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Japanese History

By Arecion
  • 300

    Yaoyoi Period

    Yaoyoi Period
    During this period the rice was imported around 100 B.C This time was the introduction of agriculture and the introduction of iron and other modern idea's.
  • Jan 1, 1192

    First shogun (Yoritomo Minamoto)

    First shogun (Yoritomo Minamoto)
    Minamoto Yoritomo was promoted shogun in 1192. He astablished a new government.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    Mongol attack (choose minimum 1& 2)

    Mongol attack (choose minimum 1& 2)
    In 1274, and group of 15,000 Mongol and and Chinese solidersand over 8,000 korean and over 300 vessels invaded the nation of Japan.Although vastly outnumbered, Japan was victiorious against the invasion.
  • Jan 1, 1334

    Kemmu Restoration

    Kemmu Restoration
    This didn't last very long because the old administration was out of date and practice. Officals failed gaining the support of the powerful landowners.
  • Jan 1, 1477

    Onin Wars

    Onin Wars
    The Onin war that occured in Japan which lasted 10 years.This war started over of who would be named the next shogun of Japan. As people tried to assure that no war would start over the decsion of the next shogun, a erie feeling hung over the war clans. As a result, all clans fought for 10 years over who would end up becoming the most suprme military group.
  • Jan 1, 1542

    Portuguese come to Japan

    Portuguese come to Japan
    When they arrived they introuduced firearms and christianity to Japan.
  • 10 year old Tokugawa Letsuna becomes Shogun.

    10 year old Tokugawa Letsuna becomes Shogun.
    Following the events of his father's death in 1651, Letsuna became Shogun of Japan at TEN years old. He ran office for 29 years before dieing in June of 1680.
  • Commodore Perry sails into Tokyo Bay

    Commodore Perry sails into Tokyo Bay
    Commodore Perry forced the Tokugawa government to open a limited number of ports for international trade. But the trade was really limited until the Meiji restoration in 1868.
  • Development of Samurai Culture

    Development of Samurai Culture
    The samurai have been apart of Japaneese culture ever since Heian period but did not get thier rank the highest ranking socail castle until the Edo Peroid. After the military group, Minamoto Yoritomo beat the Taira another high ranking clan,(1192) they set up a new military govenment and the samurai ruled Japan for the next 700 years.
  • Tokugawa Shogunate begins in Edo (Tokyo)

    Tokugawa Shogunate begins in Edo (Tokyo)
    In 1603. Ieyasu was made shogun by the emporer, which then, he made his government in Edo (Tokyo). The Tokugawa shoguns ruled Japan for 250 years. He had the country under tight control and promoted foregin trade.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
    In 1868, the era of the Tokugawa brought an end to the Meiji era. Meiji was moved from Kyoto to Tokyo (Which was named the new captial)
  • Russian-Japan war

    Russian-Japan war
    In 1904, Japan conducted a surprise torpedo attack at a russian navy fort in Port Atuhur. In 1905, a treaty between the two were signed that would give Japan some land and presumbly ending the war
  • Japan colonizes Korea

    Japan colonizes Korea
    They took over Korea. When they did this, the country of Japan brought nationalism to increase even more in their country. Also other Asian countries started to gain more national self confidence.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    China started to challenge Japan's position in Manchuria. This angered the Japanese armed forces making them take over Manchuria. Also during this year Japanese air forces bombed Shanghai China because they needed to protect Japanese residents from anti Japanese movements.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Once they attacked they also were able to control a large territory that went to the border of India in the West and New Guinea in the South with in the following six months of the bombing.
  • America Occupation

    America Occupation
    Allied nations requested for Japan to surrender unconditionally. If they didn't we told them that the destruction would continue even after the two atomic bombs we dropped. Also the Soviet Union helped in the war against Japan when they joined on August 8th.
  • Hiroshima bombed

    Hiroshima bombed
    The U.S dropped two bombs in order to end World War 2. One of the bombs hit Hiroshima. This bomb did serious damage and obliterated nearly everything within a two kilometer radius.
  • "Bubble Economy" bursts

    "Bubble Economy" bursts
    When the Korean war ended the recovery of Japan's economy flourished. This also caused a rise of the living standards, changes in society and the stabilization of the ruling position of the Liberal Democratic Party.
  • 1964 Olympic Games

    1964 Olympic Games
    In 1964, the olympic games were held in Toyko, the first time this honor was held in Asia. In 1940, Toyko was supposed to hold the event but was canceled because of WW2.
  • First Japaneese Player into MLB

    First Japaneese Player into MLB
    Masanori Murakami of Japan, became the first Japaneese-born player to ever play for a major leauuge team debuting in 1964 and playing for only one year. The next japaneese player to play on a MLB team was 31 years later, in 1995.
  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    Great East Japan Earthquake
    On this day a 9.0 earthquake hit a Fukushima power plant causing one of the reactors to explode making it leak out some radiation. This earthquake also triggered a tsunami which also hit the coast of Japan leaving serious damage.
  • Tomb Period

    Tomb Period
    Center of power was deveolped in the Kinai Plain. Yamato Japan was center of power during this time. Name comes from large tombs bulit during this time.Yamato Japan extened from Kyushu to the Kinai Plain.
  • Prince Shoyoku's reforms

    Prince Shoyoku's reforms
    He worte Seventeen Articles about moral and political principles. He also had an important role in promoting Chinese ideas.
  • Establishment of Nara

    Establishment of Nara
    In 710, first Japanesse Capital (Permanet) was founded in Nara, which was mirriored by the Chinese capital. Buddhist monasteies were bulit in this capital after its establishment. Many influences during this time peroid with the chinese declined, after many things were "Japanized".
  • Establishment of Heian (Kyoto)

    Establishment of Heian (Kyoto)
    Kyoto was Japan's capital from 794 to 1868. This is currently the seventh largest city with about 1.4 million people.