (1969- 1974)
    Watergate Scandal lead to Richard resigning in 1974
  • Issues Under Rep. President Gerald Ford (1974-1977)

    Issues Under Rep. President Gerald Ford (1974-1977)
    Energy crisis due to OPEC embargo- does not solve
    Failure of detente
  • Issue Under Dem. President Jimmy Carter (1977- 1981)

    Issue Under Dem. President Jimmy Carter (1977- 1981)
    Energy crisis- does not solve
    Support for human rights
    Camp David Accords: first step to peace in the Middle East
    Iran Hostage Crisis- 1979- Ayatollah stages a coup in Iran; takes Americans hostage at the embassy in Iran b/c American supports the dethroned shah- hostages are not released until Reagan is elected in 1881.