voting rights

  • Period: to

    voting rights

  • 13th admendment

    13th admendment
    this event lead to abolishing slavery
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    this give a bigger population rights to vote, causing increase of voting rights
  • laws to take voting rights from African-Americans

    laws to take voting rights from African-Americans
    this event it important because it causes a percentage of people to not be able to vote
  • supreme court rules that literacy tests are constitutional

    supreme court rules that literacy tests are constitutional
    this was important because it had the effect of little African Americans voting
  • supreme court declares the "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional

    supreme court declares the "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional
    this event lead to increasing voting rights because without African-Americans being able to vote it lead to the voting rights act
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    this event is important because it increased the amount of people voting by the women population being able to vote
  • supreme court rules tat poll taxes are constitutional

  • 24th amendment

  • freedom summer

  • voting rights act

    voting rights act
    this event changed the voting world with no racial, and ethnic discrimination in elections almost everyone is able to vote