
Progressivism Over the Years

  • Social Justice Reforms

    Social Justice Reforms
    The gov was put in charge of making daily life more comfortable for the people. Progressives agreed with their social justice reforms. One was the construction of Settlement Houses. Their purpose was to improve the standard of living in cities. Labor laws, unions, and Prohibition are also included in the category of social justice.
    Information: http://spider.georgetowncollege.edu/htallant/courses/his225/progmovt.htm
    Image: http://sarahkyllonen.edublogs.org/files/2009/11/5324_s1.jpg
  • Robert La Follette

    Robert La Follette
    When La Follette became governer of Wisconsin in 1900, he created the "Wisconsin Idea," a reform program. La Follette worked to gain the support of the middle and working class for the Progressive Platform by speaking to the people. He was in chage of many reforms such as regulating commisions of companies, increasing taxes on RRs, preventing solicitation of votes by members of the legislature, and preserving natural resources.
    Image: http://www.danecountyhistory.org/airport/images/laf7.jpg
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    President Theodore Roosevelt

    When President McKinley was assassinated in 1901, Vice President Teddy Roosevelt took over. He had the reputation of being a war hero, a governer of NY, and a reformer. He worked to regulate businesses and conservation. He was most famous for his "Square Deal" which reflected his progressive ideas. In 1904, this deal consisted of fairness for businesses, better working conditions, and improved public health. He became popular with the Progressive Platform along with the majority of the nation.
  • Muckrakers Expose Corruption

    Muckrakers Expose Corruption
    A muckraker, or journalist in the business of exposing the status of various happenings in society. One progressive journalist was Ray Stannard Baker. He took time to travel to places where African Americans were being robed, discrimated against, and lynched on a daily basis. He published writings such as "Following the Color Line," in order to spread word of the cruelties. Image: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/34847/34847-h/images/title.jpg
  • Corruption Reform in the Government

    Corruption Reform in the Government
    Political Machines used graft and corruption to get ahead. Their influence became national by way of bribery. A Progressive writier, David Phillips, published discoveries about the federal nepotism and overall shadiness. Reformers lost faith in the gov system and demanded that the election process be changed. Eventually the unveiling of corruption led to the 17th Amendment.
    Image: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/6/30/1277919317330/Handshake-with-money-006.jpg
  • Charles Evans Hughes

    Charles Evans Hughes
    In 1906, Hughes became governer of New York. As governer he established more effective labor legislation, insurance reforms, and he created the Public Service Commission. Each act was backed by the support of the Progressives as he tried to make a difference. In 1910 he became a member of the Supreme Court. Finally, he ran for President in 1916 but lost to Wilson.
    Info: http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1347.html
    Image: http://cdn.dipity.com/uploads/events/6a947ba51585e87997381c33c5e80aa2_1M.png
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Upton Sinclair publiched a book called "The Jungle" which uncovered the unsanitary conditions of industries. His focus was on Chicago's stockyards where processing meat was an unbelievably grotesque system. Sinclair exposed the unhealthy and disgusting processes that manufacturers practiced in order to gain profit.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Upton_Beall_Sinclair_Jr.jpg
  • Public Service Causes Are Strengthened

    Public Service Causes Are Strengthened
    In 1887 the Interstate Commerce Act created fairness for all size shippings. However, the ICA could not be enforced well as the courts usually sided with the railroads. Fortunately, the public's transportation was regulated in 1903 and furthermore iby 1906. The Elkins and Hepburn Acts gave power to the Interstate Commerce Commision to set maximum freight rates and made it mandatory for the public to be made aware of changes.
    Image: http://library.blogs.delaware.gov/files/2011/01/ParlorCar.jpg
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    President William Howard Taft

    William Taft took office in 1908. He got the Mann-Elkins Act passed by Congress in 1910 to further increased the power of the ICC to telephone/telegraph companies. He fought for preservation of land, labor laws, safety laws, and anti-trust acts. He also supported the 16th Amendment. Unfortunately, he lost support of the Progressive Party when he signed the Payne-Aldrich tariff which increased tarrifs on consumer goods. Taft became weak and unworthy of the Presidency in the Progressives eyes.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    Bryan previously lost the election of 1896 even with the support of the Populist Party. By 1908 he had gained the support of the American Federation of Labor, an organization of skilled workers' unions. The AFL saw Bryan's desire for change and backed him in his progressive works. He encouraged the working class to stand up for their rights in labor reforms.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/William-Jennings-Bryan-speaking-c1896.jpeg
  • Daniel Burnham

    Daniel Burnham
    The Progressive Platform consisted of strong believers who were set on the idea that if city-dwellers had a nice place to live, then they would take care of it and themselves. In 1909, architect Daniel Burnham made plans to reconstruct Chicago. Next were redesigns for Washington D.C., San Francisco, and Cleveland. The new, beuatiful cities projected sanitation and a new way of life.
    Image: http://image2.findagrave.com/photos/2003/98/2168_1049941006.jpg
  • Du Bois Leads African Americans

    Du Bois Leads African Americans
    Colored person, W.E.B. Du Bois dedicated his life to improving African American lives. Progressives were often racist and did not fight for civil rights. Ironically, colored people used many progressive ideas to change their own status. Eventually the two groups saw similarities and joined forces. Du Bois and white, progressive Jane Addams made the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and worked for equality.
    Image: http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/dubois/images/index.jpg
  • H.G. Wells

    H.G. Wells
    H.G.Wells was a noted author of science fiction. Along with his fictional writings he also wrote about his thoughts on Progressivism. When people read his works they understood his thoughts. He played an important role in spreading the ideology of the Progressive Party.
    Image: http://james-a-watkins.hubpages.com/hub/The-Progressive-Movement
  • Joseph Cannon vs. George Norris

    Joseph Cannon vs. George Norris
    Joseph Cannon was Speaker of the House in 1910, and he was a Republican in question. Progressives accused him of using his powerful place in Congress to prevent reform legislation from being passed. Progressive congressman George Norris got a motion passed to lessen the power of the Speaker. This dipute divided the Progressives from the Republicans. The progressive Bull Moose Party was created.
    Image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RPogO_Jeq_I/TOLqGHxpLtI/AAAAAAAAAPk/6p31f-Y6JLg/s1600/50091v.jpg
  • Election Reform Progresses

    Election Reform Progresses
    Progressives were not satisfied with the Amendments; they wanted more change. They fought for secret ballots which were all the same color in order to preserve the people's discretion on Election Day. They also supported election reforms like initiative, referendum, and recall. That gave voters the power to petition legistlation, be taken seriously, and remove someone from office by demanding a fresh election.
    Image: http://www.yalescientific.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/BallotPicture_AK.jpg
  • Hiram Johnson

    Hiram Johnson
    Governer of California in 1910, Hiram Johnson, was against corruption and all for progress. He supported the initiative, referendum and recall processes along with other progressive ideas. He contributed to changes made in California's state constitution in order to give more power to the people.
  • Native American Progressives

    Native American Progressives
    A few dozen Native Americans came together to create the Society of American Indians. They were a group of progressive natives tryingt o fix problems in their society. They stressed assimilation while still holding onto some of their tribal customs. Their desire for reform was based on health, education, rights, and government.
    Image: http://nmai.si.edu/exhibitions/indivisible/images/comanche.jpg
  • Immigration Meets Progessivism

    Immigration Meets Progessivism
    Progressives believed that immigrants should assimilate to the American culture, but most immigrants resisted. However, the two groups had some similarities. Progressives helps immigrants fight for reforms in the areas of labor, social justice, and general welfare.
    Image: http://i.usatoday.net/news/_photos/2008/09/24/ellistopx-topper-medium.jpg
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    President Woodrow Wilson

    President Wilson won the Presidetial election in 1912 and was inaugurated on March 4, 1913. This gave him the power to put his Progressive ideas to work. He made it his business to lower tariffs which were previously blocked by large businesses. His campaign earned enough attention to get Congress to pass the Underwood Tariff Act which decreased tariffs to an all-time low. His popularites and good progressive decisions won him a second term.
  • Eugene Debs's Political Stance

    Eugene Debs's Political Stance
    Eugene Debs ran for President in the 1912 election representing the Socialist Party. Despite his Socialist standing, he showed many qualities of Progressivism. He was always favorable towards reform, especially economic and labor reform. Back in 1894, Debs supported the workers in the Pullman strike who were boycotting trains in order to obtain better, more fair wages.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Debs_Canton_1918.jpg/220px-Debs_Canton_1918.jpg
  • Labor Reform is Set in Motion

    Labor Reform is Set in Motion
    Supporters of Florance Kelley, a feminist and child labor reformer, and the Progressive Party became frustrated with the unfair employment system. The state of Massachusetts reacted to their complaints and finally set a minimum wage law. This created a set salary for women and children. Over time, the new idea of having a minimum wage caught on. This sparked more reform for better safety and less hours. Image of Kelley: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50414_61168816368_260518_n.jpg
  • Reform Proves to be Necessary

    Reform Proves to be Necessary
    The Progressive Platform continually fought for improvements. On March 25, 1912 a fire caught in an enormous factory. With no escape in the poorly built building, 60 workers lost their lives. The public was devastated and were quick to pressure legislative officials to take action. The effect was that New York passed safety codes. Image: http://www.owensarchive.com/images/uploads/Cities%20%20Landmarks/3b45159v_Equitable_fire_ruins,_Bway__Cedar_St._jan_1912.jpg
  • The 16th Amendment

    The 16th Amendment
    Under President Taft a graduated income tax was established nation-wide. The Progressive Platform has been in favor of this tax system in order to pay for government projects fairly. This was covered in the 16th Amendment which was proposed in 1909 and ratified in 1913 Image: http://www.imcoaching.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Money-piles-and-up-trend-arrow_imagelarge.jpg
  • The 17th Amendment

    The 17th Amendment
    Progressives reacted to corruption in the gov and urged for a change in the electoral system. They supported a direct primary; voters choose the candidates who will end up in the general election. After the 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913, it was solely the voters who elected senators, and the direct primary was put into effect.
    Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/17th_Amendment_Pg1of1_AC.jpg/190px-17th_Amendment_Pg1of1_AC.jpg
  • Business Reform

    Business Reform
    Progressive leaders had a goal to regulate businesses. Congress passed the Clayton Antitrust Act which limited power of monopolies and strengthened small businesses. It created a set minimum cost for goods that companies sold and prohibited the buying of company stocks. Image: http://bubblingpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Supreme_Court_History-antitrust.jpg
  • Children in the Progressive Era

    Children in the Progressive Era
    Poverty was seen in cities across America. Parents who could not afford to take care of their children often abondoned them. Orphans were pathetic to progressives and needed serious help. Charles Brace founded the Children's Aid Society. By 1914 the organization helped over 100 million orphans set up a new life. Children were given jobs on farms for minimum wage, but it was better than living on the streets.
    Image: http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/022/f1/a117285.jpg
  • Conserving the Earth

    Conserving the Earth
    Natural resources were slowly running out. Businesses abused the land in order to profit. Fortunately, President T.Roosevelt extended his generosity not only to the people, but also to the Earth. In 1902 the Newlands Reclamation Act directed gov money to conservation lands. After his Presidency, he set up the National Park Service in 1916 which embodied national parks around the U.S.
    Image: http://www.destination360.com/north-america/us/wyoming/images/s/wyoming-yellowstone-national-park.jpg
  • The 18th Amendment is Ratified

    The 18th Amendment is Ratified
    The Women's Christian Temperance Union, led by Frances Willard, fought for prohibition in homes everywhere. This goal of yet another social reform was a prgoressive move striving for less crime and less violence within families which contribted to unemployment. In 1917, the 18th Amendment made manufacturing, buying, selling, and importing alcohol illegal. It was finally ratified in 1919.
    Image: http://www.albany.edu/~wm731882/newspaper1.jpg
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    Womens suffrage was spreading across the nation as Progressivists fought for their rights. Women aided soldiers and the war effort which gained them respect. This eventually led to Congress passing the 19th Amendment in 1919. It was ratified in 1920 and gave women the full right to vote. Image: http://www.public.navy.mil/airfor/nalo/PublishingImages/votes_for_women.jpg
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    Jane Addams contributed more than her share to the cause of reform. Her safe haven Hull House in Chicago was an inspiration to improve the way of life. City life was a needy cause in the early 1900s. Progressive reformers campaigned for more safe places for the youth of America such as playgrounds. By 1920 their efforts were in full bloom with many places for children to grow and have fun all around the nation.
    Image: http://www.uic.edu/depts/lib/specialcoll/services/rjd/JAmid.jpg