Greece Timeline

  • Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE

    Persian Wars

    After the Athenians helped the city-states of Persia rebel against it, they decided to start a war. This was significant for Greece because they had no threat from the Persians, causing Athens to become rich and powerful, eventually building an empire. All 3 battles determined Greece's determination, especially in the battle of Thermopylae where only 300 Spartans were against 10,000 Persians. This helped shape them into a country and reflected their culture.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 431 BCE

    Golden Age of Athens

    The Golden Age explained what happened since the Persian Wars in order to explain what started the Peloponnesian Wars. Because these wars were both significant to Greek's development, the Golden Age is significant because without Athens' economic prosperity Greece may have not been the same as it is today. Athens developed art such as the three types of columns, which are overlooked today as what Greece is known as. Many ideas helped shape the culture and made it an important time in Greece.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    Athens became too powerful and the other city-states decided to leave and fight back against the power. Athens made the Delian League for the states to stop, which influenced other leagues to form. Perciles, the leader of Athens, hid the city behind a wall, but ultimately this failed because of a plague and Sparta won. However, Sparta was also weakened by the war and Alexander the Great captured Greece.Since this war was after the Persian Wars, it shows Greece is strong - maybe too strong.
  • Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great conquered Greece after both wars and the Golden Age. Greece was so weakened but he brought it back up. Although he could be considered a villain, to some he was considered a hero. Without him, his empired would not exist. He was smart and a very good military leader - therefore he made his countries strong and in good hands. He was also tutored by Aristotle, and philosophers were a huge part in Greece.