New Car

  • New Car: Goal

    Saving $6,000 for a new car
  • Period: to

    New Car: Goal

    I will save $6,000 for a new car by setting aside $200 out of my paycheck every month for the next 2.5 years.
  • Research

    Search cars and find the best fir for me, while still in my price range.
  • Saving more money

    Saving more money
    Take out $200 out of my paycheck and put it into my savings account.
  • Dealership

    Go to a dealership that I researched beforehand and look at some of the cars that I liked.
  • Saving money

    Saving money
    Take out $200 out of my paycheck and put it into my savings account.
  • Final Paycheck

    Final Paycheck
    Last paycheck before I can finally buy a car