US Foreign Policy 1900-1941

  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    This sets American Policy in Asia specifically China. It gives them a right to enter and trade in China whenever they wish. They put this in place because it benefits them and at the time they have the resources to trade.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    The Platt Amendment gives the United States a right to intervene in all aspects of Cuba in order to preserve democracy. It follows the standard of moral diplomacy in the United States at the time.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    An addition to the Monroe Doctrine, the Roosevelt Corollary is the definition of moral diplomacy. It prevents the European countries from intervening anywhere in the America's and the United States becomes the police of the Western hemisphere.
  • Hay‐Bunau‐Varilla Treaty

    Hay‐Bunau‐Varilla Treaty
    This treaty grants the US access to Panama and allows it to build the Panama Canal. It is another example of the United States getting involved in other countries affairs because it believes it has the ability to handle things better than others.
  • Taft's Dollar Diplomacy

    Taft's Dollar Diplomacy
    Dollar Diplomacy was Taft's new foreign policy plan that was a mix of moral diplomacy and realpolitik. The United States will intervene in other countries affairs to keep order but also create commercial opportunities for itself.
  • Wilson enters the US into World War 1

    Wilson enters the US into World War 1
    After originally staying out of the conflict, the United States enters World War 1 under Wilson. They enter under moral diplomacy because
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    With the ending of World War 1 the Treaty of Versailles is signed. Being on the winning side of the war they get to help set the terms. However the treaty does not go as planned and the rules are not well enforced. The League of Nations is not what Wilson wanted and he declines joining it.
  • Washington Armaments Conference

    Washington Armaments Conference
    The Washington Armaments Conference sets up multiple treaties limiting naval capabilities of countries. This is to put limitations on Germany and others. It is for peace and moral diplomacy in preventing war and keeping people safe.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    This policy is an example of US isolationism. It limits the number of immigrants allowed from each country in Europe. The US felt it didn't need more people coming into the country taking opportunites. Even though it was prospering it wanted to keep this time of success going.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    The Dawes plan is set up to keep the flow of currency between the US, Germany, and Great Britain. At the time the US has more money and is properous from being the dealer of the war so it can afford to help Europe. It does not want any country to collapse so it helps Germany.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    This pact outlaws war because no country wants a reptiton of World War 1. The US is not only for self preservation with this but moral diplomacy in keeping the world safe.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff
    This tariff sets a tariff on outside goods of 60%. It shows the US having isolationism because it decreases the number of imports and exports because otheer countries put on tariffs. The US is isolating itself trying to solve it's problems by itself
  • Neutrality during Spanish Civil War

    Neutrality during Spanish Civil War
    When the Spanish Civil War erupts, the US does not chose sides. It instead remain isolationist, worrying about itself and trying to rebuild itself. While Germany helps one side, the US remains on the sideline because helping would not directly benefit what they wanted to achieve.
  • Lend Lease Program

    Lend Lease Program
    This begins ending American isolationsim. While we do not join the war at the time, we begin helping Britain and the Allies in their war effort. The US sees a large problem brewing and does not want fascism to take over the world. Because this war has a threat to democracy, the US begins its' help
  • Pearl Harbor is bombed

    Pearl Harbor is bombed
    When Pearl Harbor is bombed, it drives the US to the point of declaring war on Japan and soon they are at war with Germany as well. It ends the US foreign policy plan of isolationism. With this event they have no choice but to go to war to defend themself and help those in Europe.