
Fall 2018 English 2 Honors Semester Project

  • 550 BCE

    Lao Tzu

    Lao Tzu
    Lao Tzu was said to be in the womb for 62 years and was born an old man. He didn't like society so he decided to leave. To leave society he wrote the Tao Te Ching. His teaching became a religion called Taoism.
  • 500 BCE


    Confucius was a wise man like Lao Tzu. His goal in life was to be the advisor to the king. He never achieved his dream, but his words were passed down and his teachings later became a religion.
  • Benjamin Franklin´s Proverbs

    Benjamin Franklin´s Proverbs
    My favorite proverb that was created by Benjamin Franklin is, ¨Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.". And I really like that one because it has a deep meaning and acknowledges that humans have faults.
  • John Keats

    John Keats
    John Keats wrote "Ode on a Grecian Urn". The first time I read the poem it was very confusing, but I read it again over and over and figured out the meaning of the poem. "Ode to a Grecian Urn" was filled with beautiful imagery. Click Here to Read it
  • African Proverbs

    African Proverbs
    My favorite African proverb in the "First Collection" is, ¨The butterfly that flies among the thorns will tear it´s wings." this proverb is from Liberia (and the tribe named The Jabo). I like it because it means that one who does dangerous things will get hurt and I believe this to be mostly true.
  • Period: to


    World War 2 started in 1939 and ended in 1945. The Axis Powers were Germany, Japan, and Italy. And the Allied Powers were France, UK, and the Soviet Union. Hitler, the Führer, and the Nazis were trying to make the aryan race the ¨master race¨ by killing the jewish in concentration camps and death camps.
  • Elie Before the War

    Elie Before the War
    Elie Wiesel was an odd kid. He was more interested in studying the world of mysticism than hanging out with others his age. Elie was so emotional and connected to his religion that he would cry while he prayed. Elie's dad explained that his son was too young to study mysticism, but Elie found a master anyways, his master was Moché the Beadle. Moché was described as a poor, humble man and many of Sighet were fond of him.
  • Period: to

    Anne's First Entries

    So in these pages, we already figure out that Anne is a typical teenage girl. She has friends, but nobody super close to her. She sticks to common round with her partners. Anne has little interest in love, although she has male friends, including a sixteen year old boy friend named Harry. Due to Anne not having a close friend, she decided to write in a diary that she considers her closest friend and calls “Kitty”.
  • Franks go into Hiding

    Franks go into Hiding
    Anne and her family settled in. They made curtains and a cupboard to place in front of the windows and in front of the door to keep them hidden. The Van Daans had arrived and there had been some conflict between Mrs. Van Daan and the Franks. Their (the Daan´s) son, Peter, was less well behaved than Anne´s sixteen year old sister, Margot. He would sneak into the attic with books meant for adults. Unlike Elie and his family, the Franks and Daans hid from the Germans.
  • Elie's Nightmare Began

    Elie's Nightmare Began
    Moché was taken by the Germans and shot, but still made it back to Sighet to warn the Jews of Sighet. The Jews ignored his warnings and those who were anti-semitic, and were, later on, moved into ghettos. Soon after their move into the ghetto, a cattle train arrived and the Jews were loaded onto it, 30 to a car.
  • Elie´s Suffering

    Elie´s Suffering
    Elie and his family were forced into Aushwitz. After the first exam, only Elie and his father were alive. During their time at Aushwitz, Elie and his father faced starvation, hypothermia, and harsh treatment.
  • Elie´s Freedom

    Elie´s Freedom
    Elie Wiesel, with a foot recovering from surgery, and his father marched from Aushwitz to Gleiwitz, where they stayed for three days. They then were put onto cattle cars again, but this time none of the cars had a roof, it was freezing, and they were given no food. They arrived at Buchenwald and discovered that Elie´s father had dysentery. Elie´s father died on January 28th, 1945. On April 10th, 1945, Elie left Buchenwald and became a free man.
  • Nelson Mandela's Nobel Peace Prize Speech

    Nelson Mandela's Nobel Peace Prize Speech
  • Reason I Choose to Read Nelson Mandela's Nobel Peace Prize Speech

    Reason I Choose to Read Nelson Mandela's Nobel Peace Prize Speech
    I choose to read part of Nelson Mandela's Nobel Peace Prize speech because it surprised me that people around the world have been struggling with the same things like: sexism, inequality, and inhumane treatment. Nelson's speech was a call to battle against worldwide inequality.
  • The Lion, The Hare, and the Hyena

    The Lion, The Hare, and the Hyena
    ¨The Lion, The Hare, and the Hyena¨ is an african folktale. I have completed a thinglink project about it and if you would like to see it click here.
  • George Takei

    George Takei
    After Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered all Japanese-Americans on the West Coast of the USA to be rounded up and put into camps with no trial. George Takei was a child when he and his family were taken to a camp for being Japanese. Despite struggling in a camp, and then struggling financially, Takei is proud to be an American. Takei speaks about his experience here.
  • Image Credits

  • Novel of Choice

    Novel of Choice
    Crossed Dialectical Journal This book is set in a dystopian future, so I've estimated the date to be around 2200. The main character is Cassia Reyes and the book is about her getting to a character named Ky, Cassia's lover, so that together they can change society. The society is run by people who only care about power and want those who disobey them to be six feet under.