
Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Revolution of 1905 and October Manifesto

    Revolution of 1905 and October Manifesto
    It is a document that served as a precursor to the Russian Empire's first Constitution, which was adopted the following year in 1906, which it was also arranged by the workers, peasants, and liberals in order to remove the Tsar. The Revolution was also filled with riots, strikes, assassinations alongside Bloody Sunday, which also involved the foundation of the Duma.
    This picture was chosen because of how it represents the October Manifesto was being represented here.
  • Beginning of WW1

    Beginning of WW1
    It was the first war to take place and it was the largest war that was ever fought in human history when Germany declared war on Russia, other factors involved that led to WW1 were the formation of alliances, imperialism, Assassinations, and the Ideology of the war.
    This picture shows how the soldiers are getting ready for the war to begin.
  • Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations

    Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations
    Nicholas II’s sole effort leads to him leaving St. Petersburg in 1915, in which the Military struggled more and more with the shortages of resources. Where People continued to blame the Tsar for his deterioration.
    This picture shows how Nicholas II and Russia were struggling to find resources.
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    Brusilov Offensive was the most successful Russian operation of the entire war. It found initial successes but eventually failed due to massive casualties, falling morale, inadequate equipment. The economic costs and failure of this offensive contributed to problems of the tsarist government. Rationale: Image shows how the Russians initially found success in the Brusilov offensive and was taking apart the Austrian forces. But in the end would not work out for the Russians
  • Assassination of Rasputin

    Assassination of Rasputin
    Rasputin got assassinated from drowning from an unsuccessful poisoning, and shot three times, alongside of being beaten to death at the age of 46. He was self-proclaimed as a holy man who befriended the family of Nicholas II and gained influence in late Imperial Russia.
    This picture shows who Rasputin is and how that mystic peasant ruled the Czar.
  • Cheka Formed

    Cheka Formed
    Definition: Cheka were created to root out class enemies such as the Social Revolutionaries and Cheka enforced grain collection and killed hoarders of grain. The Cheka were a force that came to be feared by the public for their ruthlessness. They killed half a million people within 3 years of establishment. Rationale: Image shows how the Cheka abused their power and led themselves - willing to execute many for the government.
  • Nicholas II Abdicates

    Nicholas II Abdicates
    The Tsar was forced by the revolutionaries to abdicate, where it brought this abdication to bring the provisional government into life.
    This picture shows a newspaper on how and what happened when Nicholas II abdicated.
  • Provisional Government formed

    Provisional Government formed
    The Provisional Government formed when the people started to hate the Tsardom involved. There were also some changes made with women’s rights increasing and one bad choice made was to stay in the war.
    This picture shows all of the people involved in the Provisional Government.
  • International Women's Day March in Petrograd

    International Women's Day March in Petrograd
    The women in Russia demanded for the war to end because of the food shortage, and Tsarism. This day was the main cause the February/March Revolution led to the abdication of the Tsar.
    This picture shows how the women here are demanding for the war to end.
  • Return of Lenin from exile

    Return of Lenin from exile
    Lenin eventually became the leader of Russia, where he also led the Bolsheviks in the uprising to bring the Provisional Government to an end.
    This picture shows how Lenin has returned and he is telling the crowd to calm.
  • April Theses published

    April Theses published
    The April Theses is when Lenin presented his Theses to the April Conference of the Bolsheviks, which included his famous promise of “Peace, Bread, and Land.”
    This picture shows how the April Theses was being introduced in front of this crowd.
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets
    This meeting was a major point in order to establish the Soviet System, in which this was a Democratic System to represent the wants of the people for their governments.
    This picture shows the gathering of all the Russians and Soviets meeting.
  • July Days

    July Days
    The July Days featured a series of riots from both workers and soldiers against the provisional government. These demonstrations were often violent and brought by the Bolshevik propaganda. Without proper leadership, these uprisings fell apart; in the end, the Bolshevik party was banned and Vladimir Lenin fled Russia. Image: Shows how people of all classes participated in the July Days - fighting against the government - and the lack of order that resulted of it.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    General Lavr Kornilov attempted a coup against the provisional government; however this attempt failed due to the Bolshevik red guards and Kornilov was arrested for treason. Elites hoped Kornilov would succeed and restore order within the government. Rationale: Shows Kornilov’s arming of his men to prepare them to attempt a coup against the government, shows Petrograd needed to be defended.
  • Trotsky Organizes Red Guard to Defend Petrograd

    Trotsky Organizes Red Guard to Defend Petrograd
    Kerensky decided to arm the Petrograd Soviet to protect the provisional government from the revolts by Kornilov. This allowed the Kornilov Affair to be put down, and the Red Guards’ actions boosted support for Bolsheviks as they were viewed as heroes. However the Red Guards refused to give up rifles to the government after requested. Image shows a garrison of the red guard troops, chosen because it shows them wielding their weapons, which were later difficult to take away from them.
  • Bolsheviks Overthrow the Provisional Government and Take Control

    Bolsheviks Overthrow the Provisional Government and Take Control
    Definition: Trotsky organized the Military Revolutionary committee to overthrow the provisional government. And this was done with the support of workers and soldiers (15 of 18 Garrisons declare allegiance to soviet), and the Bolsheviks were able to take control without much violence. This is an image (painting) of the Bolsheviks overthrowing the government in October - demonstrates how both workers and soldiers aided in the fight.
  • Wartime Communism Created

    Wartime Communism Created
    Definition: It was an economic policy put into place to consolidate power that resulted in stricter factory discipline and the nationalization of industry, as well as the suspension of monetary trade. Rationale: This picture was picked because it shows how industry had changed due to war communism - it illustrates the grain requisitioning where Cheka takes the grain of the peasants.
  • Constituent Assembly Meets and is Disbanded

    Constituent Assembly Meets and is Disbanded
    Definition: The constituent assembly met only one day, but the bolsheviks did not receive majority vote, and therefore evicted other parties through the threat of rifles. Once other parties were removed, the constituent assembly was dissolved. Rationale: Although a cartoonish image, the image fits because the constituent assembly only met once before the Bolsheviks dissolved it and took charge.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Definition: Between the Bolshevik government and the Central Government; an armistice was reached. This was forced upon the Bolshevik government by the threat of further advances into Russian territory and resulted in 26% of Russia’s railway lines being lost, 74% of its iron ore/coal supplies lost and most of its western land. Rationale: This image shows the extent to which the allies took over Russian territory after the treaty - reveals the large amount of mass lost.
  • Red Terror

    Red Terror
    Definition: Red terror was extended in attempts to enforce loyalty to the Bolshevik revolution and communism. This was used against counter-revolutionaries during the Russian Civil war - enforced through the Cheka. Rationale: I chose this picture because it shows how the government executed public enemies and engaged in mass torture/killings. Shows that it was generally a force feared by the masses.
  • Kolchak (one of the White leaders) begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia

    Kolchak (one of the White leaders) begins serious attacks against Reds from Siberia
    In early 1919, all white forces were under Admiral Kolchak, who conducted his Triple Offensive (also known as Spring Offensive) between March and April against the Reds. It was very significant because even though the Reds used most resources for the other Southern and Western fronts, they were still able to subdue it and gradually get the upper hand into 1920.
    This picture was chosen because it accurately exhibits Kolchak’s plans to reach Moscow by pushing through the Eastern front.
  • Poles move toward Kiev

    Poles move toward Kiev
    The Kiev Offensive, formed of Polish and Ukrainians, was led by Pilsudski as he believed that the Whites were no longer a threat, focusing on the Reds. The Soviets were ill-equipped and forced to withdraw in July.
    This photo is of Pilsudski, the First Marshal of Poland at the time of leading this offensive.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    After the famine caused by the Red Terror, peasants revolted. In the Tambov province there was the biggest revolts - 70,000 man army led by Antonov. Later were forcefully stopped by Reds (ex: used poison gas)
    This is a picture of where the Tambov province lies in Russia.
  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    After the Kiev Offensive, the Reds responded with successful counterattacks; However, later in 12-25 August 1920 the Polish had decisive victories causing the Peace of Riga (18 March 1921) dividing land between Soviets and Polish.
    This shows the effects of the Peace of Riga.
  • Kronstadt Uprising

    Kronstadt Uprising
    The once “heroes of the Bolsheviks”, ~30,000 sailors, revolted against them because of the terrible conditions caused by War Communism. They sent a manifesto for free speech, press, and elections. This was the last straw for Lenin who,although violently ended the revolt, also decided to implement the NEP.
    This is a map of all the bases that the sailors had on the water, showing what the Reds had to cross to reach them.
  • Ending of Wartime Communism

    Ending of Wartime Communism
    It is under general agreement that the Kronstadt Rebellion caused this, but also it must be noted that the Tambov rebellion was at its peak in this time. These events convinced Lenin that he should take a few steps back and implement the NEP in order to keep control. Trotsky opposed this.
    A painting that exhibits a grave consequence of Wartime Communism.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    It is a deal Russia made with Germany to cooperate with military planning(ex: allows Germany to manufacture weapons in Russia). Beneficial to Germany as it allows them to go around Treaty of Versailles restrictions, and this also undermines the importance of the League of Nations.
    This newspaper picture shows the leaders that made this agreement with captions.
  • Ukraine brought under Soviet control

    Ukraine brought under Soviet control
    Ukraine was under great socio-political turmoil and the Bolsheviks saw it as ideal, given the total disorder that its government was in. Ukraine could not withstand Soviet assault in 1922 and would be part of the USSR until is collapse in 1991
    This depicts Russia with and without Ukraine - includes how the USSR’s sphere of influence changed.
  • Formation of the Soviet Union

    Formation of the Soviet Union
    This allowed for the four independent Soviet Republics (Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussian, Transcaucasian) to unite.
    This picture illustrates all of the different Soviet Republics under the USSR.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    Lenin died of a brain hemorrhage at the age of 54. His body is still embalmed each year and preserved in the Red Square under constant supervision for any signs of deterioration.
    This picture shows the “mummification”.