Literacy Development Timeline - Molly Creel

By mlcreel
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    The philosopher Rousseau states in his book that kids should not be expected to learn things that they are not developmentally ready for.
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    Pestalozzi realized that it was impossible and unrealistic for adults to expect kids to learn on their own. He believed that the adults must create an environment where the learning and reading process can grow.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm August Forebel

    This student of Pestalozzi coined the term Kindergarten. This means "children's garden". Just like a garden, the children must be loved and tended to in order to grow
  • Reading Readiness

    This was a set of skills that included Auditory discrimination, Visual Discrimination, Visual motor skills , and large motor skills.
  • B.F. Skinner

    Skinner introduced the concept that people feed off of their environment to produce learning. His research also showed that positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior increased the use of that behavior.
  • Maria Montessori

    Montessori developed a method of education that highly incorporates the senses to promote learning. She used materials that were self correcting so that students could determine their own mistakes and correct them. This curriculum is based on behaviorist theory. This type of learning promotes independent learning.
  • John Dewey

    This philosopher developed the idea of a child centered curriculum/ progressive education. This expressed that the curriculum being taught should be designed around the interests of the students.
  • Emergent Literacy

    This idea of thought exposes students to the concept of reading and books early on. This has more of an emphasis on problem solving rather than on direct instruction of skills.

    Direct Instruction System for Teaching Arithmetic and Reading.
  • Jean Piaget

    Piaget developed the concept of cognitive development. This breaks down a child's capability by age group. The stages are Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operations.
  • Lev. S. Vygotsky

    Vygotsky developed the idea that mental functions are acquired through social relationships. He also introduced "zone of proximal development" explaining when a child can do parts of a task but not the task as a whole.
  • Balanced Comprehensive Approach

    This concept expressed that no certain or single method can successfully teach all children to read.
  • National Reading Panel Report

    This was a report done to study the best ways to teach children literacy skills.
  • NCLB

    No Child Left Behind was a policy put in place in hopes that every child in America would be a fluent reader by grade 3.