France 1919-1939

  • French Occupation of Ruhr Valley

    French Occupation of Ruhr Valley
    Germany had repeatedly failed to send reparation payments to France, and so troops were sent to the Ruhr valley to collect them, or seize them if necessary.
  • Cartel Des Gauches Wins Election

    Cartel Des Gauches Wins Election
    Breaks power from Bloc National-returning power to the radicals. Eventually, though, he proves unable to effectively rule during economic crisis-power is returned to Poincare
  • Pact of Locarno

    Pact of Locarno
    French and German governments agreed not to use force to alter the Franco-German frontier. Sought out by foreign minister Aristide Briand- called himself "the pilgrim of peace."
  • Poincare's Resignation

    Poincare's Resignation
    After getting France through economic crisis after the Great War, and stabilizing the economy through slashing government expenses, and raising taxes, he resigned for health reasons. He was hailed as "saviour of the franc," and acclaimed as one of the Third Republic's outstanding statesmen.
  • The Great Depression Reaches France

    The Great Depression Reaches France
    Although it held out longer than the countries surrounding it due to it's renewed stability and prosperity, the effects of the great depression eventually depleted French economics just as badly as everywhere else.
  • Radicals Come into Power

    Radicals Come into Power
    The right wing parties eventually lost control of the chamber to Radicalists and Socialists. A new Radical leader- Edouard Herriot- comes into power. He receives socialist support, but not participation.
  • Stavisky Affair

    Stavisky Affair
    Financial scandal that tarnished the reputation of leading radicals. Led to anti-parliamentary groups demonstrating against the regeime
  • Rally near Chamber of Deputies

    Rally near Chamber of Deputies
    Rally by far right anti-parliamentary groups that turned into bloody battle involving armed police, where 15 were killed, and 1500 injured. Led leader to resign in fear of Civil War. Power was exchanged to a National Union cabinet under former president Gaston Doumergue.
  • Front Government Comes To Power

    Front Government Comes To Power
    Leftist party that allows more widespread public participation in the government, but is unable to prevent deterioration of economy
  • Munich Pact is Signed

    Munich Pact is Signed
    France and Britain sign pact that grants control of the Czech Sudetenland to Hitler