
  • Ellie is born

    Born in Sighet, Transylvania (part of Romania)
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Manchuria stayed under Japanese control until the end of WW2.
  • Dachau (First Concentration Camp) established

  • Httler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler and his Nazi were in power.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Laws against the Jewish were put in place, limiting their rights and removing their citizenship.
  • Olympics hosted in Berlin

    Lasted from August 1 to August 16. There was a lot of controversy over this because of the Nazi party.
  • Japan invades China

    Started the Second Sino-Japaenese war. The Pacific War soon mixed in with World War 2.
  • Germany takes Czechoslovakia

    France and Britain allowed the annexation of Germany and Czech in order to try to appease Germany to not take over anymroe areas. Seen as a betrayal because of the alliance Czech had with France and Britain.
  • Kristallnacht Began

    Anti Jew progoms which took place in Germany. Lasted two days. Destoryed many businesses. synagogues, homes, and around 100 lives.
  • Second day of Kristallnacht

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany betrayed a nonaggression pact with Poland signed in Jan 1934. This invasion is seen to had casued WW2 in Europe.
  • First ghetto in Piotrków, Poland

    Jewish were moved and forced to wear armbands or stars.
  • Hitler conquers Denmark and Norway.

  • Auschwitz

    The camp was stablished near the Polish city Oswiecim. The most famous camp, and one that Elie went to himself.
  • Elie's family becomes Hungarian residents.

    Unluckily for them since Hungry would become part of Germany during this year and Germany later comes into the area. They live in Sighet, Romania (which was under Hungry rule because of the events following WW1)
  • Winston Churchill began prime minister of Great Britain

    Was head of Britain during the war.
  • Hitler conquers France, Luxembourg, Belguim, and the Netherlands

  • Italy declares war on Britain and France.

    Italy sides Germany.
  • Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia join the Axis

    The Axis was the pact of Italy and Germany.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected for President

    Was President of the United States for the majority of the war, dying near the end. This was his third term.
  • Nazi Germany Attack Soviet Union

    Nazi Germany attack Soviet Union
  • Reinhard Heydrich is given authorization to plan a way to solve the jewish question

  • Pearl Harbor

    Event caused America to join war.
  • Americans join the war

    Helped Britain and the Soviets.
  • Elie begins to study Kabbalah and meets Moshe the Beadle.

  • Moshe the Beadle escapes from slaughter and tried to warn the Sighit jews.

    The Sighit citizens did not really listen to what he said however, believing that the war was near end.
  • Germany comes into Hungry

    Jewish rights were limited. From early April til July millions of Jews were deported from Hungary, many going to Auschwitz. Elie's family were included.
  • Elie's family deported to Auschwitz.

    Elie was fifteen. This was the last time he saw his Mother and younger sister (who died). He was with his father during the events.
  • Elie and Chlomo moved to Buchenwald

    Chlomo (Elie's Father) later died in a bunker at this camp.
  • Soviets liberate Auschwitz

    Two days after the evacuation of the camp. Elie could had been saved early if he stayed in the infirmary.
  • Buchenwald liberated by U.S.

    Elie became deathly sick following this event from food poisoning. He survived the holocaust.