Refrigerator's Throughout the Ages

  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to

    Before The Creation of The Refrigerator

  • In England, servants collected ice in the winter and put it into icehouses for use in the summer

    This shows that people knew that they needed to keep their food cold. It impacts society becasue the health rate rises.
  • Dr. William Cullen, a Scotsman, studied the evaporation of liquids in a vacuum

    Helps the contribution to the creation of the fridge. This also helps society attempt to created the fridge.
  • Period: to


    The refrigerator has made an impact on soceity from the begining of its creation. It allows the cooling of foods to occured which expands the time the foods are edible. This also helped the trade of food since it would last longer.
  • Michael Faraday, a Londoner, liquified ammonia to cause cooling

    This impacts the scientific commnity by it being able to study more in depth on cooling processes. This later leads to the refrigerator.
  • Carl von Linde first practical and portable compressor refrigeration machine was built in Munich

    This is important because it could now be used throughout the soceity. It affected the people by allowing them to have better food quality.
  • Carl Paul Gottfried von Linde invents a continuous process of liquefying gases in large quantities

    Idea FinderThis is significant becasue it shows the base of what is needed to store foods in cold climates. This helps yeild the growth of mold, bacteria, and yeasts. The population benefits from this because their health increases because they do not become ill from spoiled food. This is the base of the refrigerator.
  • Linde AG installs refrigerator at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, Ireland

    This shows the spread of the refrigerator through the world. It also promotes the idea of the refrigerator because it is in a famous place which makes people consider purchasing one.
  • Patent # 665,814 issued January 10, for a Refridgeator (Ice Box) invented by Henry Trost.

    This impacted society because it kept items frozen instead of just cold. It helped with items like ice cream.
  • General Electric company unveiled a refrigerator invented by a French monk. Abbe Audiffren

    GE has been known for their refrigerators for a long time. This also shows that other people could create the refrigerator and that it was not just Linde. This impacted the soceity by making them easier to buy.
  • Alfred Mellowes starts Guardian Frigerato to build first self-container refrigerator for home use

    This helped the spread of them through out the nations. It shows that people wanted a easier way to store their food.
  • Guardian Frigerato purchased by General Motors and renamed Frigidaire

    This impacted soceity becasue it showed a more advanced view of refrigerators. This also encourages people to purchase this new type.
  • There were some 200 different refrigerator models on the market.

    This makes the affordability of the refrigerator lower because people could lower prices because there were more options.
  • Baltzar von Platen and Carl Munters introduce absorption process refrigerator

    This uses heat to drive the cooling process. This impacts society because it is better on the enviroment.
  • Kelvinator held 80 percent of the market for electric refrigerators

    This may have been a step back for soceity because he held most the fridges so he controlled the costs.
  • Electrolux purchases AB Arctic and launches the "D-fridge" on the world market

    This new type of fridge shows that people wanted the newest and more efficent types of fridges. This impacts soceity because it cause more choices.
  • First built-in refrigerator is launched by Electrolux

    This made an impact because it showed that this appliance was important engough to include in the kitchen. Since it was built in it was also more apealing to the consumers.
  • The first air-cooled refrigerator introduced by Electrolux

    This made an impact because Electrolux was already a big name so people were willing to buy them since they had a largely known name. This also shows that more could be improved on the refrigerator.
  • Mass Production Did Not Start Untill After World War II

    Refrigerators were not mass producted before this because most of the items used to make them were put forth into war effort. Since they items were rationed then the production was limited. This was an impact on soceity because now more people could afford this product since the war was over.
  • GE two-door refrigerator-freezer combination

    This is significant because they could now keep items cool (like milk, eggs, and others) but not freeze them (like icecreams and ice). This also made it easier to keep food for the time period that they were needed for.
  • Ice Dispencers Were Introduced in Refrigerators

    This made an impact on cold beverages becasue it made it easier for the ice to dispence through the refrigerator. It also made it handier to use ice in the kitchen.
  • A domestic refrigerator is present in 99.5% of American homes

    This large percent shows that the impact on society was evident throughout the united states and a very low percent do not have them.