
By brianna
  • Birth

    I was born in Littleton, Colorado. I was the second baby and my parents first girl! Family is an example of the 5 basic needs of sociology because my parents reproduced, they can train me, mold me into a person with morals and values, theyprovide food and shelter for me, and they give me rules to follow!
  • I talked!

    I talked!
    My first word was "scary". This is a start to my social interactions with others becasue i can start talking to others and responding when they ask questions.
  • My baby brother was born

    My baby brother was born
    My brother Brevan was born. This was hard to deal with because he was born 4 months early and was hospitalized for 4 months. This took a lot of my mom's and dad's time away from me and my two other brothers. But I was really excited to have Brevan as a brother. For me personally this is an example of behaviorist beacuse it taught me to be unselfish and i had to learn to behave very well around family and doctors. I got in trouble sometimes when i was bad and i also was rewarded for being good.
  • I went to kindergarden

    I went to kindergarden
    I started school at Mt. Carbon Elementry! I think this is an example of a social pattern because in our society kindergarden is when everyone normally starts attending school.
  • JonBenet Ramsey

    JonBenet Ramsey
    JonBenet Ramsey was murded in Boulder, Colorado. This is an example of stigma I think because it affected her parents and other family members. At one point they were being investigated for maybe killing her and that hurt their identity. Also the media will always be on them.
  • I started helping on the farm

    I started helping on the farm
    My moms family owns a farm in Eergreen where she was born and raised and is still apart of it today even though we do not live on the property. When I turned seven I was allowd to help work on the farm and help take care of the cows and feilds. This is an example of an Agragain because by raising cattle and hay we were able to feed the family and have extra money coming in by selling the meat and hay.
  • Baptism

    I was baptised into the LDS religion at age eight! This is an example of values because it is important to me to practice my religion and to have God in my life.
  • Columbine Shooting

    Columbine Shooting
    I was in second grade when columbine shooting happened. Columbine shooting is an example of juvenile delinquency because it was two teenage boys who commited a crime inside their school by shooting fellow classmates and a teacher.
  • 9/11

    New York City experienced a terrorist attck! The twin towers were hit by two planes. This is a crime because it was a mass murder. This event took many lives and caused a war!
  • Enron Scandal

    Enron Scandal
    Enron was a top energy trader before 2001 when they filed for bankrupcy. Enron is an example of a white collar crime becasue it did not directly affect anyone except the workers and owners on the company! What Enron did was very wrong and it ended up hurting them.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    I got my first cell phone! I had to share it with my brother but it was amazing to be able to talk to my friends whenever I wanted to! This is an example of Hard work/material success. I had to do chores and babysit for many hours to pay for my phone and be able to pay for half the bill each month. It was hard work (at age 13) but i was rewarded with a cell phone!
  • I went to Mexico!

    I went to Mexico!
    When I went to mexico I saw many different levels of poverty.
    I witnesed the poorest of poor who were begging on the streets and rich people driving their nice cars and they had fancy homes. This was all in one city. I think this is an example of all the classes. The lower class, the middle class, and the upper class. Everyone was working for their money but some could not hold a job and some would not share their wealth to help others.
  • My Friend Cody

    My Friend Cody
    My friend cody passed away. This is the first death I had to go through. This is an example of suicide. Cody took his life when he was in middle school.
  • I entered high school!

    I entered high school!
    I am a freasman at Dakota Ridge!! This is a social institution because i am going to a school that is ran by the government and teaches me according to what they are told to.
  • I got my license :)

    I got my license :)
    I can drive! This is an example of self reliance because I can drive myself places and i don't need my mommy to take me everywhere.
  • I got my first job

    I got my first job
    I was hired at the Garlic Knot as a server!! This was my source of income throughout high school!
  • I peed in public =/

    I peed in public =/
    I was in Albertsons walking down the isle with a freind and she said something very funny, I was laughing so hard that i could not control myself and I peed my pants in public in front of many people! This is an example of deviance because it is not normal for a seventeen year old teenage girl to wet herself in public!
  • Varsity Volleyball

    Varsity Volleyball
    My senior year I played varsity volleyball. This is an example of control theory because being involved in a sports program it prevented me from getting into trouble and avoiding deviance.
  • DNC comes to Colorado

    DNC comes to Colorado
    The DNC came to Colorado. This was interesting to see how the pepole of Colorado reacted. most republicans were upset and the democrates were very involved! This is an example of social characteristics because people were able to express their veiws on who should be president and they were able to encourage more people to vote. which shows each individuals thoughs and characteristics.
  • Obama is elected president

    Obama is elected president
    Obama won. He is our first black president! It was a very exciting election between him and McCain. This is an example of petriotism because it brought our nation together to vote for who you wanted to win.

    I AM DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL!!!!! I think this is an example of a norm because in our society you are looked down on in a way if you do not garduate from high school or go on to higher education.