12 Historical Film Events

  • Thomas Edison builds motion-picture camera

    Thomas Edison builds motion-picture camera
    In 1889 Thomas Edison builds the first motion-picture with the help of William Kennedy Laurie Dickson. Its the first of its kind and is what starts the new film age. They name the camera "Kinetograph".
  • The first motion-picture studio is made

    The first motion-picture studio is made
    In 1894 the Edison Corporation builds the first motion-picture studio. It is nicknamed the "Black Maria" and is the first Kinetograph center. People could watch short films for 25 cents.
  • Cinematograph is invented in France

    Cinematograph is invented in France
    The brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière hold the first screening. They invent the Cinematograph which is the combination of a camera and projector. It allowed large groups to few a film at the same time.
  • The first 12 minute film is made

    The first 12 minute film is made
    The Edison Corporation makes a film called "The Great Train Robbery. It is a 14 shots that are cut to make one fluid movie. It is also the first film in the new genre Western.
  • The first movie theater is opened

    The first movie theater is opened
    The first movie theater is opened in 1905. Its opened in Pittsburgh and is the first public screening. It is called Nickelodeon and is the reason the company is made
  • Thomas Edison makes talking in films possible

    Thomas Edison makes talking in films possible
    In 1910 Thomas Edison makes the Kinetophone. This invention makes talking in movies possible. It is the first time sound can be introduced in films
  • First feature film is shown

    First feature film is shown
    The first feature film is made when two reels of Enoch Arden are showed together. This introduced longer films and made making films longer a good thing. Before this they had short films.
  • First animated film is relased

    First animated film is relased
    In 1914 Winsor McCay introduces his first animated cartoon. It was called Gertie the Dinosaur. It was the first of its kind and was unseen before him.
  • First war film is made

    First war film is made
    In 1915 D. W. Griffith makes a civil war epic. Its called the Birth of a Nation and is technically brilliant and unseen before. It introduces narrative close-up and flashbacks
  • Walt disney makes his first film

    Walt disney makes his first film
    In 1924 Walt Disney makes his first film. It is a cartoon named Alice in Wonderland. It is his first film and leads to a successful life of his
  • Walt disney makes Mickey Mouse

    Walt disney makes Mickey Mouse
    In 1928 Walt disney introduces his most popular character. His film Galloping Gaucho and Steamboat Willie introduces the first cartoon with sound. It also introduces Mickey Mouse which becomes his most famous character.
  • First film with color is made

    First film with color is made
    In 1935 the first three color system appeared. It added color to films and was first used in Becky Sharp. This was a huge improvement to films