WW2 Battles

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa is highly important because it was the beginning of the end of the Third Reich. The Germans scored several outstanding victories in 1941, but the capture of Moscow was not one of them. By going to war with the Soviet Union in 1941 after having already declared war on Britain, Hitler and the German military was fighting a two-front war which it could never win. This was a lesson that the little Austrian corporal Adolf Hitler should have learned, but never did
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Because Germany lost help from russia
  • Pearl Harbor

    This is a very important date, because had the United States not got involved in the war, there could have been drastic differences in today's time.
  • Midway Island

    Allies broke japanese code & americans sent torpedo planes still on decks of their carriers & then allies began island hopping
    island by island they won territory back from the Japanese
  • D-Day

    D-Day is important for World War II because it was the main Allied invasion of continental Europe. It was this invasion that allowed the Allies to finally defeat Germany.
  • battle of Iwo Jima

    The American amphibious invasion of iwo Jima during World War II stemmed from the need for a base near the Japanese coast. Following elaborate preparatory air and naval bombardment, three U.S. marine divisions landed on the island in February 1945.