Time line

John Dupré Born July 3rd 1952. still alive.

  • Education

    He received his PHD at Cambridge in 1981 with his education focusing primarily on the philosophy of biology. He had been conducting research on the philosophy at Oxford, and St. Johns college. Then he worked in the department of philosophy in stanford
  • Good Read

    The book, The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science (Harvard University Press, 1993) articulates a non-reductive, indeterministic, and pluralistic metaphysics, and argues that this is much better suited to understanding contemporary science, especially biology, than is the monistic physicalism assumed by most contemporary philosophers of science. http://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/sociology/staff/dupre/#1Bzy0vZDWuEtPBU3.99
  • Major Accomplishments.

    At Exeter he headed the reintroduction of philosophy, which has been dormant at Exeter since the department was closed in the mid-eighties. Several undergraduate philosophy degrees were launched in 2000, at which time he resigned the chair in London and was appointed at Exeter as Professor of Philosophy of Science. In 2002 he assumed the full-time directorship of Egenis, the ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society.
  • Still alive.

    Usually when i think of science. I always think of men and women who are already dead. The fact that this man is still alive is a new experience to me. To think that we as individuals still have opportunities to meet this man and to have a conversation about the topics he has researched is something that I think many individuals would love to do.