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Russian Timeline

  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    Picture depicts the demostrations of Russian citizens before the beginning of the revolution.
  • October Manifesto

    October Manifesto
    The picture given is a popular painting showing the revolutionary marches before the Tsar signed the October Manifesto.
  • Beginning of WW1

    Beginning of WW1
    The picture depicts a newspaper on the day of World War 1's beginning, citing Austria as the force responsible for its beginning
  • Tsar Nicholas II takes sole control of military operations

    Tsar Nicholas II takes sole control of military operations
    The picture depicts Tsar Nicholas II on the front lines of the war. This position was something he was harshly criticized for.
  • Brusilov Offensive Begins

    Brusilov Offensive Begins
    Attached image depicts the border of the war front at the time of the offensive on a map.
  • Brusilov Offensive Ends

    Brusilov Offensive Ends
    Attached image depicts the border of the war front at the time of the offensive on a map.
  • Assassination of Rasputin

    Assassination of Rasputin
    The picture depicts the basement of the Yusuipov Palace where Rasputin was assassinated.
  • ukraine brought under soviet control

  • International Women's Day March in Petrograd

    International Women's Day March in Petrograd
    This picture depicts the original Internatioanl Women's Day March in Petrograd.
  • Provisional Government formed

    Provisional Government formed
    This picture depicts some of the original members of the Provisional Government when it was founded.
  • Nicholas II Abdicates

    Nicholas II Abdicates
    The picture depicts Nicholas II's abdication aboard an Imperial train, as he is surrounded by several of his Commanders and Generals
  • Lenin returns from exile

    Lenin returns from exile
    This picture depicts Lenin giving a speech upon his return to Russia.
  • April Theses Published

    April Theses Published
    The picture attached depicts a page out of Lenin's April Theses, highlighting it being a written document that was distributed to the Russian public.
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets Meets

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets Meets
    Ends on July 7 1917. Attached image depicts a photo taken of the meeting, giving us visual context of the events that took place.
  • July Days

    July Days
    Attached image depicts rioters who have been gunned down by soldiers in Petrograd during the events of the July Days.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    Attached image depicts Lavr Kornilov, the general responsible for the affair, after his unsuccessful attempt to instate a military government.
  • Trotsky Organizes the Red Guards to defend Petrograd

    Trotsky Organizes the Red Guards to defend Petrograd
    Attached image depicts the badges worn by Red Guard units, highlighting their role as a fighting force in defending Petrograd and at later dates.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
    Attached image is an artistic rendition of the October Revolution, highlighting the impact of the Bolshevik takeover on Russia.
  • wartime communism is created

    wartime communism is created
    this picture shows how war communism was used to gain the collective support from everyone in Russia to assist the military with anything necessary to win the war
  • red terror starts

    red terror starts
    the picture is relevant to the red terror because campaigns and propaganda like this was used to openly oppress anyone who doesn't agree with bolshevik ideals
  • constituent assembly meets, then disbands

    constituent assembly meets, then disbands
    this picture is relevant as it is a illustration of the actual constituent assembly in russia.
  • treaty of brest-litovsk

    treaty of brest-litovsk
    a picture from the treaty of brest-litovsk in 1918
  • Cheka Formed

    Cheka Formed
    Attached image is the logo for the Cheka as an organization, highlighting their harshness and authoritarianism as well as their support for the Bolshevik party.
  • kolchak begins attacks against reds from siberia

  • poles move towards kiev

  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    Image shows a map of Russia and Poland in August 1920. Arrows show Soviet offensive towards Poland.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    Image shows map depicting the spread of the Tambov Rebellion throughout Russia.
  • Kronstadt Uprising

    Kronstadt Uprising
    Image shows a group of Kronstadt marines during the Kronstadt uprising. Their expressions show their negative attitude towards the Soviet's.
  • Ending of Wartime Communism (to be replaced by NEP)

    Ending of Wartime Communism (to be replaced by NEP)
    Image shows the reestablishment of a currency, leading to a money-based economy in Russia. An important shift that the NEP caused.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    Image shows Joseph Wirth (Chancellor of Germany) and Georgi Chicherin, Leonid Krasin, and Adolph Joffe from the delegation of Russia.
  • Formation of the Soviet Union

    Formation of the Soviet Union
    Image shows the flag of the Soviet Union from December 30,1922 – November 12, 1923. The golden hammer representing industrial workers, and the golden sickle representing agricultural workers.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    Image is a painting of Lenin's funeral, painted by Isaac Brodsky, a famous painter of Bolshevik Russia.