Lifetime Personal Health

  • 20s

    Healthy eating: protein, calcium, potassium, omega 3 fats, and folic acid, limit fast foods, eat lots of fruits and vegetables
    Physical activity: regular exercise for 30 minutes every day
    Preventive care: protect your skin and eyes from the sun, avoid indoor tanning, practice good hygiene, regular medical checkups
    Special concerns: sexual health and mental health
  • Period: to


  • 30s

    Healthy eating: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy products, reduce sodium and fast food intake
    Physical activity: 30-60 minutes every day, aerobics, and strength training
    Preventive care: wear sunscreen, avoid addictive substances, reduce stress, monitor blood pressure, BMI, and cholesterol, diagnostic tests, follow safety regulations
    Special concerns: sexual health, mental health, skin care, back pain, build muscle, gynecological exam for women
  • 40s

    Healthy eating: limit fast foods, low sodium, lots of fruits and vegetables, protein
    Physical activity: 30 minutes per day
    Preventive care: reduce stress, monitor blood pressure, glucose, BMI, and heart rate, take care of mental health
    Special concerns: sexual health, skin problems, changes in vision and hearing, regular screening and checkups
  • 50s

    Healthy eating: cut back on sodium, limit foods high in unhealthy fat, fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, fiber
    Physical activity: 30-60 minutes per day, aerobics, weight lifting
    Preventive care: avoid addictive substances, reduce stress, get enough sleep, maintain a healthy weight
    Special concerns: menopause, osteoporosis, regular screening and medical checkups
  • 60s

    Healthy eating: 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 3 servings of whole grains, 2-3 servings of low fat dairy products, 50 g of protein
    Physical activity: 30 minutes every day, resistance training
    Preventive care: quit smoking, maintain blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, see a doctor regularly
    Special concerns: mental health, wear a seat belt or a helmet, have a smoke and carbon monoxide detector, reduce risk for falls