Fetal Development Timeline

By claires
  • Month 1

    Fetus size: about 1/4 of an inch long
    Organs Developing: amniotic sac and placenta is formed, the face and blood cells take shape, and circulation begins
    Capabilities: can take nutrients form the mother
  • Month 2

    Fetus size: about 1 inch long and 1/3 of an ounce
    Developing organs: Facial features develop. buds of arms and legs form as well as fingers, toes and eyes. The neural tube is formed and bone starts to replace cartilage.
    Capabilities: can move although mother can't feel it
  • Month 3

    Fetus size:3-4 inches long and 1 ounce
    Organs Developing: the arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes are developed. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming and the reproductive organs also develop as well as the urinary system.
    Capabilities: baby can open and close fists and mouth
  • Month 4

    fetus size: about 6 inches long and weighs 4 ounces
    developing organs: the nervous system starts to function and reproductive organs are fully developed. The heartbeat is now fully audible and bones are starting to become denser.
    capabilities: suck his or her thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces
  • Month 5

    fetus size: about 10 inches and weighs 1/2 to 1 pound
    organs developing: hair begins to grow and the baby's skin is covered in a coating that protects it from the amniotic fluid. Muscles start to develop
    capabilities: can move with the mother feeling it now that the baby can start exercising its muscles.
  • Month 6

    fetus size:12 inches long and weighs 2 pounds
    organs developing: veins are visible as well as finger and toe prints.
    capabilities: baby can open eyes and responds to sounds
  • Month 7

    fetus size: 14 inches long and between 2-4 pounds
    organ development: fat begins to deposit, hearing is fully developed,
    capabilities: respods to stimuli incuding sound, pain and light
  • Month 8

    fetus size: 18 inches long and about 5 pounds
    organs developing: continues to mature and store fat and the brain starts to develop rapidly. Most internal systems are developed but the lungs are still immature
    capabilities: can see and hear
  • Month 9

    fetus size: 18-20 inches and weighs about 7 pounds
    developing organs: lungs are nearly fully developed and reflexes are coordinated
    capabilities: the baby can blink, close its eyes, turn its head, grasp firmly, and can respond to sounds, light, and touch. baby can also position itself for labor