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J-GAD : Instructional Technology Timeline

By j-gad
  • 35

    Marcus Quintilianus

    Marcus Quintilianus
    (c. 35 - c. 100) a Roman rhetorician born in modern day Spain.
    Established a public school in Rome at a time when education was nearly universally done privately.
    Advocated for a teacher/classroom learning environment over one-on-one.
    Recognized education must start early.
  • 1398


    The German inventor and printer Johann Gutenberg (ca. 1398-1468) was the inventor of movable-type mechanical printing in Europe.
    The German goldsmith's 15th-century contribution to the technology was revolutionary — enabling the mass production of books and the rapid dissemination of knowledge throughout Europe.
  • First State Sponsored University

    First State Sponsored University
    UGA is chartered as America's first state-supported land-grant university.
  • Modern Blackboard Invented

    Modern Blackboard Invented
    James Pallins (Scotland) invents the first modern blackboard by hanging a large piece of slate on the classroom wall. This innovation allows for large group instruction.
  • Massachusetts First state to adopts compulsory education

    Massachusetts First state to adopts compulsory education
    The public compulsory model of education eventually spread to the other states and became the standard model.
  • One Room School Houses

    One Room School Houses
    One Room School Houses are the norm for education in this time period.
  • John B. Watson Develops the foundation of behaviorism

    John B. Watson Develops the foundation of behaviorism
    A pioneering psychologist who played an important role in developing behaviorism.
    He believed that psychology should primarily be scientific observable behavior. He is remembered for his research on the conditioning process, as well as the Little Albert experiment.
    Taught psychology at Johns Hopkins University 1908-1920.
  • Frederic Burk developed modern individualized instruction.

    Frederic Burk developed modern individualized instruction.
    Spread ideas on self-instructed learning with minimal teacher assistance.
    The modern individualized instruction approach was developed by Frederic Burk in 1912.
  • First attempt at mass standardized testing and placement

    First attempt at mass standardized testing and placement
    WW1 Army Alpha/Beta test: First attempt at mass standardized testing and placement.
  • First pop 'talkie' movie released

    First pop 'talkie' movie released
    'The Jazz Singer', starring Al Jolson The addition to movies led to the increase in interest in instructional media and the expansion of the visual instruction movement.
  • The United States uses film training to ramp up recruitment and training for WW2.

    The United States uses film training to ramp up recruitment and training for WW2.
    WW2 Massive use of film training to rapidly ramp up recruitment and training. Providing a major edge to the US Forces. It was estimated that US military personnel saw more than 4 million training film. These films were also used to train US workers in industry.
  • B.F. Skinner Develops foundational theories of behaviorism

    B.F. Skinner Develops foundational theories of behaviorism
    B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) was a social developmentalist and behaviorist.
    Was influence by John B. Watson’s philosophy of behaviorism
    Believe that instruction should be presented in small steps, that there should be frequent questions that receive immediate feedback that the learner can self-pace.
    Skinner (1948) studied operant conditioning by conducting experiments using animals which he placed in a 'Skinner Box'.
  • Richard Feynman lectures at Cal Tech (The Feynman Lectures)

    Richard Feynman lectures at Cal Tech (The Feynman Lectures)
    (1919 - 1988) American physicist known for his contributions to quantum mechanics and particle physics.
    Won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1965 for the development of a field called quantum electrodynamics.
    The Feynman Lectures (1961-1963); the text is known for its approach of teaching science topics by starting from the individual’s everyday experience and building up.
    Advocated against rote learning or memorization as an approach to learning science.
  • Robert Mills Gagne pioneers the science of instruction

    Robert Mills Gagne pioneers the science of instruction
    (1916-2002) American educational psychologist best known for his Conditions of Learning.
    Co-developer of "Instructional Systems Design."
    Wrote The Conditions of Learning, 1965.
    Co-wrote Principles of Instructional Design.
  • Michael Scriven: Formative Evaluation

    Michael Scriven:  Formative Evaluation
    Michael Scriven (1928- ) a British born academic philosopher was best known for his work in evaluation.
    In 1967 observed that there is a need to try out different instructional approaches with learners before the form of instruction is finalized.
    He labeled the tryout and revision process “formative evaluation” and called the testing of instructional material after is it in the final form “summative evaluation."
  • First successful personal computers (PCs) introduced

    First successful personal computers (PCs) introduced
    First successful Personal Computers introduced: the Commodore PET, the Apple ][ and the The Radio Shack TRS-80. These machines became more readily available and eventually provide a new platform for instruction.
  • Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligences Theory

    Howard Gardner - Multiple Intelligences Theory
    1943- American developmental psychologist
    1983 book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences": In Gardner’s words, Students: “possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways”. First to try to break down ‘intelligence’ from a single entity and to acknowledge there may be multiple intelligences.
  • Birth of the Internet

    Birth of the Internet
    Military ARPANET Officially adopts TCP/IP, can be considered the ‘birth’ of the modern internet. Led to increased interest in and use of computers and technology for instructional purposes.
  • Salman ‘Sal’ Khan Founds Khan Academy

    Salman ‘Sal’ Khan Founds Khan Academy
    American Educator and Entrepreneur who founded the Khan Academy.
    Khan Academy is a free online education platform that has produced over 7000 video lessons. One of the first online learning platforms and now one of the largest non profit providers according to “The Chronicle of Higher Education."
    Founded in 2005 as a non profit with a goal of creating online tools to help students.
    First artifacts began in November 16th, 2006 when he moved his tutorials onto a YouTube Channel.
  • Apple unveils iPad

    Apple unveils iPad
    The release of the first successful large scale distribution of a tablet computing device. This is a new format that allowed for both a new platform for instruction delivery, but also allowed for electronic text books and rich media to supplement class materials.