Napoleon Through Time

By lumanda
  • Napoleon Bonaparte is born

    Napoleon Bonaparte is born
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born August 15 of the year of 1769 in the island of Corsica. His parents were called Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino. He was the first born in the family, making him the eldest of eight siblings
  • Napoleon's Early Childhood/Napoleon Graduates

    Napoleon's Early Childhood/Napoleon Graduates
    He was sent to military school at just 9 years old by his parents. He graduated at just 16 with the title of a lieutenant in the artillery. Just when the revolution began, he joined the new government’s army.
  • Losing American Territories

    Losing American Territories
    The people of Saint Domingue heard ideas of the evolution and wanted the same rights the French people had. Not only did the people of Saint Domingue claimed their rights but so did the enslaved Africans wanted them too. These enslaved Africans made a civil war. After this failure, Napoleon decided it was best for him to sell the territory he owned.
  • Napoleon Creates an Empire

    Napoleon Creates an Empire
    Napoleon wanted to take control over the rest of Europe and American regions because he wanted more and more. In his emperor, he wanted: Louisiana, Florida, French Guiana, and the French West Indies. Napoleon had knew that the key to this area was the sugar-producing colony of Saint Domingue (Haiti).
  • Napoleon's First Campaign

    Napoleon's First Campaign
    In October of 1795, they gave Napoleon the task of defending the delegates rebelled against the National Convention. Minutes the attackers left because Napoleon had a cannonade and they were confused. Because of this, Napoleon became the hero and savior of the French Republic.
  • Leader of the French army

    Leader of the French army
    In 1796, Napoleon was given the title of leader of the French army. With him in command, the army won many victories. He led his troops into Egypt with the plan of disrupting British trade with India. Unfortunately, his naval forces were defeated by Horatio Nelson who was a British admiral.
  • Gaining Political Power

    Gaining Political Power
    In 1799 after Napoleon returned from Egypt, he was urged to take political power since the Directory had lost control. They established three consuls, one of them being Napoleon, making him the first consul. France was at war when this happened, and Britain, Austria, and Russia wanted to drive Napoleon away from power. However, this didn't happen, because Napoleon won the war, making the countries sign a peace treaty.
  • Lycees

    Napoleon in order to set up a new and good government he trained officials called lycees that were public schools. They opened up to make student of different backgrounds. Graduates were scheduled to public offices on the starting point of merit instead of family connections.
  • Napoleon rules France

    Napoleon rules France
    Napoleon pretended to be chosen as the leader of the republic and in 1800 a vote was done to do a new constitution. Majority of people voted in favor of the constitution and he now stopped pretending to be chosen because he was now actually chosen.
  • Concordat

    This means an agreement. Napoleon signed an agreement with Pope Pius VII that created a better relationship between the church and the state. The government then started to view the church in a better way but didn’t let them control in National affairs. Napoleon then had the power to organize the church and most of the French people.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    His best work was the comprehensive system of laws. This system gave the government the ability to have better laws and remove all injustices. This system limited the liberty of the people and promoted order an authority over individuals rights. The system restored slavery in the french colonies.
  • Napoleon crowned as emperor

    Napoleon crowned as emperor
    Napoleon then decided he wanted to be the emperor and in 1804 people agreed with him and supported him. On December 2, 1804 Napoleon walked down the aisle to the pope and he was waiting with the crown. Napoleon placed the crown in his own head after taking it from the pope. He then did a gesture to make the people know that he had more power than the church
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    When Napoleon wanted all of Europe he lost only one major battle. The Battle of Trafalgar who took place in 1805, was a naval defeat in which British admiral Horatio Nelson who was a master at the sea. This resulted in the supremacy of Britain for 100 years and it forced napoleon to leave his dream of conquering all of Europe behind.
  • Conquering Europe

    Conquering Europe
    Napoleon had already added the Austrian Netherlands and regions of Italy to France. In addition, he had already positioned of one his relatives to govern in Switzerland. Because he was becoming so ambitious, Britain gained forces with Russia, Austria, and Sweden to take France down. Of course, France one forcing all forces except Britain to sign peace treaties.
  • The Continental System

    The Continental System
    Napoleon set a blockade in November 1806 wto prevent Great Britain to trade with other regions in Europe with the hope of destroying Great Britain’s industrial and commercial economy. While Britain was getting weaker, they decided to do their own blockade. This resulted in war between the US and Britain.
  • Peninsular War

    Peninsular War
    When Napoleon was trying to get Portugal to agree with the Continental System he invaded Spain in the year 1808. Spanish peasant fighters formed guerillas to fight against France and got help from the British. During the Peninsular War, French troops were down on 300,000 men and made the French Empire weak.
  • The Invasion of Russia

    The Invasion of Russia
    In the year 1812, Russia’s czar refused to stop the trading with Britain. This resulted in Napoleon invading Russia. In September of the same year, the two armies had a violent confrontation called the Battle of Borodino. After the Russians fell, Napoleon entered Moscow but in mid October he decided to return to France.
  • Napoleon is Defeated

    Napoleon is Defeated
    In October 1813, the allied forces of Europe defeated the French army due to lack of experience. It was not until about a year later in April 1814 where napoleon finally surrendered. In addition, Napoleon was sent in exhalation to the little Italian island of Elba.
  • The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days
    The a hundred days were the days between Napoleon's escape from Elba and the return to Paris of King Louis XVIII in 1815. It lasted for 111 days and it began with Napoleon and his supporters arrived to Paris. It was from March 10, 1815 to July 8, 1815.
  • By: Luciana Alvarez, Amanda Gonzalez and Maria Jose Chavez

    World Civilization
    Ms. Tantraporn