Social Studies Timeline

  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 3500 BCE

    Stone Age

    The people were hunter-gatherers that were divided into clans.
    Originally resources were shared until territories were developed. The name for the time period arose from the use of stone to create tools for people at that time. The development of fire also arose in this time allowing people to better sustain their lives.
  • 8000 BCE

    Neolithic Revolution

    The development of people from hunter-gatherers into people that lived in settlements occurred during this time. People began storing food at this time making rations spread out longer throughout the year. People's brains grew from having a more reliable food source. Their growth led to the creation of spirituality and the awareness of death. The idea of modern day cities arose from these settlements and the idea of growing food in agriculture instead of only collecting it.
  • Period: 7000 BCE to 6000 BCE

    First Cities

    Catalhoyuk, a neolithic city found in modern Turkey dates back to 7000 BCE.
    Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were two cities that were a part of the Indus River Valley that used the source of the river to water their crops and transport things in 6500 BCE.
    Faiyum, based in Egypt used the Nile river to be an agricultural base. This was developed around 6000 BCE
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 479 BCE

    Bronze Age

    The need for better tools and weapons rose to the development of the bronze age. The material was easier to mold in many ways but sturdier than stone that broke often. This led to more effective hunting taking place and the production of more food.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 30

    Egyptian Empire

    The empire lasted around 4000 years and ended when it was taken over and added to the expansion of the Roman Empire. The empire was an early area that was settled due to the fertile land created around the Nile River.
  • Period: 2686 BCE to 2181 BCE

    Old Kingdom of Egypt

    Monarchy government ruled this period with a leader who was treated like a god, later named a Pharaoh, commanding everything. As a way to honor the Kings that did lead the government in this time monumental periods were built to bury them. All of the famous pyramids were made during this time.
  • 2330 BCE

    Early Empires

    2330 BCE Sumerian Empire: Earliest empire. The idea of imperialism and dynasties of families ruling developed during this period.
    2220 BCE-586 BCE Babylonian Empire: Was a city-state of Babylon when a group of nomads took over. Hammurabi a leader in the nomads-created the code of "an eye for an eye" moral. This historically was the first time laws and consequences were written. for those that were accused of crimes.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1700 BCE

    Middle Kingdom of Egypt

    Religion was a key to the culture at this time after a time of prosperity had lead to a time of less prosperous growths. The cult of Osiris became common practice for people to focus their time in worship.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1500 BCE

    The Minoans

    The Minoans were founded in the middle of the Bronze age. They lived on the island of Crete They had a very strong Navy, that was able to defeat the Greeks and prevent them from taking them over. What is believed to have ended the society of the Minoans was an earthquake and its resulting tidal waves that occurred in 1700 BCE and the eruption of a volcano in 1500 BCE.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 900

    Mayan Empire

    Was an empire with a complete language before the arrival of the Spanish. The people are well known for their art, mathematical, an architecture. The people of the empire were numbered in the millions. They traded with other Mesoamerican groups for valuables and food. The arrival of the Spanish ended the era of the Mayan Empire.
  • Period: 1650 BCE to 1200

    The Myceneans

    Were a group that came to power in the Greek mainland separate from the island-dwelling Minoans. The Trojan war was believed to have taken place between the Troy and Mycenaean people during this time. After winning the battle of Troy the soldiers made their way back to their homeland in Greek and slowly dissipated into the rest of the common Greek culture.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE

    Shang Dynasty

    FIrst recorded Chinese Dynasty. The Dynasty was known for being based on strong agriculture and for having advanced technology in their weaponry and metal work that was available.
    Was an aristocracy government. With different classes of military nobles, priests, and lower-class working people that were instructed by the military leaders.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 539 BCE


    This group of people flourished during the later part of the Bronze age. They were a society that utilized trading along the coast to make money. The term "phonics" comes from this group of people creating a writing system that is still rooted in how we write today.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 30

    New Kingdom of Egypt

    Was a time period that lasted almost 1500 years. There were many powerful leaders of Egypt throughout this time period. The culture of Egypt underwent many changes in religion, the devotion of resources to military, construction and expansion, and agriculture. The period ended with the addition of Egypt to Rome after the death of Caesarion the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 600 BCE

    Iron Age

    Weapons and tools were made from iron and steel. The belief that the collapse of Bronze age kingdoms ended trade routes of bronze leading to the alternative of using iron.
  • Period: 1100 BCE to 750 BCE

    Greek Dark age

    Following the Trojan war, the Mycenaeans were taken over by a group called the Dorians. Culture including art, writing, architecture were all forgotten during this period.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to 1100 BCE

    The Renaissance

  • Period: 800 BCE to 30 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Their society was originally ruled over by a group of people called the Etruscans. In 500 BCE the Romans became independent. They begin to take over neighboring countries to build their power up after being reigned over for so long. Then they conquered many other countries to add to their empire. During Pax Romana- a period of peace lasting two centuries following the leadership of Augustus was when Rome was the Imperial ruler most of the known world.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 480 BCE

    Mycenaean Greece to Classical Greece-the Archaic Period

    Mycenaean Greece fell and Classical Greece rose after a period of about 300 years. The development of culture and arts then rose at that time. Philosophy and the creation of artwork was encouraged in society as people were facing a time of peace and prosperity where they had time to pursue other interests.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 330 BCE

    Persian Empire

    This empire was the most powerful kingdom at its peak. Though it did not last for a long time, only 200 years They conquered large portions of land and had many military triumphs and powerful leaders. The end of the empire came when Alexander the Great and his army defeated their militant forces.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 336 BCE

    Classical Period of Greece

    The time period when Greece was in conflict with Persia. Was when the culture of arts and philosophy shined. The creation and flourishment of government for "all"-white, upper-class men was perpetuated in this period. Alexander the Great was the ruler of Macedonia from 336 to 323 BC. He conquered many lands and spread the rule of Greece across many countries.
  • Period: 30 BCE to 476

    Fall of Rome

    By 30 BCE Rome's territory covered from England to Africa and Spain to Asia. Rome was attacked by groups of nomadic tribes sick of Roman rule. Which caused the Old Roman Empire to fall in 476 CE. The Byzantine Empire remained, however.
  • Period: 455 to 1492

    Dark Age

    The fall of part of Rome led to a dark period of existence in Europe. Constantinople attempted to rebuild the Roman empire to when it was at its peak but in these attempts killed many people and did not help the people out of this period of 'darkness'.
  • Period: 570 to 632

    Creation of Islam

    In Persia, Muhammad was born and had a vision from God, who they called Allah. This formed the religion of Islam, after Muhammed's death there had been no following leader appointed so people debated whether it should be his father in law or his son in law. Creating the sections of Islam who supported each different leader the Shiites and the Sunnis.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Ending the spread of Islam as the Franks of part of France defeated the Islamic army in Spain. This kept Christianity as the leading religion across Europe.
  • Period: 793 to 1093


    First attacking Britain in 793 the Viking period last around 300 years. In 1066 Vikings took over England after attacking areas all oven Britain time and time again. The King of the Anglo Saxons paid the Vikings to leave-which lasted five years before they returned. The area they settled in in France was later named Normandy-after the northern men took it over.
  • Period: 874 to 930

    Vikings in Iceland and North America

    Vikings settled in Iceland as it was unoccupied land where the Vikings would not need to fend off their territory. People who were banished for their crimes from Iceland ventured in ships passed Iceland and discovered Greenland. Later adventures of this same origin would help some Vikings also discover North America.
  • Period: 1066 to 1270

    The Crusades

    Was a time period when their were knights that were set to guard areas in England from the Vikings and then from the Middle Easterners who were trying to take the Holy Land from the English.
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    Causes of the Renaissance can be tied to the Crusades bringing European culture back to values from Roman and Greek books-importance of education. Climate change causing an increase in agriculture. End of the guilds who ruled the job options let people acquire more specialized skills and want to be creative. The De Medici family also bankrolled many artists which helped build up the foundations of philosophy, religion, and the arts from the people the De Medici family chose to support.
  • Period: 1300 to 1520

    Inca Empire

    They were a group of people based out of where modern-day Chile and Peru are. Their capital is was located in the famous Machu Pichu hills. After the emperor passed away the empire began to fall and the arrival of the Spanish ensured that it ended.
  • Period: 1325 to 1519

    Aztec Empire

    They were a group of people spread out in the regions of Mexico. Their capital was named Tenoctitlan. They were a ruling Empire over many neighboring groups. They were very brutal with prisoners of war, torturing them publically which made them quite unfavorable with other nations. When Cortez, the Spanish explorer arrived in 1519 was when the fall of the Aztecs began.
  • Period: 1346 to 1353

    Black Plague

    Part of the trading that occurred along the "Silk Road" brought the disease of the Black Plague on a ship from Sicily. Over five years over 25 million people across Europe. The death of such a large portion of the population in Europe disrupted the social structure of their society. Before the plague, many people were a part of the same low social class as serfs to serve the royal class. With so many deaths people who had been trained in certain skills became in high demand.
  • Period: 1478 to 1500

    Spanish Inquisition

    King Ferdinand ll and Queen Isabella of Spain wanted to group people into one religion after they wed and brought two countries together. They created a society that was biased only to people that practiced Catholicism, other religions were not tolerated. People who practiced other religions were brutally harmed and even killed.
  • 1492

    Trips of Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus wanted to find a way to trade with Asia without traveling on the Silk Road where many people were being robbed of the goods they were trading for. With support from Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain he attempted to sail west to find a route around to Asia. Instead on his journey after many moths he came across the Americas instead.
  • Period: 1492 to 1500

    Columbian Exchange

    After the Americas had been discovered, countries including; Spain, Portugal, France, and England sent explorers there. When they brought animals and plants there and when they brought materials back with them was when the Columbian began. The consequence of this trading was the diseases spread by Europeans that killed Native Americans from their lack of immunity to them
  • Period: 1565 to

    First Colonies

    St. Augustine, Florida was established August 28, 1565, as the first colony in America by Spain.
    With the popularity of the Americas growing more countries wanted settlements on the land. Including England, who asked Sir Walter Raleigh to establish territory at Roanoke Island. After three separate journies to bring more settlers to this island, John White, another colonist would return to find everyone who had settled, missing. The mystery of their disappearance has lasted until today.
  • Period: to

    Jamestown, Virginia

    105 settlers built an outpost in Jamestown, Virginia. The land was originally horrible for settlers as it was dry and did not grow a lot of food. Arriving in winter did not help and over half of the population died due to starvation and disease. With bad relations with the Natives over stealing food, hopes were low until John Rolfe brought the popular crop of tobacco to America in 1613. It grew well and became the heart of making money in America.
  • Period: to

    The 19th Century

    During the 19th Century, President Thomas Jefferson oversaw the Louisianna Purchase of territory from France for America, the expedition of Lewis and Clark with the help of Pocahontas to create a map and explore the west. America entered a period of Enlightenment during this time where knowledge was valued over traditional beliefs. Scientific research became more common than Religous reasonings behind events.
  • Period: to

    Plymouth and the Pilgrims

    Another group of settlers heading to America from Europe ended up settling in Plymouth in Massachusetts Bay although originally the boat had been intending to head to Jamestown. Only 35 of the 101 people aboard were Pilgrims seeking religious freedom. The Mayflower Compact was an agreement made between the travelers to make peace between the two groups of people not ending up in Jamestown.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War and Seven Years War

    The French and Indian war was the American part of the Seven Years War going on in Europe. Countries were fighting over resources and land in America. Certain Native American tribes sided with the British-forming the Indians side of the French and Indian war- although most tribes sided with France as both of those countries traded furs with them so they helped fight the war. The war ended in 1763 when the French left the American colonies, placing them under British rule.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary war was fought between the American colonists and the British army over the freedom the American colonists wanted from British rule. They wanted to form their own country. The war was won by the Americans and the Declaration of Independence was drafted and sent in this time to proclaim America was leaving Britain. The document was written on July 4, 1776, but was not ratified until August 2, 1776.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    Congress declared war against the British for the imposing treatments they had of people in America; forced to serve in their navy. Briain tied in with the Napoleonic wars with other countries wanted to end the fighting in 1814. The Treaty of Ghent was signed to end the war and Americans celebrated patriotically in their pride as a country. The Star Spangled Banner was written from this war.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    The Civil War was fought to decide how the society of developing America would behave. If the nation would have a sovereign national government. Along with if it would continue to exist as the largest slaveholding country in the world at the time. With the southern states that relied on slave labor being in favor that it remained that way and more liberal thinking northern state citizens believing having slaves was immoral and unnecessary with the development of new technologies in machinery.
  • Period: to


    The end of the Civil war brought the United States into a period of reconstruction. This was an effort to rebuild the South and better reconnect it with the structures of the Northern states of America.
    Former slaves were given full rights as voters and more power following this period of war over the rights of them as people. In 1867 former slaves were given the right to vote as America tried to slowly eliminate the separation of races.