
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Black Tuesday is a name given to October 29, 1929, when stock prices fell sharply.
  • Buying on margin

    Buying on margin
    The purchasing of stocks by paying only a small percentage of the price.
  • Speculation

    An involvement in risky business transactions in an effort to make a quick or large profit.
  • Supply and demand

    Supply and demand
    The forces that determine prices of goods and services in a market economy.
  • Bank Holiday

    Bank Holiday
    A day or several days when banks are closed and depositor's cannot withdraw money
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    An area of land where vegetation has been lost and soil reduced to dust and eroded, especially as a consequence of drought or unsuitable farming practice. An area of Oklahoma, Kansas, and northern Texas affected by severe soil erosion (caused by windstorms) in the early 1930s, which obliged many people to move.
  • Shantytowns (Hoovervilles)

    Shantytowns (Hoovervilles)
    A neighborhood in which people live in makeshift shacks. A deprived area on the outskirts of a town consisting of large numbers of crude dwellings.
  • Demagogue

    A person who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people. A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt program to alleviate the problems of the great depression.
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    A group of World War 1 veterans and their families who marched on Washington D.C. in 1932. 20,000 people marched on Washington D.C. The general called out the troops. Tear gas was thrown at the troops and their familys they retreated.