Harry Potter and the philosophers stone

  • The murder of Harrys Parents

    Voldemort arrives at Harrys home and kills both his parents. Voldemort raises his wand to kill Harry, but loses all of his powers when casting the fatal spell "Avada Kadavra". This leaves Harry with a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead.
  • A letter from Hogwarts

    Harry has been living with his abusive aunt, uncle and cousin which are muggles also know as non magical humans. This is until his 11th birthday were he receives a letter of acceptance from Hogwarts.
  • An introduction to the wizarding world

    Hagrid introduces Harry to the world of magic by bringing him to a secret magic street in London called Diagon alley. While in Diagon alley Harry discovers a large fortune he had inherited from his parents, he gets a wand and a pet owl named Hedwig.
  • Platform 9 3/4

    After visiting Diagon Alley Harry is brought to platform 9 3/4 were he meets and befriends fellow first-year student Ron Weasley. They ride the train together and meet Hermione Granger which they dislike slightly because of her snobbiness. Harry also makes an enemy in Draco Malfoy due to Draco picking on Ron.
  • The sorting hat

    At Hogwarts the students are assigned in to one of the four houses Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw based on they are. After hearing that Slytherins students have a tendency to be darker and more evil Harry objects to being placed there by the hat. The hat tells Harry that choices define who we are and it therefore places Harry in Gryffindor instead. Hermione and Ron were also places in Gryffindor while Draco ended up in Slytherin.
  • A secret trapdoor

    Malfoy challenges Harry and Ron to a duel, but tells the schools caretaker Flich where they are. After realizing the duel is a trap they run away and discover a huge three-headed dog standing guard over a trapdoor in a forbidden corridor. Severus Snape is the schools potion master and a teacher the trio has come to dislike because of his favoring of students from Slytherin. Coupled with Snape suffering leg injury and his behavior Harry suspects that Snape is trying to access the trapdoor.
  • A strange quidditch match

    After discovering Harrys natural talent for quidditch, Harry is added to Gryffindors team as a seeker. At Harrys first quidditch match his broom starts spiraling out of control, creating a very dangerous situation. Due to Snapes strange behavior under the match Hermione suspects him of casting a spell upon the broom.
  • Christmas

    After Christmas arrives at Hogwarts Harry receives a invisibility cloak from an anonymous sender claiming that the cloak belonged to Harrys father. Using the cloak to explore the school at night to investigate what is under the trapdoor, he discovers the Mirror of Erised, in which the viewer sees his or her deepest desires come true. In the Mirror of Erised Harry sees his lost family.
  • A philosophers stone

    When visiting Hagrid in his hut a major indiscretion from him allows the trio to work out that a philosophers stone is kept under the secret trap door. Philosophers stone grant its user immortality and the ability to turn any metal into pure gold. On top of this Harry is made aware that a plot to steal the stone is being orchestrated by Voldemort himself. Voldemort seeks the stone to regain his body and strength.
  • The plan commences

    After the school's headmaster Albus Dumbledore is lured away from the school under false pretenses, Harry, Hermione and Ron decide to go through the trapdoor and stop the imminent theft.
  • A series of obstacles

    Under the secret trap door the trio faces a number of obstacles, each of which requires a unique skill possessed by one of them. After being separated Harry finds himself in the final room. In this room Harry meets the defense against the dark arts teacher Quirinus Quirrell. Quirinus reveals that he is in league with Voldemort and has been trying to kill Harry all along. He was the one that cast a spell on Harrys broom under the quidditch game and Snape was trying to stop him.
  • Obtaining the philosophers stone

    Quirinus Quirrell reveals the face of Voldemort which has sprouted on the back of his head always concealed by an oversized turban. Forcing Harry in front of the mirror of Erised the final obstacle has been overcome. The mirror recognizes Harrys lack of greed for the stone and the stone lands in his pocket. Quirinus attempts to seize the stone and kill Harry, but in doing so touches Harrys skin and his flesh is set ablaze. Harrys scar burst with sudden pain and he passes out.
  • The aftermath

    Three days later harry wakes in the school's infirmary. Here Dumbledore reveals that Harry survived his encounter with Voldemort due to his mother sacrificing herself for him. This sacrifice has left a powerful charm in Harrys blood which attacked Quirinus Quirrell because of him being possessed by hatred and greed. Quirinus is now dead, left by the still roaming Voldemort and the stone has been destroyed.