

  • 2 weeks

    2 weeks
    At mom:You may be about to ovulate – time to get it on!
    (the date is based on when started
  • 2 weeks

    2 weeks
    Baby:During the past few days, an increase in estrogen and progesterone prompted the lining of your uterus to thicken to support a fertilized egg.
  • 3 weeks

    3 weeks
    At mom:By the end of this week, you're likely to get a positive pregnancy test!
    Your baby-to-be is implanting into the lining of your uterus.
  • 3 weeks

    3 weeks
    At baby:Amniotic fluid is beginning to collect within the amniotic sac. This fluid will cushion your baby in the weeks and months ahead.
  • 4 weeks

    4 weeks
    At mom:You´re are at your first month.
    Baby is about the size of a poppy seed
  • 4 weeks

    4 weeks
    Baby: Your baby's organs will begin to develop over the next six weeks. Your embryo's outer cells are tunneling into the lining of your uterus.
  • 6 weeks

    6 weeks
    Mom: Your baby’s heart has started beating about 160 times a minute.Your baby is about the size of a lentil
  • 6 weeks

    6 weeks
    Baby: your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form.
  • 10 weeks

    10 weeks
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a kumquat.You may be able to hear your baby's heartbeat at your next prenatal visit.
  • 10 weeks

    10 weeks
    Baby:Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body.
  • 13 week

    13 week
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a peapod. Your baby has start swallowing amniotic fluid and peeing it out.
  • 13 weeks

    13 weeks
    baby:producing meconium. This black, sticky substance will accumulate in her bowels, and you'll see it in her first dirty diaper.
  • 20 weeks

    20 weeks
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a banana.Your baby is now measured from head to toe instead of "crown to rump."
  • 20 weeks

    20 weeks
    Baby:Many of your baby's taste buds can now transmit taste signals to his brain, and he's swallowing molecules of the food you eat that have passed through your blood into your amniotic fluid.
  • 25 weeks

    25 weeks
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a rutabaga(6 month)Your baby's hair has color and texture.
  • 25 weeks

    25 weeks
    baby:Growing hair.Your baby will soon exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat.
  • 30 weeks

    30 weeks
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a large cabbage(7 month)Your baby's skin cells are making pigments that give the skin its color.
  • 30 weeks

    30 weeks
    Baby:Your baby may now be able to see dim shapes. His pupils are able to constrict and expand, allowing his eyes to let in more or less light.
  • 36 weeks

    36 weeks
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a head of romaine lettuce.You may be breathing a bit easier as your baby descends toward the birth canal.
  • 36 weeks

    36 weeks
    Baby:Most likely your baby is already head down. But if not, your caregiver may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version in which pressure is applied to your abdomen to try to manipulate your baby into a head-down position.
  • 37 weeks

    37 weeks
    Mom:Keep monitoring your baby's movements and call your provider if you notice a decrease.
  • 37 weeks

    37 weeks
    Baby:. Spending the next two weeks in the womb allows your baby's brain and lungs to fully mature.
  • 38 week

    38 week
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a leek.Your baby's brain is developing deep, convoluted grooves extra surface area for neurons.
  • 38 week

    38 week
    Baby:Your baby has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time!
  • 39 week

    39 week
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a mini-watermelon.Your baby is now full term and ready to come out any day.
  • 39 weeks

    39 weeks
    Baby:He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely that your baby already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds.
  • 40 weeks

    40 weeks
    Mom:Your baby is about the size of a small pumpkin.Your baby's hair and nails continue to grow.
  • 40 weeks

    40 weeks
    Baby:Babies of all ethnicities are born with reddish-purple skin that changes to pinkish red in a day or so. The pink tint comes from the red blood vessels that are visible through your baby's still thin skin.
  • 41 weeks

    41 weeks
    Mom:The pregnancy is over. Now your skin is flaccid, you have to take medicine and rest. You could use stretch marks and girdles to reattach the skin.
  • 41 weeks

    41 weeks
    Baby:Your baby's skin may be peeling from the long bath in amniotic fluid.
    But he is healthy