computer science

  • 2500 BCE

    Mesopotamia (Irak)

    la tablilla Plimpton= This table shows what are now called Pythagorean triples, that is, integers a, b, c that satisfy 2 + b 2 = c 2 {\ displaystyle \ scriptstyle a ^ {2} + b ^ {2} = c ^ {2}} {\ displaystyle \ scriptstyle a ^ {2} + b ^ {2} = c ^ {2}. The triplets are too many to have been built by brute force (that is, made by hand by testing values).
  • 2000 BCE


    Ábaco=The abacus is an instrument that serves to perform simple arithmetic operations1 (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication and other more complex, such as calculating roots). It consists of a wooden box with parallel bars through which moveable balls run, also useful to teach these simple calculations
  • 500 BCE


    Calendario mesoamericano=The Mesoamerican calendars are the calendars conceived and used by the pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica. In addition to the control of the passage of time, Mesoamerican calendars were also used in religious ceremonies, in social rituals and in divination.
  • John Napier

    Huesos de Napier=The abacus consists of a board with flange in which the Neperian rods will be placed to carry out the multiplication or division operations. The board has its left flange divided into 9 squares in which the numbers 1 to 9 are written.
    The Neperian rods are strips of wood, metal or thick cardboard. The front face is divided into 9 squares, except the top, divided into two halves by a diagonal line.
  • Wilhem Schickard

    Reloj calculador=It was the first in history to be built (Leonardo da Vinci had already designed an adding machine, but it had never been built due to the advancement of technology at that time). The calculating clock could perform, through totally mechanical methods, the four elementary arithmetic operations: add, subtract, multiply and divide. The machine incorporated the principle of strips of John Napier.
  • Edmund Wingate

    Regla de cálculo=The calculation rule is a calculation tool that acts like an analog computer. It has several mobile numerical scales that facilitate the fast and convenient execution of complex arithmetic operations, such as multiplications, divisions, etc. Their scales have been modified in order to be adapted to specific fields of use, such as civil engineering, electronics, construction, aeronautics and aerospace, finance, etc.
  • Blaise Pascal

    Pascalina=The pascalina was the first calculator that worked based on wheels and gears, invented in 1642 by the French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). The first name he gave his invention was "arithmetic machine." Then he called it "pascalina wheel", and finally "pascalina". This invention is the remote ancestor of the current computer.
  • Sir Samuel Morlan

    Máquina de multiplicar=His multiplication machine served as an aid for multiplication and division; and bases its operation on the same principles that John Napier's bones do. It consisted of a flat bronze plate with a perforated articulated gate and several semi-circular points on which flat discs could be placed.
  • Wilhelm Leibniz

    1ª Máquina de cálculos aritméticos= 618/5000
    Add, subtract, multiply and divide by successive addition and subtraction. Square root. 1694
    The "Leibniz cylinder" is still used in mechanical calculators. First the addition or subtraction is selected by means of one of the two gears; then the cogwheel is placed on the number to add or subtract from the total. Then the crank is turned over. When turning the crank, the gear wheel engages only with the grooves corresponding to the number.
  • Joseph Jacquard

    Tarjeta perforada=1ª memoria The perforated card or simply card is a sheet made of cardboard containing information in the form of perforations according to a binary code. These were the first means used to enter information and instructions to a computer in the 1960s and 1970s. Punched cards were used previously by Joseph Marie Jacquard in the looms of his invention, from where he switched to the first electronic computers. With the same logic, perforated tapes were used.
  • Charles Babbage

    1ª Máquina Analítica=The first attempt of Charles Babbage to design a machine was the differential machine, which was a computer designed specifically to build tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions evaluating polynomials by approximation. Although this project did not come to light for economic and personal reasons, Babbage understood that part of his work could be exploited in the design of a general purpose computer, so he started the design of the analytical machine
  • Ada Lovelace

    1ª programadora de la máquina analíticahe was the first person in the world to describe a general programming language by interpreting Babbage's ideas even better than himself. In 1843 he published a series of notes on Babbage's analytical machine that he signed only with his initials for fear of being censored for his status as a woman.
  • George Boole

    El álgebra de Boole y la codificación binariaBoole's algebra was an attempt to use algebraic techniques to deal with expressions of propositional logic. Later it was extended as a more important book: An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities (also known as An Investigation of the Laws of Thought 2 or simply The Laws of Thought3), published in 1854.
  • Herman Hollerith

    1ª Máquina Tabuladora=The tabulator machine is one of the first computer application machines.
    In 1890, Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) had developed a system of electric perforated cards based on Boolean logic, applying it to a tabulating machine of his invention. Hollerith observed that most of the questions contained in the census could be answered with binary options: YES or NO, open or closed.
  • Leonardo Torres Quevedo

    1ª Máquina Algebraica=The machine presents two innovations: The use of the logarithmic scale (which allows the evaluation of monomials to be reduced to sums) and the "Spindles without end" created by Quevedo
  • Ejercito aleman

    Máquina Enigma=he wanted to apply the existing technology to improve the systems of cryptography of the armies. His idea, patented in February 1918, consisted of applying the Vigenère Cipher or, in other words, an algorithm of substitution of some letters by others was applied
  • Vannevar Bush

    1er Analizador Diferencial=Such an invention was created by Vannevar Bush. The differential analyzer was an analog calculator that was built between 1925 and 1931 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
    Physically it was composed of mechanical amplifiers, of which each one of them was constituted by a crystal disk and a metallic wheel, and in this way the whole could make rotations by means of an electric motor.
  • Alan Turing

    Máquina Universal de Turing=A Turing machine is a device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite its simplicity, a Turing machine can be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm and is particularly useful in explaining the functions of a CPU inside a computer
  • John Atanasoff

    ABC= 1ª computadora electrónica y digital automáticaThis machine, decidedly revolutionary, brought several innovations in the field of computing: a binary system for arithmetic, regenerative memory and distinction between memory and the functions of the first modern computer to use arithmetic in binary and use electronic circuits, which today day are used in all computers
  • George Robert Stibitz

    Calculadora de números complejos 733/5000
    George Stibitz of the AT & T Bell Phone Labs presents his Complex Number Calculator, the first digital electrical computer, to the American Mathematical Society at a meeting at Darmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire . A teletype was installed in a reading room in Dartmouth and connected through a teletype line to Stibitz's electromechanical computer in New York.
  • Norbert Wiener

    Nace la Cibernética=Cybernetics, born of the combination of mathematics and neurophysiology, is proposed as the science that will allow the control of the "antihomeostatic factors" inherent in Nature and the functioning of society. Homeostasis is a central concept of cybernetic theory, and refers to the process by which living organisms retain a certain state of organization within the general trend of the universe towards corruption and decay, a trend known as entropy .
  • Alan Turing

    Colossus=Colossus was one of the first digital computers, used by the British to read German encrypted communications during World War II by Enigma. According to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the computer allowed the war to be shortened by 18 months. This allowed to know details about troop movements, the state of supplies, ammunition, the number of dead soldiers, etc.
  • Howard H. Aiken con IBM

    Harvard Mark I=The Harvard Mark I or Mark I was the first electromechanical computer built at Harvard University by Howard H. Aiken in 1944, with the IBM grant. It had 760,000 wheels and 800 kilometers of cable and was based on the analytical machine of Charles Babbage.
  • Konrad Zuse

    Z1=In the 30s there was no computer industry, you could only find certain mechanical calculators oriented to very primitive trade
    Z3=The Z3 computer, created by Konrad Zuse in 1941, was the first programmable and fully automatic machine, characteristics used to define a computer.
    Z4=The Z4 computer, designed by the German engineer Konrad Zuse and built by his company Zuse KG between 1941 and 1945, was delivered to ETH Zürich in Switzerland in September 1950.
  • John Presper Eckert y John William Mauchly

    ENIAC=In 1946, at the University of Pennsylvania, the project was terminated, resulting in the general-purpose electronic computer, ENIAC. ENIAC was the first of the computers created by Eckert and Mauchly. It consisted of more than 10,000 capacitors, 70,000 resistors and 500,000 soldered connections.
  • Bardeen, Brattain y Shockley

    Transistor de estado sólido (silicio)=624/5000
    The transistor is a semiconductor electronic device used to deliver an output signal in response to an input signal. It fulfills functions of amplifier, oscillator, switch or rectifier.1 The term "transistor" is the English contraction of transfer resistor ("transfer resistor").
  • Alan Turing

    Manchester Mark I=that time, thanks to the work done by Alan Turing and Alonzo Church, they formulated the Church-Turing Thesis, which formulated that "All algorithm is equivalent to a Turing machine". The Church-Turing thesis posited that any computational model has the same algorithmic capabilities, or was a subset of those that have a Turing machine.
  • Eckert y Mauchly

    BINAC=Eckert hired the staff, including a few engineers from the Moore School, and the company launched an ambitious program to design and manufacture computers on a large scale. One of the great achievements was the use of magnetic tape for high-speed storage. During the development, Mauchly created a software department.
  • Diseño de Charles Babbage

    1ª impresora eléctrica para texto 500/5000
    The creation of the printer goes back to the decade of 1940 approximately, with the creation of the first computer of the history, the analytical machine of Charles Babbage.
  • J. Presper Eckert y John William Mauchly

    UNIVAC I= con memorias de cinta magnéticaShortly before the end of World War II, Eckert and Mauchly begin the process of patenting the ENIAC, for which they obtained a reluctant permission from the Moore School. Subsequent administrators at the school also did not like the idea that researchers could patent projects they had created for the US government.
  • John van Neumann

    EDVAC=collaborated in the elaboration of a report for the army on the possibilities offered by the development of the first electronic computers; of its contribution to this development highlights the conception of a memory that acted sequentially and not only recorded the numerical data of a problem but also stored a program with instructions for the resolution of it.
  • Werner Jacobi y Harwick Johnson

    1er Circuito integrado=The creator of the first integrated circuit, was the American electronic engineer Jack Kilby, in 1959, a few months after being hired by Texas Instruments. It was a device that integrated six transistors on the same semiconductor base to form a phase rotation oscillator. At age 77, in the year 2000, Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to the development of information technology.
  • IBM

    IBM 701=1er ordenador comercializado Not long ago, following the wake of the history of computing, we talked about the IBM 650 series, a family of computers that was a revolution for both IBM (because they were the first computers manufactured in series by the blue giant) and for companies (since this series was designed, specifically, for the automation of business processes such as accounting, payroll, etc.).
  • IBM

    Lenguajes de programación: Fortran Fortran (previously FORTRAN, 1 contraction of English The IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System) is a high-level programming language of general purpose, 2 procedimental3 and imperative, which is specially adapted to numerical calculation and scientific computing.
  • Jack S. Kilby

    1er microchip=It was in a relatively deserted laboratory at TI's brand new Semiconductor Building where Jack Kilby first hit on the idea of the integrated circuit. In July 1958, when most employees left for the traditional two-week vacation period, Kilby -- as a new employee with no vacation -- stayed to man the shop.
  • Douglas Engelbart y Bill English

    1er ratón informático=He was an American inventor, descendant of Norwegians. He is known for inventing the mouse, and was a pioneer of human interaction with computers, including hypertext and networked computers.2 His vision helped Xerox PARC engineers finally arrive at a better mouse design. by the Xerox Alto, the first personal computer with graphic interface.
  • IBM

    IBM 360=1436/5000
    IBM S / 360 (S / 360) was a computer system of the mainframe family, which IBM announced on April 7, 1964. It was the first family of computers that was designed to cover applications, regardless of their size or environment ( scientific or commercial). The design made a clear distinction between architecture and implementation, allowing IBM to draw a series of compatible models at differential prices.
  • 1er Bug informático

    Computer science is much more basic than it seems. They can not count more than 0 or 1 and on top of that their vocabulary is as simple as ... hardware, software and things like bug (irony mode off)
  • Robert Noice y Gordon Moore

    Intel Corporation n July 18, 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded the company Integrated Electronics that, over time and under the excellent executive management of Andrew Grove has become Intel, the giant of semiconductors and microprocessors.
  • Sistema operativo Unix 267/5000

    UNIX is an operating system, that is, it is a collection of programs that run other programs on a computer. UNIX was born in the Bell Laboratories of AT & T in 1969, developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (also creator of the programming language C)
  • Joseph C. Licklider

    Red ARPANET= Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider (March 11, 1915-26 June 1990), known as J.C.R. or "Lick", was an American computer scientist, considered one of the most important figures in computer science and computer history.
  • Federico Faggin con Intel

    1er Microprocesador Throughout several notes on the history of technology we have focused on the world of microprocessors and, more specifically, on devices such as the Motorola 68000, the Intel 4004, the Zilog Z80 and the Intel 8080. These last three devices (Intel 4004 and 8080 and the Zilog Z80) have in common a person who, really, was a key player in the design and manufacture of microprocessors.
  • Niklaus Wirth

    Lenguajes de programación: Pascal 879/5000
    Pascal is a language created by Swiss professor Niklaus Wirth between 1968 and 1969 and published in 1970. His goal was to create a language that facilitates the learning of programming to his students, using structured programming and data structuring. However, over time its use exceeded the academic scope to become a tool for the creation of applications of all kinds.
  • 1895/5000

    diskettes The diskette or floppy disk is a data storage medium of magnetic type, formed by a thin circular sheet (disk) of magnetizable and flexible material (hence its name), enclosed in a plastic cover, square or rectangular, that was used in the computer, for example: for boot disk, to transfer data and information from one computer to another, or simply to store and safeguard files.
  • Seymour Cray

    CRAY I=The Cray-1 was a supercomputer designed by a significant number of computer scientists headed by Seymour Cray for Cray Research. The first Cray-1 system was installed in the Los Alamos national laboratory in 1976. It is one of the best-known and most successful supercomputers in history, and one of the most powerful in its time.
  • Lenguajes de programación:

    Fortran IV, 725/5000 Fortran (previously FORTRAN, 1 contraction of English The IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System) is a programming language of high level of general purpose, 2 procedimental3 and imperative, which is specially adapted to the numerical calculation and to the scientific computation.
  • MITS

    Altair 8800=1er microordenador personal The Altair 8800 from MITS was a microcomputer designed in 1974, based on the Intel 8080 CPU. Interest in this equipment grew rapidly after it was featured on the cover of the Popular Electronics magazine in January 1974, with hundreds of kits for Arming intended for fans, and were surprised to sell ten times that amount alone in the first month.
  • Bill Gates y Paul Allen

    Microft Gates contacted the creators of that first computer and proposed that he would develop a BASIC language version for that computer. In just 8 weeks he did it and got MITS to distribute it on his Altair 8800. Gates, in order to create that programming language, left Harvard University. Allen also left Washington State University to join Gates and devote himself to software development. Together, they moved to Albuquerque.
  • Steve Jobs y Steve Wozniac

    Apple Computer, Inc
    Soon Wozniak began to devote more and more time to build his own computer on paper. After relatively unsuccessful attempts in his office of work in Hewlett-Packard (his bosses saw the project and were not interested and he was authorized to continue it), finally his efforts resulted in what would be the Apple I.
  • Steve Wozniak

    Apple II =2º ordenador personal
    The Apple II family of computers was the first series of mass-produced microcomputers made by Apple Computer between June 5, 1977 and the mid-1980s. The Apple II had an 8-bit architecture based on the 6502 processor. It was completely different from Apple's later Macintosh models.
  • IBM

    IBM PC compatible IBM PC or IBM PC compatible is referred to as a type of computer similar to IBM PC, IBM Personal Computer XT and IBM Personal Computer / AT. These computers also called PC clones, IBM clones or clones
  • 1ª impresora láser en blanco y negro

    The printing device consists of a photoconductive drum attached to a toner deposit and a laser beam that is modulated and projected through a specular disc towards the photoconductive drum.
  • 1ª tarjeta de video

    The first graphic card was developed by IBM in 1981, known as MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter), worked in text mode and was able to represent 25 lines of 80 characters on the screen; I had a 4K RAM video memory, so I could only work with one page of memory. It was used with monochromatic monitors, normally green tonality and hence its name. For years this card was taken as the standard in monochrome video cards.
  • Intel

    8086=1er PC con microprocesador Intel
    The Intel 8086 processor went on sale in 1978. It was a 16-bit chip that worked at 5 MHz. That's 1000 times less than one of the nuclei of its successor, the rumored i7-8086K (not yet official), that will have six cores. Addressed between 16 and 640 KB of RAM.
  • Microsoft

    Sistema operativo MS-DOS
    It was an operating system for computers based on x86. It was the most popular member of the Microsoft family of operating systems DOS, and the main system for personal computers compatible with IBM PC in the 1980s and mid-90s, until it was gradually replaced by operating systems that offered an interface graphical user, in particular for several generations of Microsoft Windows.
  • Sophie Wilson

    BBC BASIC is a programming language, developed in 1981 as a native programming language for the Acorn BBC Micro, a home computer with MOS Technology 6502 CPU, mainly by Sophie Wilson. It is an adaptation of the BASIC language for the Computer Knowledge Project of the BBC in the United Kingdom.
  • 1ª definición de Internet

    It is a network of networks that allows the decentralized interconnection of computers through a set of protocols called TCP / IP.
  • Sistemas operativos gráfico Windows 1.0

    It was a 16-bit graphic operating system developed by Microsoft and released on November 20, 1985, being one of the first graphic systems designed. It was Microsoft's first attempt to implement a massive operating environment with graphical user interface on the PC platform. Windows 1.0 was the first version of this product. It cost $ 99 and required a computer that had a minimum of 256 kb of RAM, a graphics card and two diskette drives
  • Lisa de Apple

    1er ordenador con interfaz gráfica=
    The Apple Lisa computer was launched on January 19, 1983, and while the Cupertino company claimed that the name was an acronym for "Local Integrated System Architecture," people in Silicon Valley at the time claimed that it was due to the name of the first daughter of Steve Jobs.
  • Sony y Philips

    It is a compact disc with which they use lasers to read information in digital format. The standard CD-ROM was established in 1985 by Sony and Philips.2 It belongs to a set of colored books known as Rainbow Books, which contains the technical specifications for all compact disc formats.
  • Creative Labs

    1ª tarjeta de sonido Sound Blaster
    The first card that bore the Sound Blaster name appeared in November 1989. In addition to the features of the Game Blaster, it carried an 11-voice FM synthesizer using the Yamaha YM3812 chip, also known as OPL2.
  • Rick Mascitti James Gosling

    Lenguajes de programación:

    C++ y
    Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, object-oriented programming language that was specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
  • Tim Berners-Lee

    Aparece WWW
    World Wide Web (WWW) or global computer network is a system of distribution of hypertext or hypermedia documents interconnected and accessible via the Internet. With a web browser, a user views websites composed of web pages that can contain texts, images, videos or other multimedia content, and navigates through those pages using hyperlinks.
  • Pentium

    1er Microprocesador Pentium
    Intel Pentium is a range of fifth generation microprocessors with x86 architecture produced by Intel Corporation.
    The first Pentium was launched on March 22, 1993,1 with initial speeds of 60 and 66 MHz, 3,100,000 transistors, internal cache of 8 KiB for data and 8 KiB for instructions; happening to the Intel 80486 processor. Intel did not call it 586 because it is not possible to register a brand composed only of numbers.