
Have a good trip, Mr. President

  • Bad news.

    Geneva, Switzerland.
    The president had had a stabbing pain in his body for some time but he never knew exactly where it came from until one day a doctor found the exact place where the president's pain came from and warned him of a prompt surgery, something dangerous that they should do, to which, the president leaves the site somewhat discouraged by not knowing for sure if he could die or not.
  • The meeting

    The president is reading a newspaper while he waits for his Italian coffee order, at which point a young man approaches him and begins to speak to him in a rather casual way, making them both get along. The president invited the young man to lunch and he agreed. In the talk they had, the young man told the president that he had already met him before and invited him to have a delicious lunch of rice with shrimp with his wife and children, he clearly accepted.
  • Conversation night.

    Al llegar a su casa el joven Homero habla con su esposa del verdadero plan que tiene con el expresidente, el cual constaba de venderle arreglos funerarios para así poder solventar los gastos de sus hijos y como su esposa piensa que es una de los presidentes que más dinero tuvo desde su exilio accede a hacerle el almuerzo.
  • A very important favor.

    The following Thursday, Homer meets the president who asks him to please accompany him home, and the very kind young man accompanies him. Upon arriving at the place, the president asks him for the favor of selling some jewels that he has to be able to pay for the expensive operation and Homer agrees by taking them with him and showing the plan to his wife, in order to sell everything.
  • A big disappointment.

    The next day, Homer's wife is about to sell the jewels but was disappointed when the employer gives her to understand that all the jewels, except gold ones, were absolutely all fake and that the only thing he could buy would be the gold jewelry. After this they go to the president and tell him the bad news, but the young people feeling pity for the old man decide to collaborate with the missing money.
  • Amiability.

    After the president's operation was carried out and Homero's wife, Lazara, was discharged, she offered to take him home so that he could rest while he was recovering, and the old man accepted. The young people took care of him for two months until one day he disappeared leaving a farewell letter and his rings. He had decided to go to his native country.
  • Lunch with the president.

    Thursday arrived and with it, lunch with the president. When the very elegant man arrives with a rose in hand for Homer's wife, he enters a bit impolite without greeting the children and proceeds to lunch with his hosts. Over lunch, he tells them how his family passed away and how now, without money, he has to undergo high-risk surgery.
  • A letter.

    After a year, a telegram reached the young people from the president, in which he told them that he wanted to join a renovating movement, even if it was not to simply die of old age in his bed.