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The Age of Napoleon Timeline

  • The Italian Campaign (Green)

    The Italian Campaign (Green)
    The Italian Campaign was the First Campaign during the Napoleonic War. During this Campaign, France conquered the majority of Northern Italy. This was a win for the French because France gained land and this first inspired Napoleon to become a ruler. The Campaign ended in 1797.
  • Egyptian Campaign (Red)

    Egyptian Campaign (Red)
    During the French’s Egyptian Campaign, they battled with the British army. Being led by Admiral Horacio Nelson, the British Navy demolished the French Navy. Napoleon abandoned his army and escaped back to France, telling everyone that he was a hero. This Campaign was a lost for France because they did not gain anything and they lost a lot of soldiers.
  • Consulate (Green)

    Consulate (Green)
    After the Coup of Brumaire in November 1799, Napoleon established an executive branch called the Consulate. The executive branch consisted of three consuls: Napoleon (First Consulate, wielded the most power), Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes and Pierre-Roger Ducos. The executive branch was given powers like the power to draft new laws. The Consulate ended once Napoleon claimed himself the Emperor of France. This is a success for France because Napoleon has successfully built a strong executive branch.
  • Banque de France (Green)

    Banque de France (Green)
    Napoleon founded the Banque de France in 1800. The bank was created to regain confidence France’s banking system after years of it being unstable before and during the French Revolution. This is a win for Napoleonic France because France became financially stable and it centralized the money.
  • Concordat of 1801 (Green)

    Concordat of 1801 (Green)
    Napoleon wanted to release the divisions previously set with the Catholic Church. So, Napoleon created the Concordat of 1801 which mended France’s relationship with the Catholic Church by giving the Church religious toleration. Catholicism was then declared “the religion of the majority of Frenchman.” Pope Pius VII later renounced this, so Napoleon arrested him. This was a win for Napoleonic France because they gained Catholic French citizens’ support.
  • Consul for Life (Yellow)

    Consul for Life (Yellow)
    After Napoleon created a successful coupe d’ etat on November 9, 1799, he gave himself the title “First Consul,” which was Julius Caesar’s title. He shortly after named himself another title, which was “Consul for Life.” This was not a win nor lose for France because he provided stability for France but took away French rights.
  • Declared Self Emperor (Green)

    Declared Self Emperor (Green)
    During an extravagant ceremony at the Cathedral Notre Dame, Napoleon crowned himself the Emperor of France. This is a win-lose for Napoleonic France because he stabilizes the country with a central government.
  • Napoleonic Code (Yellow)

    Napoleonic Code (Yellow)
    Napoleon created the Napoleonic Code, which had the purpose of reforming the French legal code. The Code established gave the French citizens religious toleration, the equality of putting citizens before the law, and merit-based advancement. However, the the Code undid reforms made during the Revolution such as women rights.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (Red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (Red)
    In 1805 around the tip of Portugal, the British and French Navy battled against each other in the Battle of Trafalgar. Even though Admiral Lord Nelson died during this battle, the French fleet lost. Napoleonic France lost this battle because the British had the best navy power in the world and because Napoleon was not good at sea warfare.
  • The Continental System (Green)

    The Continental System (Green)
    First, France and Prussia created the Confederation of Rhineland (where the Holy Roman Empire used to be). The goal of this System was to isolate Britain, so France sent out the Berlin Decrees (1806) which stated that British ships would not be allowed in European ports. In 1807, Britain then that forbade France and its allies/neutrals to trade with the United Kingdom and sent the Royal Navy to blockade French and French allies’ ports. This is a win because it gave the UK less freedom of trade.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (Green)
    After smashing the Austrians and Russians at the Battle of Austerlitz, he gained control of the Holy Roman Empire. France (with 16 other states) then created the Confederation of the Rhine where the Holy Roman Empire used to be. This is a success for Napoleonic France because they gained more territory.
  • Resistance in Spain (Red)

    Resistance in Spain (Red)
    Napoleon arrested the King and Prince of Spain because they did not allow him passage through Spain to get to Portugal and put his brother Joseph on the Spanish throne. He sent 100,000+ soldiers to Madrid and on May 2, 1808, the Spanish rebelled. WIthin the next couple of years, Napoleon would send over a half a million troops to Spain. British became allies with Portugal and helped aid Spain. This alliance caused the Spanish to be pushed out of Spain after 5 years of war there.
  • Invasion of Russia (Red)

    Invasion of Russia (Red)
    In July of 1812, Napoleon with his 422,000 plus soldiers of the Grand Armée began their campaign to Russia. Russians completely avoided the French by retreating back deeper into their country to Moscow. Napoleon reached Moscow on September 14, 1812. The city was brunt down and there was no way the French could stay there and survive. Napoleon started to retreat back to France in early 1813. They were attacked by Russians during the whole retreat; 100,000 retreated and only 10,000 survived.
  • Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (Red)

    Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (Red)
    On October 16th, 1813, the Allied Nations and France went to battle at Leipzig (in present-day Germany). The Allied Nations consisted of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Britain. The Allied Nations defeated Napoleon on the 17th due to his army suffering a lot of casualties.
  • Napoleon Abdicates (Red)

    Napoleon Abdicates (Red)
    Napoleon is first abdicated on April 6th, 1814 and abdicated again on the 11th. The Allied forces first began their occupation of France on March 31, 1814. The Treaty of Fontainebleau then ordered that Napoleon was to be exiled to Elba. Louis XVIII would take the throne. This is a failure for Napoleonic France because royalist France returned with the heir of the throne (prior to Napoleon) returned to France and Napoleon was exiled.
  • The Hundred Days (Yellow)

    The Hundred Days (Yellow)
    After Louis XVIII’s failure as a ruler, Napoleon was invited back to France it rule. He entered Paris on March 20th and became the Emperor again. However, his rule would only last from March 20th to June 28th 1815 due to Napoleon continuing to fight with the Allied Nations. This was known as the Hundred Days. This was a success for Napoleonic France because this gave Napoleon the opportunity to rule again, but the 7th Coalition was then formed against him.
  • Waterloo (Red)

    Waterloo  (Red)
    Located in Waterloo, Belgium, this battle is the last of the Napoleonic War. The United Nations Army defeated Napoleon’s French Army in one long day. Napoleon was then exiled to St. Helena, an island in the South Atlantic. This is a failure for Napoleonic France because Napoleon was defeated and exiled from France.