
  • Period: to

    The history of 1942-1953

    This is a timeline of the history in 1942-1953. There are many dates that are not included, but theses are a few dates that I researched.
  • Roosevelt approves atomic bomb

    Roosevelt approves atomic bomb
    President Roosevelt approves production of the atomic bomb following receipt of a National Academy of Sciences report determining that a bomb is feasible.
  • Construction of atomic weapons

    Construction of atomic weapons
    President Roosevelt instructs the Army to take responsibility for construction of atomic weapons complex. The Army delegates the task to the Corps of Engineers.
  • German Forces launch offensive

    German Forces launch offensive
    In the south towards the city of Stalingrad the German forces attack the Soviet Union.
  • The Big Inch crude-oil pipeline

    The Big Inch crude-oil pipeline
    The Big Inch crude-oil pipeline is completed from the Texas oil fields to Pennsylvania. The line serves as a transportation alternative to tankers.
  • full-scale plutonium production

    full-scale plutonium production
    Groves selects Hanford, Washington, as site for full-scale plutonium production and separation facilities. Three reactors--B, D, and F--are built
  • A letter asking to help hide daughter

    A letter asking to help hide daughter
    A letter from parents promises land in exchange for hiding their daughter.
  • German defeat Stalingrad

    German defeat Stalingrad
    After months of fierce fighting and heavy casualties, German forces numbering now only about 91,000 surviving soldiers surrender at Stalingrad on the Volga
  • The Little Big Inch Pipeline

    The Little Big Inch Pipeline
    The Little Big Inch pipeline for petroleum products is completed from Texas to New Jersey. Like the Big Inch, it was built by a private company. Called War Emergency Pipelines, but owned by the Federal government.
  • Synthetic Liquid Fuels Act

    Synthetic Liquid Fuels Act
    Congress passes the Synthetic Liquid Fuels Act authorizing the Bureau of Mines to build energy research laboratories
  • Attempt to assassinate Hitler

    Attempt to assassinate Hitler
    In Hitlers East Prussian headquarters at Rastenburg. German military officers attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler.
  • Flood Control Act of 1944

    Flood Control Act of 1944
    Congress in the Flood Control Act of 1944 confirms the authorization of the Southwestern Power Administration. President Roosevelt created it through a series of Executive and Departmental orders.
  • Harry S. Truman

    Harry S. Truman
    Harry S. Truman was president from 1945 to 1953. He became president once President Roosevelt passed. A few weeks into being president he received a development of atomic bombs or the unfolding of the difficulties with Soviet Russia. Then suddenly all of these wartime problems became his. He felt a heavy load on his shoulders when he became president.
  • Little Boy

    Little Boy
    The gun model uranium bomb, called Little Boy, is dropped on Hiroshima, Japan
  • Fat Man

    Fat Man
    The implosion model plutonium bomb, called Fat Man, is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. Five days later, Japan surrenders
  • Tupperware

    Built by Earl Tupper.
  • Credit Card

    Credit Card
    The Credit Card was invented by John Biggins.
  • Atomic Energy Act of 1946

    Atomic Energy Act of 1946
    President Truman signs the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 transferring Manhattan Project assets to the civilian Atomic Energy Commission.
  • Atomic energy

    Atomic energy
    In accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, all atomic energy activities are transferred to the newly created Atomic Energy Commission.
  • Barcode

    Barcode invented by Norman Joseph Woodland
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    Soviet Union begins blockade of West Berlin
  • First atomic device

    First atomic device
    Soviet Union detonates first atomic device
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    It began in 1950 and end in 1953. North Korea invaded South Korea, and the nations that were allied with the United States intervened on behalf of the South. The USSR and the People’s Republic of China supported the North Korea. The Korean Demilitarized Zone was established.
  • Atomic Energy Commission

    Atomic Energy Commission
    President Truman instructs the Atomic Energy Commission to expedite development of a thermonuclear weapon.
  • Airbag

    Invented by Peter Florjančič
  • Heart Lung Machine

    Heart Lung Machine
    The heart lung machine was invented by Nikolai Amosov.