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Russian Revolution

  • Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto

    Revolution of 1905 and the October Manifesto
    I chose this image because it clearly depicts the strife many Russians went through under the reign of Tsar Nicholas (seeing as he brutally and forcibly repressed any minor discontent with his rule) as well as illustrates the Tsar's resistance to change that permeated his rule.
  • Beginning of WW I

    Beginning of WW I
    This cartoon is indicative of the complex structure of agreements and secret treaties that were a source of the start of the war. The picture was chosen for that reason and because it organizes the actions of involved nations into a chain reaction which is a useful tool when understanding how the war started
  • Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations

    Czar Nicholas II take sole control of military operations
    This image was chosen to convey how this event was a critical misstep for Nicholas. The soldiers in the picture are submitting their lives to his command, and due to Nicholas' incompetence, many of Russia's soldiers were killed or seriously wounded. Even some of Nicholas' advisors warned against assuming sole control, yet Nicholas still put many Russian lives at risk. For that reason, I think this image represents the event and its effects well.
  • Rasputin's Assassination

    Rasputin's Assassination
    This political cartoon shows Rasputin controlling the tsar through mystical elements or magic. Tsar Nicolas II is dancing eerily to Rasputin's flute and music. This depiction shows deception and reasons for why Rasputin was to be assassinated: he had too much influence over the royal family in an inexplicable, and socially destructive way.
  • April Theses Published

    April Theses Published
    Lenin states that Russia should cease to be an imperialist government; it is overall against the Provisional Government, “The Soviets of Workers’ Deputies are the only possible form of revolutionary government”; to form a single national bank; there should be a confiscation of all landed estates (no private land); there should be an abolition of the police, the army, and the bureaucracy.
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    Brusilov launched simultaneous attacks on on the Southwestern Front, which was designed to break the enemy’s defense (it was opposed by the tsar and Alekseev). There were many issues in pursuing the plan because Russia still traveled by horse, they did not have enough resources, and many of the tsarist commanders were incompetent. Also, the first attempt failed and by the time the second went into play, the perfect timing for the first one was lost because of heavy German forces.
  • International Women’s Day March in Petrograd

    International Women’s Day March in Petrograd
    NOTE: the date is from the Gregorian calendar
    This image was chosen not just because it depicts the event, but since it shows the magnitude of strength the protestors had. The group was so large that they could stop transportation vehicles (seen in the picture). Overall, it represents the strength of the lower classes and socialists during the march.
  • Provisional Government Formed

    Provisional Government Formed
    Those who favored a constitutional monarchy formed a self-appointed group in order to abolish capital punishment, end the discrimination based on religious, class or national criteria, separated church and state, and gave freedom of conscience, press, worship and association.
  • Nicholas II Abdicates

    Nicholas II Abdicates
    NOTE: the date is from the Gregorian calendar
    This newspaper clipping represents the opinions of many anti-tsarist Russians, especially the line, "Order again restored". Many Russians who opposed the Tsar, including Lenin, saw Nicholas' abdication as a step toward a new orderly and progressive Russia.
  • Return of Lenin from Exile

    Return of Lenin from Exile
    He returned to Petrograd after a decade of exile and took control of the Russian Revolution; he found this to be a time for the Bolsheviks to gain power; Lenin received help from the German government in order to return.
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets Meets

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets Meets
    Socialist-revolutionaries (majority), mensheviks, bolsheviks and many other small parties joined; voted to convince the Allies to end the war with Germany and reach a sort of peace as soon as possible. This is where Lenin claimed that the Provisional Government is not the only option; the Congress voted 543 to 126 in support of the Provisional Government.
  • July Days

    July Days
    A time Trotsky found to take power from the Provisional Government; took captive Victor Chernov, the SR Minister of Agriculture in the Provisional Government because he was considered a traitor of the revolution; it was a sort of trial period for their victory in October (it taught them that they needed to have ties to Lenin and Trotsky’s party). Occurred because peasants were impatient from unkept promises that their land would be redistributed and soldiers demanded an end to war.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    The new commander in chief of the Provisional Government, Lavr Kornilov, wasn't fond of the Provisional Government and planned his own tactics to arrest the Bolsheviks in Moscow. This went against Kerensky's orders, so he had Kornilov fired and requested the Petrograd to be protected, which then caused Lenin to dispatch the Red Guard. This picture was chosen to show what support Kornilov had from his fellow loyal tsarist who despised socialism.
  • Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd

    Trotsky organizes Red Guard to defend Petrograd
    The red guard were armed factory workers, and were untrained yet provided heavy military support when needed. Leon Trotsky sent them to defend Petrograd in the wake of Kornilov's planned coup. This picture was chosen because it depicts Trotsky preparing the Red Guard and shows his authority over them as he directs the protection of Petrograd.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control

    Bolsheviks overthrow the Provisional Government and take control
    The Provisional Government had become weak due to the extreme lack of support and the Bolsheviks saw this as their time to finally strike. The day before they prepared by taking over governmental offices, and then the night of they invaded the Winter Palace, arrested members of the Provisional Government, and finally took control. This picture was chosen as it's an illustration of the violent seizing of the Winter Palace.
  • Cheka formed

    Cheka formed
    The Cheka were formed from a decree made by Lenin & the Sovnarkom, and their responsibilities consisted of protecting the Bolsheviks from those plotting against them. Their job descriptions were quite vague as Lenin left the details to the man leading the Cheka, Felix Dzerhinsky. This picture was chosen because it illustrates the power that the Cheka held along with the cruel actions that they would carry out, both when necessary and not.
  • Wartime Communism Created

    Wartime Communism Created
    Wartime communism is correlated with the Vesenkha. Although many patriotic, nationalist propaganda demonstrates a victorious Red Army and prosperous Russia, this image shows the reality of the working class and peasantry. Reliance on minimal rations, poor working conditions, and a decreasing influence in government decisions are conditions that followed with Wartime Communism.
  • The Red Terror

    The Red Terror
    Lasting from 1918 to 1922, the Red Terror victimized many ethnic and religious groups, social classes, and members of certain political parties. The casualties range from 10K to 500K. The image shows the destruction caused by the Red Terror to communities. The Red Terror is depicted as a menacing phantom with the strength that does not rival any community uprising.
  • Kolchak's Attacks against Reds

    Kolchak's Attacks against Reds
    This political cartoon criminalizes Kolchak's efforts to bring down the Red Army. Surrounding Kolchak are representatives from the Catholic Church, Britain, and France. The representatives are granting him gifts so that he may gain power and follow their agendas. The hierarchy of Kolchak is also reminiscent of the tsar's throne. This depiction weakens the efforts Kolchak made. It also indicates one reason for why the March offensive failed for Kolchak.
  • Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded

    Constituent Assembly meets and is disbanded
    The Constituent Assembly meets, making decisions that go against the ideals of Bolsheviks and Left SRs (who have few seats), causing them to leave in anger. The assembly disbands at dawn, and when they try to reconvene the Red Guard has barricaded everything and states that the Soviets took power into their own hands and have disbanded the assembly as it represents the bourgeois, no longer needed due to socialism. This picture was chosen to show the Red Guard as they took over the assembly.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This treaty, negotiated by Leon Trotsky and Lenin, ended Russia's involvement in WWI, but came with harsh losses including important agricultural land, and people on other land that was signed away. Germany took extreme advantage of Germany within this treaty and it caused Bolsheviks and Left SRs to go against each other in debate on whether the terms were reasonable or not. This picture was chosen to illustrate how Germany manipulated and took advantage of Russia and its discourse.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    This image was chosen to show the lowest social class, the peasants, and the weapons they used to rebel against the Bolshevik Regime. It also demonstrates the bad living conditions peasants had and gives viewers the understanding of why the peasants rebelled. The peasant farmers were forced to share their products from farming like grain, however, the peasants refused and started a rebellion against the Bolsheviks Lasted until 1921.
  • Poles take Kiev

    Poles take Kiev
    The image shows the Polish army's forces. The army's military (also consisting of Ukrainians seeking independence) was supplied by several foreign artillery technologies, which both aided and limited the army's movements. Limited supply of artillery also contributed to the eventual fall of a Polish-occupied Kiev.
  • Soviets attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets attempt to take Warsaw
    The Russian push out west to Warsaw was already unplanned in initial reaction to Polish (and Ukrainian) resistance. The Russian army was better poised to take the city of Warsaw, but the Polish army was more strategic in military flanking to outmaneuver the Russians. The map below models the prime conditions the Russians were initially in, but later lost due to poor communication, for a Polish Victory in Warsaw.
  • Kronstadt Uprising

    Kronstadt Uprising
    I chose this image because it shows a sailor rising up against the government. Essentially, it is a propaganda poster showing the power of people in Russia to fight the Bolshevik Revolution.
  • Ending of Wartime Communism

    Ending of Wartime Communism
    I chose this photo because it displays the negative effects of War Communism. At the same time it demonstrates why War Communism should end. The old peasant farmers in the picture are working to the best of their ability to farm and there is a officer standing near them. This shows the desperate need of food because famine hit the country.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    The picture shows leaders coming to an agreement on the Treaty of Rapallo. I chose this picture because it displays the consensus the countries came to with the Treaty. To end the conflicts between the countries.
  • Formation of the Soviet Union

    Formation of the Soviet Union
    I chose this photo because it shows how the Soviet Union gained power after War Communism ended. The map shows how the communists formed the Soviet Union along with unifying Russia and other republics.
  • Ukraine under Soviet Control

    Ukraine under Soviet Control
    The image shows Ukrainian organization to combat the growing support for a Ukraine soviet or Russian soviet.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    I chose this picture because it shows how Lenin was well known. The leaders, relatives, and supporters gathered around Lenin show how he shaped Russia through positive and negative impacts. It also represents his desire for foreign relations when other leaders of different countries are seen in the picture.