1917 russian revolution 320

Russian Revolution by Aaron Arndt

  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    Ideologist who believed that the working class was destined to take control of society from the middle class. In 1848, he wrote the communist manifesto calling for the workers to find the strength to revolt against capitalism. Karl Marx ignited the idea of communism.
  • General Strike

    General Strike
    The General Strike started with factory workers. It was initiated by workers in large industrial work environments because of the terrible working conditions. Later there was a call for an all Russian Union of Railroad Workers strike which brought the leverage and control they needed because they were able to control the communications and trades of their government and at the same time spread their words. Workers of all trades then joined in on the strike.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Unarmed civilians peacefully marched a petition to the winter palace to show Tsar Nicholas II the conditions of life in the cities such as working hours, safety measures and wages were horrendous. The march was lead by Father Gregory Gapon and once they were to the palace they were fired upon by the guards. Amount of casualties is not confirmed due to biased sources.
  • Grigori Rasputin

    Grigori Rasputin
    Rasputin was introduced to the Royal Family at the Peterhof palace as a healer and a "man of god" . Rasputin was brought to the palace to heal Alexei. Becoming very close with Alexendra and Tsar, he then became a strong influence on political decisions..
  • Russia Enters into WW1

    Russia Enters into WW1
    Due to lack of industrialization in Russia, soldiers were poorly trained and ill-equipped. Transportation and railroads were poor which meant troops were slow to react to threats. Food shortages often occurred due to the soldiers need for it.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    On March 8,1917, 90,000 people went on strike in the cities. On March 10, 1917 workers also began to strike. On March 11, 1917, soldiers who were sent to stop the strike ended up joining the strike. Three days later, Tsar resigns.
  • Red October

    Red October
    The provisional government ends, the Bolsheviks storm the Winter Palace and arrest the government officials.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    The Red Army vs the White Arm. The White Army were anti-communist who were supported by western countries to fight the communist Bolsheviks known as the Red Army.