1800's history

  • Battle of Horshoe bend

    Battle of Horshoe bend
    By 12:30 Sndrew saw soke beind the Red Sticks then move the 39th US infantry in the lead. Andrew was attacking in the north and his native America ally attacked in the south. Only about 200 men made it out. The Red Eagle leader of the red sticks came and asked for peace.
  • Battle of new Orleans

    Battle of new Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans was one of the invasions oft the British after they defeated the Napoleon. They had a battle plan to attack the Americans from three different locations. The Americans only knew where the two other locations were. When the attack was ove the Americans won Andre becaea hero and became the president.
  • The Death of rachel Donelson

    The Death of rachel Donelson
    She married Andrew Jackson for two years. Robards didn't do a divorce. When they did they had their marriage quiet. Then after that Andre became a war hero then became president afterward.
  • the Inaguaration of president of Jackson

    the Inaguaration of president of Jackson
    The party that Jackson hosted was so big that he had to leave the house and went through a window or a back door. When giving his speech one one of the cables snapped and broke. His bodyguards tried to take him to the White house for his own protection instead he got on a horse and rode to the white house himself.
  • Jefferson Day Dinner

    Jefferson Day Dinner
    It was an Iowa Democratic party on a Saturday They voted to change the name of the Jackson and Jefferson name. The annual party draws in big crowds which the presidents hope to look for a early advantage Iowas first nation caucuses.
  • Jackson Signs Indian Removal Act

    Jackson Signs Indian Removal Act
    This act gave Andrew to settle in the west. Kicking out of the natives. They tried to rebel but it failed. The natives were forced to move and 4,000 died while travelling to the west on the Trail of Tears.
  • Jackson Vetoes Bank Bill

    Jackson Vetoes Bank Bill
    Jackson vetoed the second new charter bank. Jackson thought it was to powerful. The bank was to heavily biased toward business interest.
  • Jackson Issues Nullification Proclamation

    Jackson Issues Nullification Proclamation
    Jackson made this to nullify a federal law in south Carolina. That declared the Tariff Acts. A man named Henry Clay later lowered the tariffs.
  • Congress passes Force Bill

    Congress passes Force Bill
    the bill was passed in South Carolina nullification. This gave Andrew power over to use the military and navy to use to use to established congress. It would also put people in jail if not a qualified person voted.
  • Start of the Trail of Tears

    Start of the Trail of Tears
    Ever since Andrew's removal policy the Cherokee nation had to leave the land. They call it this because of the effects on the trip they faced hunger thirst and diseases.