Cell phone

The History of Phones By Auryon Torrey (Team Liberty)

By atorrey
  • Alexander Graham Bell Was Born

    Alexander Graham Bell Was Born
    Born in Edinburg, Scotland.
    Source Google Chrome
  • Alexander Graham Bell Publicly Speaks

    Alexander Graham Bell Publicly Speaks
    Bell was regularly being referred to in the London press as "the celebrated Professor of Elocution."
    Elocution - The skill of clear and impressive speech.
    Source The American Experience
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: People could talk to friends in other places and not have to leave home.
    Disadvantage: Lines could only connect two people at a time and were often very slow connecting because they had to be connected manually.
  • The First Call

    The First Call
    Alexander Graham Bell made the first call with his invention of the telephone.
    Source America's Library
  • Rutherford B. Hayes is the first president to use a phone

    Rutherford B. Hayes became the first presifent to use phones in the white house, his first call went to none other than Alexander himself
    Source History of Communication - Google Books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: The president could call the people in his emergency office when needed.
    Disadvantage: If the line was busy he would have to wait.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: The people calling each other did not have to stand to call any one anymore, which would give them time to rest thier sore and tired legs.
    Disadvantage: People still could not call more than one person and the operators often had a tough time keeping up with all of the calls. They needed something to make calling people easy and fast.
  • The First Wireless Phone

    The First Wireless Phone
    Alexander Graham Bell envisioned that in the near future friends could call each other from a comfortable place in their home without having to stand at the wall where his first phone was often mounted.
    Source America's Library
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: This led to more money which led to better production of the wireless phone which soon replaced the first phone almost entirely.
    Disadvantage: People still needed a better and more efficient system to call each other with and they still needed a way to call each other more than one at a time. More phones led to more people with this weighty problem.
  • Phone Sales Are Multiplying

    Phone Sales Are Multiplying
    There are 5.8 million phones all over the country with the continental phone line connecting the Eastern and Western halfs of the United States.
    Source Imagining the Internet
  • Police Officers use Phones in Patrol Cars

    Police officers are using telephones to help communicate better when they go out in the patrol cars
    Source The History of Communication - Google Books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: Police officers could contact each other on a chase or on detective cases.
    Disadvantage: If the line was busy the officers could not contact each other which led to problems especially when back up was needed.
  • Alexander Graham Bell dies

  • Telephones loose the turn dial

    Even after the death of Alexander Graham Bell, his telephones have still come further by losing the original turn dial
    Source The History of Communication - Google Books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: The phones losing the turn dial made it easier and faster to dial.
    Disadvantage: This led to faster calls and more problems with the operators.
  • Scientists Made Telephone Lines More Efficient

    Scientists made hair thin threads of glass that carry information in beams of light and can carry more than 24,000 telephone calls at one time
    Source The History of Communication - Google Books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: Opreators were no longer needed and did not have to worry about the phone lines any more.
    Disadvantage: This put many people out of a job and a lot of them had rough times finding another job.
  • Tlelephones Improve More

    Telephones now have caller ID and people can conference call, which allows more than one person to call each other at one time
    Source The History of Communication - Google Books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: People couldd now identify wh was calling and could now call more than one person at a time.
    Disadvantage: People who got a new phone would not get answered beause the person they were calling would not answer the phone because they didn't recodnize the number.
  • The Flip Phones Are Released

    Source Google books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: People could now carry their phones around with them where ever they go.
    Disadvantage: Some people did not approve of these phones.
  • The first touchscreen was created

    Source Google books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: People had an even easier time doing things on their phones.
    Disadvantage: Youth often used it too much.
  • The First Text Message Was Sent

    Source Google books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: The text message made it easier to contact someone if you had no time to call them.
    Disadvantage: Youth was starting to have less face to face contact with friends and family
  • The second Iphone is created

    Source Google books
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Advantage: The Iphone made everything easier on your phone as it progressed.
    Disadvantage: Youth wasstarting playing too many video games and wasting time texting instead of going out and seeing friends.