1301 Timeline Project

  • Period: 30,000 BCE to

    Beginnings to Exploration

  • 1500 BCE

    Caste system

    Caste system
    The Caste System was a form of social stratification or hierarchy, it places the people in certain ranks/categories. The origin of the Caste System was on 1500 B.C from the arrival of the Aryans in India. The Caste system was originally used by the Aryans when they invaded South Asia, they assigned key roles in a society, and then placed people into such roles. The Caste system would then linger around India for approximately 2,000 years, and separates the high, middle, and lower classes.
  • 476

    Fall Of Roman Empire

    Fall Of Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire fell in 476 C.E. The empire largely fell due to Barbarian attacks from the Huns, which started in the late fourth century.A huge internal conflict that caused the empire to fall would be a fault in over expanding and military overspending. This conflict caused the technological advancements of Rome to slow down drastically, it also caused several rebellions because of the dissatisfied civilians.
  • 1347

    Deaths from The Black Death

    Deaths from The Black Death
    The Black Death reached Europe in 1400s. This resulted in 30% to 50% of the population dying (estimated of 25 million people). When the Black Plague spread to Eurasia, there was an approximate of 75 million up to 200 million deaths. When the Black Plague took over worldwide, it was an estimated number of 450 million people reduced down to 350-375 million people. The Black Plague lingered in Europe until the 19th century and took the world population 200 years to retrieve its original population.
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange Diseases

    Columbian Exchange Diseases
    With the start of the Columbian Exchange in 1492, the huge rise of deaths from diseases start to increase. The Columbian Exchange led to many diseases, some examples were small pox and measles. These diseases not only killed Europeans, but killed millions of Indians. The diseases mostly came from Europeans, spreading slowly to Indians, as Indians were weak in immunity, they were likely to die from these diseases. The diseases from the Columbian Exchange will also aide the conquest of America.
  • 1492

    Year 1492 Columbus

    Year 1492 Columbus
    On 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America. In his journey, Columbus led three ships, the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. His original plan was to sail West in order to reach Asia, this plan would be a shortcut to Asia. For, at the time, Asia was known for it's rich spices, and Christopher Columbus wanted to make the trades more efficient. When Columbus reached America, he first landed on the Caribbean islands and where he began his exploration.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Colonial America

  • 1500


    Indulgences was a feature of the system of the Western Medieval and Roman Catholic Church. This feature allows sinners to pay off their sins and continue to go to heaven. Though, this feature would later be subjected in the 16th century, mostly due to the corruption that stems from the feature. Around the 16th century, the opposition against indulgences continues to increase, which resulted to the end of indulgences in 1517.
  • 1500

    Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    The Triangular Trade was a trade system of transatlantic trade in the 16th century between Europe, Africa and America. During the Triangular Trade, slaves, cash crops, and manufactured goods were prominent goods within the trades. This trade pattern was split up into "three stages", first stage, Africa to America for slaves, which contained horrible conditions for slaves, second stage was America to Europe for raw materials, and finally Europe to Africa for finished goods.
  • 1521

    Hernan Cortez

    Hernan Cortez
    Hernan Cortez was intrigued by the tales of gold, this encouraged him to gather a group of people and sailed from Cuba to Mexico. When he first found the Aztec empire, the Aztec people feared him, as he had a similar look to the god of destruction that was destined to destroy Aztec. Because of Cortez's greed for gold, he allied with Aztec enemies, and then successfully captured the Aztec emperor, Montezuma and eventually leads to the conquest of the Aztecs in 1521.
  • The Atlantic Slave Trade

    The Atlantic Slave Trade
    The Atlantic Slave Trade would begin in the 16th century and end in the 19th century. The Atlantic Slave Trade would be a new source of labor for Europe and flourish within the late 1600's. In 1600's, Spain Portugal and Holland would be the leaders of this slave trade. Also, around the 1700's Britain would join the slave trade and become one of the Atlantic Slave Trade's biggest slave traders and the Atlantic Slave Trade would be an Inter-African slave trade.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • Tobacco

    Tobacco started from Jamestown in 1612. It was originally first planted in America by John Rolfe, he arrived in Virginia with the tobacco seeds beforehand. By the time he harvested and sold the Tobacco, it became one of the most booming industry in American exports. As Tobacco increases, more people migrate to America in an attempt to get richer and the number of slaves heavily increases because of the hard labor.
  • Influx of Slavery

    Influx of Slavery
    The beginning of slaves in America was 1619, brought by Dutch traders which they seized from a ship. At this time, manufacturing had little impact, which made agriculture as the main economy. Also, there were rarely any new inventions which made the agriculture difficult and plants like, tobacco, is on the rise in the trades. This caused a big eruption in the amount of slaves due to lack of workforce.
  • Calvinism

    Calvinism was a major branch of Protestantism which believed in the sovereignty of God in all areas of life and predestination. Calvinism was created around 1619 and founded by John Calvin. While Calvinism started in Switzerland, the religion slowly spread into England, Scotland and France. Calvinism, after eradicating from several areas, would still impact the future of laws,reforms,etc.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    John Locke, born on 1632, was one of the most famous philosophers and political theorists of the 17th century. He was widely known as the "Father of Liberalism", in which Locke was regarded as a founder of a school of thought called "British Empiricism". Locke also made foundation contributions to the modern theories of a limited and liberal government. Accomplishing the achievement of the first British empiricists and major figure in social contract theory, Locke would die on October 28, 1704.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    William Penn was born on October 14, 1644, in London. Penn was widely known for his advocate of religious freedom and was the English Quake leader. William Penn's father, Sir William Penn was the leader of the English navy. His journey to Pennsylvania started in 1681, when King Charles II granted him a charter for Pennsylvania.The reason for his migration to America was because of persecution in England towards his faith, Quakers, this motivates him to create a place with freedom for religion.
  • Nathaniel Bacon

    Nathaniel Bacon
    Bacon was a planter and colonist from England, who moved to Jamestown on 1673, was born on January 2, 1647. Nathaniel Bacon was most known for his leadership in the Bacon's rebellion in 1676 at Virginia against Virginia's governor, William Berkeley. Bacon died on October 26, 1676, due to dysentery and his rebellion also collapsed when he died.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The first ten amendments of The Constitution was called the "English Bill of Rights". The English Bill of Rights separated the powers, limited the king and queen and enhanced the democratic election. The English Bill of Rights was signed on 1689 and passed on the same year. President James Madison was the person who proposed the Bill of Rights and the one who passed it,
  • Deism

    Deism flourished in English between the time of 1690 and 1740, with it's founding father, Lord Edward Herbert. Deism has a belief of an supreme being, a god or creator, this being existed, and created the universe, but after the creation, the supreme being would disappear. With this disappearance, the creator would not intervene with any occurrences within the universe. Deism also believes that in the universe, evil was a result from ignorance.
  • Cause of Salem Witch Trials

    Cause of Salem Witch Trials
    There were several causes to the witch trials that accused over 200 people and 20 executed. The first cause would be a powerful belief in Witches and Witchcraft, as this took place in Massachusetts, many locals were Puritans, which pushed the trials further. Another reason would be the original first victims, as they were young girls, their accusations could simply be the caused of boredom. The last reason would be personal differences, as victims had unsettled situations with the accusers.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    Sir Isaac Newton, born in 1643, was an English Mathematician, Physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author. He was known for his work on gravity, and development of the three laws of motion, which is the basic principles of modern physics. Also known for in history for his discovery of calculus, a more powerful method of solving mathematical problems. Newton would die on 1727, leaving his legacy as the most influential scientists of all time, and a key figure in the scientific revolution.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin, Born on 1706, was one of the major founding Fathers of the United States. In 1776, Benjamin was one of the five-member committee that drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, in which thirteen American colonies declared their freedom from British's rule. Franklin also helped draft the U.S Constitution in 1787 and the 1783 treaty of Paris. Franklin was known as an inventor, scientist, and one of the most impacted Founding Fathers in history before he died in,1790.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was founded by James Edward Ogle created a charter to settle a new colony which was named Georgia in honor of King George II in 1732. The beginning of this colony was made to be a penal colony or prison colony, in which the prison was filled with debtors and the prisoners were poor, living in a "pure" environment. Later on, Georgia would change it's administrations, in which it depended on imported slaves. Also, Georgia would be the staging point for the attack of Florida.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine was an English American political activist, philosopher, political theorist and revolutionary. Thomas Paine was the original author of "Common Sense", published in 1776, a book that argued for the colonies' independence. In this book, the Britain's monarchy was under attack, and the idea of a Democratic representative govt. was given life. This book would spread rapidly throughout the colonists due to the industrial revolution which made production of the book efficient and cheap.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain that imposed direct tax on the Thirteen colonies, this tax required the printed materials in the colonies to be produced on a stamped paper. This act was much harsher than the last "Sugar Act", and Britons also received a similar tax. Colonial opposition would result to the act's appeal in 1766 and encouraged the revolutionary movement against Britain and the Crown.
  • Revenue/Sugar Act

    Revenue/Sugar Act
    The Revenue or Sugar Act would be passed on 1764 by the Parliament of Great Britain, this act meant that colonial merchants had been required to pay a tax of six pence per gallon of molasses.The Colonial would try to resist by voicing their displeasure through petitions. The private properties of searches without warrants would begin to occur around this time. This would be the first tax enacted by the British against colonies for the purpose of raising revenue.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The British Act of Parliament passed the Townshend Act during 1767 and 1768, in which the act put taxes on paper, glass, paint and tea. The act was named after Charles TownShend, the Chancellor of Exchequer, who proposed the program or act. The colonial resisted the Townshend Act with petitions, boycotts, and even rebellions, these resistance would later on result in the Boston Massacre, an event that would ignite the revolution.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill took place at Charlestown, Massachusetts. This battle was a siege of Boston during the early stages of the American Revolution and the battle was named after Bunker Hill which was involved in the battle. The result of this battle would be a win for the British, but it would be very costly for them. This battle also symbolized that the colonists were not easy to defeat in war.
  • Period: to

    The Constituion

  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga would be the turning point of the revolutionary for the colonists. This battle would be the first battle that the colonists would majorly win against Britain. This would result in the aide from France, as the French would see the victory over Britain and decide to assist in the war. French would later then, commit it's troops and navy into the revolutionary war, allowing the colonist to gain a valuable ally.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown took place and named after Yorktown, Virginia. This battle would take place next to the ocean and put the British into a blunder. This battle will be a battle in which France impacts the most and would make a huge contribution. American army and French army would combine to result in a win for the colonists. In this fight, the British would surrender and it would be the last battle of the American Revolution.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    The Shay's would be cause by the post-war recession, which resulted in farms being seized. The rebellion was named after the leader, Daniel Shay, who led the revolutionary war veterans until the rebellion was put down in June 1787. This rebellion was a challenge to the Articles of Confederacy's power, which failed to resist the rebellion. This rebellion would spark a change for the United States Government and would later result in the United States Constitution.
  • Anti-Federalist

    The Anti-Federalist Party would be created after the creation of the "Federalist Party". The Anti-Federalist would support a less powerful government, preferring power to be more to the people and that state rights should overweight government decisions. The Anti-Federalist loved and supported the Bill Of Rights and had no trust in the government, fearing the similar tyrant of Britain. The Anti-Federalist favored individual rights and avoided giving the government power.
  • Executive Branch

    Executive Branch
    The United Constitution would create three branches of government and Executive was one of them. The Executive branch was appointed the enforcer of law. The Cabinet System would define a body of high-ranking state officials which were top of the executive branch and were usually referred to as "ministers" or "secretaries". The Executive Branch was based off of the Prime Minister's system, though the branch is important and impactful for running the government.
  • Connecticut Plan

    Connecticut Plan
    The Connecticut Plan or the Great Compromise was an agreement for both large and small state's proposal. This Compromise would result in the modern-day congress and this compromise was a Bi-cameral legislature. The Great Compromise would create a government that contained the House of Representatives, and the addition of Senates. The Connecticut Plan would define the legislative structure and each state would have a representation under the U.S Constitution
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    The Virginia Plan was created on May 29, 1787 and would represent the large states. The Virginia Plan was a proposal by Virginia delegates for a legislative branch with one Lower house, which is elected by the people, and one Upper house, which is elect by Lower House and all the Houses would have equal power. This representation would be based on the population of the states. The plan was drafted by James Madison in 1787.
  • New Jersey Plan

    New Jersey Plan
    The New Jersey Plan was a proposal for the structure of the United States Government, which was presented by William Patterson at the Constitutional Convention. The proposal was to get rid of the Articles of Confederation and modify it into a single Legislature, which is supreme or more powerful than the other branches. The Executive branch would be elected by the congress and the Judiciary branch would have less power.
  • Period: to

    New Republic

  • Federalists

    The Federalist Party was the first American Political party, in which they supported for the United States Constitution. The Federalist Party wanted the United States Government to be a powerful central government, in other words the government would have power over the people. Also, the Federalist opposed the Bill of Rights and they opposed Checks and Balances. The first Federalist to join the Supreme Court was John Jay, who defended the constitution.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney, the Cotton Gin would make it easier to remove the seeds from cotton. This invention will help mass-production in clothes and revolutionized cotton agriculture. Before the Cotton Gin, slavery was on the downfall due to the increased of factories, but after the Cotton Gin, the cotton industry would explode, this increase caused the revival of slavery, as more workforce was required.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    The Jay's Treaty was a treaty between the United States and Great Britain that averted war and resolved the issues which remained since the Treaty of Paris in 1783. The American Independence ended, but it's issues were still remained, the Jay's Treaty would settle these remaining issues between the United States and Great Britain. With this treaty established, British control of western posts, British's ship seizures would be eliminated within two years.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    The XYZ Affair was a political and diplomatic issue between the United States and Republican France. This issue was around the time of 1797 to 1798 involving John Adams early administration. The result of this affair was an undeclared war between the United States and France known as the Quasi-War. Later on, in 1800, United States and France negotiators would restore peace with the Convention of 1800 or Treaty of Mortefontaine and this affair would demonstrate that the U.S is not easily bullied.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Alien and Sedition Acts were four bills that was passed by the Federalist Congress in 1798 and signed into law by President John Adams. These four new laws included new powers that would deport foreigners and made it easier for new immigrants to vote as well. This upset many citizens and people due to the fact that the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the U.S Constitution's first amendment of freedom of speech and the press.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jefferson

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was the acquisition of Louisiana territory by the United States from France in 1803. The decision to sell Louisiana was made by Napoleon due to the wars between France and UK, a big debt was building up in France and Napoleon would decide to sell the land. Napoleon would sell the land for less than 3 cents per acre, which resulted in Louisiana sold for fifteen million dollars. This purchase would be violating the U.S Constitution, but it would secure the Mississippi River.
  • The 12th Amendment

    The 12th Amendment
    The Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution provided the procedure needed for electing the President and Vice President. The Twelfth Amendment would replace the procedure provided in Article II, which was originally implemented by the Electoral College. The Twelfth Amendment would specify that the electors shall cast distinct votes for the president and vice president, rather than electoral votes for two men.
  • Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton
    Alexander Hamilton was an American statesman and one of the Founding Fathers of the United Sates. As Alexander Hamilton was born from the Caribbean, he was limited and couldn't run for presidency. Alexander Hamilton favored a strong central government and rich people. Hamilton had a strong influence over George Washington, and Hamilton's would leave his legacy as a Federalist and Political party leader.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    Lewis was a secretary to Jefferson and he would be the leader of the expedition. While Clark, was an army officer and had map making experience. The expedition started in Saint Louis and sailed up the Missouri River. Throughout the expedition Lewis and Clark would negotiate treaties with the Natives, informed traders and settlers of United State's acquisition. The expedition would be harsh and last for two to three years.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law passed by the United States Congress and signed by President Thomas Jefferson on December 22, 1807. The Act prohibited American ships from trading in all foreign ports. The idea of this Act was to demonstrate American Neutrality to Britain and France, in order to convince them to stop impressing American seamen. This Act would backfire and had a devastating effect on American trade, which led to American trades being unpopular in seaports.
  • Waltham System

    Waltham System
    Waltham-Lowell System was a labor and production model employed in the United States. During the early years of the American textile industry, there was a concept of centralized factories or mills. The workers in these mills consisted of single, young, women, and had a large labor workforce. The women in these systems and mills were payed, but they were working in bad conditions with long working hours.
  • Francis Scot Key

    Francis Scot Key
    Fort McHenry was the Battle of Baltimore, this was a battle on land and sea, fought between British invaders and American defenders. The result of this battle was an American victory and British Withdrawal. This battle would inspire Fracnis Scot Key, a witness that saw the battle, to write a poem, which was named the "Star Spongled Banner", it would then transform into the modern-day National Anthem.
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

  • Adams-Onsin Treaty (1819)

    Adams-Onsin Treaty (1819)
    The Admins-Onsin Treaty of 1819 was a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the United States and defined the boundary between the United States and New Spain. The cause of this treaty was due to the Louisiana Purchase, as it did not specifically state the full boundaries of the territory that the United States acquired from France. The final result of this treaty was Spain recognizing the United States claim to Louisiana.
  • Old Hickory

    Old Hickory
    Old Hickory was a nickname for Andrew Jackson, given to him during the war of 1812. This campaign would get Jackson's name out towards people, stating that he is from humble origin, Jackon's military career and his democratic values. in order to gain more votes, and it succeeds, Jackson would win the Election of 1828 overwhelmingly. This would be the first election from the Common Man.
  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    The Second Great Awakening began around 1800's. The awakening would be picked up at 1820, this Great Awakening emphasized religious romanticism. The religious romanticism centralized around emotions and the supernatural, though it would reject secularism and deism. Around this time, Morality would be taken over by economics and politics.
  • Temperance

    Temperance was defined as abstaining from alcohol. This movement was to counteract the high alcohol consumption in the 1820's. This movement would reduce the consumption of alcohol, as women refused to get near the proximity of a man while drunk. This movement continues and would go further to the condition that some state would ban alcohol.
  • Charles Grandison Finney

    Charles Grandison Finney
    Charles Grandison Finney was an American Presbyterian minister and leader in the Second Great Awakening in the United States. Charles Grandison Finney was also nicknamed as the Father of Modern Revivalism. Finney's significance was mostly in his ability to preach and service procedure as a religious writer.
  • Period: to

    Cultural Changes

  • U.S Role in the Western Hemisphere

    U.S Role in the Western Hemisphere
    The United State's Role in the Western Hemisphere would be explained through the Monroe Doctrine. The goal of this Doctrine was to gain influence over the new areas which was acquired by the United States. America would also declare to Europe that there shall be no intervention in Latin America or the Western Hemisphere. The United States would declare it as their "influence zone" to the rest of the world.
  • Period: to

    Age of Jackson

  • American System

    American System
    During the presidency of John Quincy Adams, the American system was a plan proposed by Henry Clay, the proposal consisted of a plan to strengthen the economy of the United States. The American system established a tax, such as tariffs and industrial taxes, these taxes were to promote and protect the American industry. The second part was a national bank to foster commerce. The final part was a internal movements to develop profitable markets for agriculture.
  • Stephen F. Austin

    Stephen F. Austin
    Stephen Fuller Austin was an American empresario, known as the "Father of Texas" and he was also the founder of Texas. Stephen Austin established the first Anglo-American colony in Tejas province of Mexico and it grew into an independent republic. He succeeded by bringing 300 families from the United States to the region in 1825.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father who was the principle author of the Declaration of Independence in July 4, 1776, who later would served America as it's third president from 1801 to 1809. Thomas Jefferson also served as a Vice President, serving under John Adam's Presidency between 1797 and 1801. Thomas Jefferson would be the United State's First Secretary of State in 1789 to 1801.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    John Adams was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, served as the United State's Second President and was the first to take the seat of Vice President. John Adams was notably a lawyer, diplomat, and leader of American Independence from Great Britain. During the 1770's, Adams was a delegate to the Continental Congress and in 1780's, Adams served as a diplomat in Europe, in which he aided the Treaty of Paris (1783).
  • John Calhoun

    John Calhoun
    John Calhoun was elected as vice president under President Andrew Jackson in 1828. John Calhoun was an advocate towards the nullifying law, and he took the Kentucky Resolutions further. John Calhoun would be the first Vice President to resign in history, the reason for his resignation was due to an issue with the President, Andrew Jackson, this issue was policy differences.
  • Spoils System

    Spoils System
    The Spoils system was a system or practice of a successful political party giving public office to it's supporters. This system would first be seen by Andrew Jackson after he was elected for presidency in 1829. This system was also seen as corrupt to many people and because of this system, the economy started falling.
  • Shakers

    The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing were commonly known as Shakers. Shakers is a restorationist Christian sect founded in the 18th century. The Shakers were known to be celibate, communistic, value equality among sexes, rejected domesticity, and most importantly, they did not believe in marriage or procreation.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was a situation in which the Cherokee were forced to relocate. The American army, would force the Cherokees to move mid-winter and gave them a short amount of time to migrate. During this relocation, thousands of Cherokees will die, mostly from diseases or sickness. The Cherokees would be forced to move off their lands and move towards Indian Territory, Oklahoma.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The Nullification Crisis started off with Congress increasing and raise the import on taxes. This increase on taxes would be called the Tariff Act of 1832, and involved mostly the textiles production. South Carolina would be majorly affected and hurt by this tax. South Carolina would then decide to adopt the ordinance to nullify the tariff acts and label them as unconstitutional.
  • Free-Black Communities

    Free-Black Communities
    The Free-Black Communities flourished, and were largest in North and Midwest societies. Though they were Free Black people, they still suffered from many segregation, discrimination and prejudice. The community was also competing for jobs against the immigrants, as they both work for cheap labor. As the years go by, the hostilities towards these groups would increase and additional prejudice as well.
  • Anti-Abolitionists

    The Anti-Abolitionists made a riot in 1834 at New York City over a series of four nights, which began on July 7, 1834. The Anti-Abolitionists held rallies to denounce abolitionists and bonfires to burn away any abolitionist literature. The Anti-Abolitionists had a gag rule, which was a rule that forbid congress to speak of abolition.
  • Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
    Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was a Mexican politician and general who fought to defend royalist New Spain and then for Mexican Independence. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna would be the leader in which the Texan army have to battle against in the Texian revolution. During the Texas revolution in 1835 to 1836, Santa Anna would play a big role for the Mexican Army.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The Battle of Gonzales was the first military engagement of the Texas Revolution. The Battle of Gonzales was given it's name because it was fought near Gonzales, Texas. The Battle took place on October 2, 1835 and it was between rebellious Texan settlers and a detachment of Mexican Army Soldiers. The result of the war was a victory for the Texian, as the Mexican army withdrew. This battle would mark the beginning of the Texian rebellion against the Mexican government.
  • Battle of Goliad

    Battle of Goliad
    The Battle of Goliad was the second skirmish or battle of the Texas Revolution. On October 9, 1835, Texas settlers attacked the Mexican Army soldiers garrisoned at the Presidio La Bahia fort near the Mexican Texas settlement of Goliad. This battle would result in a victory for Texans and demonstrated the mettle of their cause, this battle would also motivate and encourage the Texans to keep fighting the battles.
  • Bank Veto Speech

    Bank Veto Speech
    In 1836, Andrew Jackson gave a speech explaining why he vetoed the National Bank. In this speech, Jackson would lay out a vision he has for American democracy, this will convince his oppositions to support him and his vision. This speech also appealed and focus on the Common Man, and justified as courts were not authority on the U.S Constitution.
  • Iron Plow

    Iron Plow
    The Iron Plow, invented by John Deere, it was one of the main breakthroughs for agriculture in 1837. The Iron Plow was used in farming to break up tough soil without soil getting stuck to the plow. This function helps bury crop residues and control the weeds. This invention benefited farmers because it allowed them to cut furrows in thick soil. The Iron Plow aided with the Midwest soil conflicts and changed it's economy.
  • Planters

    Planters were regarded as elites or aristocracy in the South. While in the South, majority of slaveholders held ten or fewer slaves, but Planters were those who held a significant number of slaves, mostly used for agricultural labor. Planters were the wealthiest member of society, which resulted in them having a huge influence on Southern economies, though their main concerns were crops and slave laborers.
  • Yeoman Farmers

    Yeoman Farmers
    In the south, Yeoman Farmers were owners of small farms averaging about 100 acres, and families worked long hours. Seventy-five percent of Yeomen Farmers were not slaveholders, while others who owned slaves, owned ten or less slaves. Some of the Yeoman Farmers relied on the Planters, while many others resented them, this would cause the Yeoman Farmers to form Southern Militias. The Yeoman Farmers mostly catch runaway slaves and guarded against slave rebellions.
  • Tenant Farmers

    Tenant Farmers
    In the South, Tenant Farmers were regarded as one of the lowest in the social heirarchies for farming. The Tenant Farms would make up an approximate of thirty to fifty percent of the population South. These Tenant Farmers were Fraternal of or with the slaves, as they were mostly promoted from slaves. These Tenant Farmers were taught to encourage white supremacy, they were also taught to divide and conquer.
  • Creation of Parks

    Creation of Parks
    The Creation of parks was at the time a new idea for nature and architectures. The original idea was an ideal place to get away from the fast pace life, as in this point of time, the industrial revolution has already passed and everything is more advanced. Cemeteries would follow with this similar, peaceful, design.
  • Period: to

    WestWard Expansion

  • Telegraph

    Invented in 1844, by Samuel F. B. Morse was a major electronically breakthrough. This telegraph allowed the people to communicate over long distances. The telegraph starts to have an impact on society by increasing the printing of books, papers, newspaper, as the telegraph allowed them to be mass-produced in cheap and efficient concepts. This telegraph will be the start of modern-day advertisements.
  • James K. Polk

    James K. Polk
    James K. Polk was the 11th president of the United States, he was known for his territorial expansion of the nation chiefly through the Mexican-American War. James K. Polk was the previous Speaker of the House of Representatives and Governor of Tennessee. James K. Polk was also apart of the Democratic Party and an advocate of Jacksonian democracy.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Seneca Falls Convention took place in 1848 at New York. There were an approximate amount of 300 men and women at this convention. This convention declared of sentiment and resolutions, they wanted to secure rights in economics and voting. The Media coverage of this portrayed it as a negative convention. This convention would be a spark for future suffrage.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The Great Migration or the Great Northward Migration was the migration of five-hundered-thousand white people. The migration would last five to six months this migration would occur around the mid 1800's. The people who migrated would take the overland trail, widely known as the Oregon trail and the migration was very harsh.
  • Sam Houston

    Sam Houston
    Sam Houston was an American soldier and politician. Sam Houston was the leader of the Texas Revolution in 1835, Sam Houston would serve as the 1st and 3rd president of the Republic of Texas, and he was one of the first two individuals to represent Texas in the United States Senate. Finally in 1827, he became Tenessee governor, and died on July 26, 1863 in Huntsville, Texas.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act was passed by Congress on September 18, 1850, as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern Slave-holding interests and Northern Free-Soilers. The Fugitive Slave Act forced everyone in the United States to commission for returning slave. Slaves that runs away and becomes a fugitive would have no right to trial, and whites who refused to follow the Act would be jailed or fined.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was a series of resolutions which Henry Clay proposed on January 29, 1850. The Compromise would avert a crisis between the North and South. The Compromise had 5 separated bills, the first would be California enters the United States as a free state. The second would be the decision on slavery within New Mexico and Utah. Third, Federal government absorbs the Texas debt. Fourth, is the slave trade being banned in Washington D.C. Finally, is the Fugitive Slave Act,
  • Aunt Phillis' Cabin

    Aunt Phillis' Cabin
    Aunt Phillis' Cabin was a novel written by Mary Henderson Eastman, the book is a plantation fiction novel. Aunt Phillis' Cabin was a counter argument towards Uncle Tom's Cabin. In Uncle Tom's Cabin, depiction of anti-slavery intent were demonstrated, which resulted in the North's reinforcement. Aunt Phillis' Cabin was a book that depicted a bright side to Slavery, suggesting that it is not Brutal, and slavery should stay.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was an anti-slavery novel wrote by American author, Harriet Beecher Stowe. The Uncle Tom's Cabin was a piece of writing that spoke out against the cruelty and brutal of slavery, this piece of writing would be a spark into the start of the Civil War, as Northerners' attitudes towards slavery has been reinforced, which motivates them to abolish slavery even further.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by the United States Congress on May 30, 1854. This act allowed the people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not they would allow slavery within their borders. The Act also repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which prohibited slavery in the North of the latitude 36 30.
  • North Industrialization

    North Industrialization
    During the Civil War, the North had forty-thousand factories within it's lands, valuing at approximately 1.6 billion dollars. Ninety-Seven percent of the weapons from the Civil War of the North would be made by it's manufacturing, while ninety-four percent were clothing, and finally ninety-percent were shoes and boots.
  • South Industrialization

    South Industrialization
    South Industrialization were very poor compared to the North, as they struggled to start with Industrial. The factories in the South totaled up to eighteen-thousand factories, and valued at approximately 155 million dollars. In the South, only approximately three percent of the weapons were manufactured.
  • Trent Affair

    Trent Affair
    Trent Affair was a diplomatic affair incident in 1861 during the American Civil War that threatened a war between the United States and the United Kingdom. Confederates sends diplomats to Europe, and Britain would demand an apology. Lincoln would then release the confederate diplomats, and Lincoln secures British and French neutrality.
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    The Civil War

  • Lincoln's 10% Plan

    Lincoln's 10% Plan
    The Lincoln's 10% Plan would pardon all Southerners, but not officers and officials. Southerners were required to take an oath of loyalty and apply for federal recognition. Lincoln's 10% Plan's goal was Amnesty and Reconstruction. Lincoln's 10% Plan would also set up a new state of Government for America.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The Siege of Vicksburg was the final major military action in the Vicksburg Campaign of the American Civil War. General Grant would win this major battle, this battle would cut the South in two and control of the Mississippi River. Union would capture New Orleans, they would then proceed to deprive the South of it's largest city and financing. After this, the war would start winding down, and the Union begins to overwhelm the South.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant was the leader of the Union army during the civil war. Grant's Original plan for the civil war was to take the Army of Potomac and take Richmond. Then, capture Atlanta and divide the South into thirds, and Grant takes on Lee himself. The strategy at the time was a very aggressive strategy, and lost many men in the wars.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    Sherman's March to the Sea was the event when Sherman captures Atlanta. Sherman marches to Savannah and cut the Confederacy into thirds, in which he burned everything in his path, known as scorched earth and he destroys everything along the way. Sherman would bring war to the civilian populations, and issued the special FIeld Order number 15, and takes four-hundred-thousand acres land.
  • Wade-Davis Bill

    Wade-Davis Bill
    The Wade-Davis Bill was a bill proposed for the Reconstruction of the South written by two Radical Republicans. The Bill would punish Confederate leaders and destroy the slave society in the South. For the southern citizens, they were to take an oath, declaring that they never aided the Confederacy, and the officers were stripped of citizenship.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Freedman's Bureau
    The Freedmen's Bureau or Bureau of Refugees, Freedman Bureau was established in 1865 by Congress in order to help millions of former black slaves and poor whites in the South after the Civil War. The Freedmen's Bureau was also recognized as a relief agency in the war from the South. The Bureau gave food, schools, and emergency services, their main goal was reconstruction.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    The Black Codes were laws passed by Southern states in 1865 after the Civil War with the intent of restricting the African American's freedom and compelling them to work in a labor economy based with low income. These Black Codes would spread across South, as a new way to put back power, this Black Code would be similar to slavery. These codes would outlaw interracial marriage and serving on juries, it would also exploit the workforce.
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  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and a Mule
    40 Acres and a Mule was a promise in the United States for former enslaved black farmers. The Union promised to give the former slaves the lands that the Planters abandoned and captured by Unions. The former slaves were promised to be allowed to own or rent land to farm, and entitled to a mule. The former slaves viewed the land as independence or freedom. This promise was never completed and the lands captured were given back to the owners.
  • Appomattox CourtHouse

    Appomattox CourtHouse
    General Lee surrenders to General Grant on April 9, 1865 at the Appomattox Courthouse. After this event, all Confederates forces surrender by late June. The final battle would be the Siege of Petesburg, which starved General Lee's army. At the end of this war, over 650,00 Americans would die, and this war would be the bloodiest war in the American history.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln Assassination
    Abraham Lincoln Assassination would occur when Lincoln attends a play at Ford's Theater. It was five days before the Appomattex Court House, when John Wilkes Booth Lincoln shoots Lincoln in the back of his head. Lincoln would die the day after the assassination and the funeral process would attract millions on the railroad tracks to see Lincoln's funeral.
  • Election of 1866

    Election of 1866
    The Election of 1866 had a main factor, which is to decide whether to be lenient or harsh with the punishments towards the South. During this time, Reconstruction would be made through legislation, this overrode Johnson's plan for reconstruction. This plan divided South into five military districts and allowed all males to vote.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment was one of the three major amendments which gave freedom to African Americans. This amendment would define a citizen as born in the United States, allowing the African Americans to become citizens. The amendment also states that every citizen is entitled to equal protections from the laws, and prohibited financial compensation for ex slave owners.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman was an American Abolitionist and political activist. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery, but managed to escape and now she, herself rescues people and help them get away from slavery. Tubman is able to help people through the secret networks, which was called the Underground Railroad.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established throughout the North of the United States during the mid-19th century. These trails of secret networks was used by African Americans slaves to escape from slavery and into a Canada, where slavery was illegal and banned.